Star Wars has quite enough of its own mythology to be going on with, but that doesn’t mean that fans don’t consider crossover events and moments with other fictional works (see fanfiction if you have any doubts). If a galaxy far, far away was more like Philip Pullman’s world of His Dark Materials, what animal (as a representation of the character’s soul) might follow around some of our favorite (and least favorite) characters in the universe?

Like Pullman, we will stick to animals in our own world (meaning no magical creatures of creative aliens for our heroes). Here are a few of our favorites from the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, and the sequels.

Luke Skywalker - Eagle

Luke Skywalker, the eager hero and last Jedi of the rebellion would carry an eagle daemon on his shoulder as he traversed the greater universe. Why an eagle? Eagles have long been recognized by civilizations across the globe for their bravery, courage, honor, and determination. Luke Skywalker certainly embodies all of those traits as well. Eagles have strong vision, like Luke they can look far into the distance (or future as the case may be). Eagles use the struggles around them to succeed, just as they can fly higher on wind brought from storms. Despite some of his struggles, Luke often seems to thrive in high-pressure situations.

Princess Leia - Swan

Princess Leia, like her twin brother, would have a bird daemon, but the senator and princess of Alderaan would be joined by a swan. Swans are both accomplished swimmers and flyers, as Leia also seems to be able to succeed no matter her environment. They are graceful, which helps Leia succeed as a politician. Even more importantly swans can have a fierce temper and are very aggressive fighters when threatened. There’s no question that Leia Organa is very much the same.

Han Solo - Crow

The Captain of the Millennium Falcon, like his wife and brother in law, would also have a bird daemon. A crow would be quite at home on Han Solo’s shoulder. Besides the fact that the bird would match the captain’s trademark vest, the crow is also known for being very handy with tools, even constructing them out of materials found nearby. They are known to be intelligent, as well as quarrelsome, and also bring gifts to those who may help them throughout their lives. Crows have also been known to hold grudges. It sounds like someone else we know.

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - Peregrine Falcon

Anakin, like his offspring (and eventual son-in-law) would sport a bird of his own as a representation of his soul, a Peregrine falcon. Like the high flying hero himself, the peregrine falcon is known for its speed in the skies, its diving speed making it the fastest bird in the animal kingdom.

A keen hunter, they can catch other birds while in flight. They mate for life and their beaks are used as very dangerous weapons. The dark feathers around its head make it look intimidating despite its smaller stature. It would match both Anakin’s Jedi robes and Darth Vader’s mask.

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Rabbit

Not all warriors have fierce souls and, while he is an excellent fighter, Obi-Wan has always seemed much more interested in peace and harmony. His daemon would be a rabbit, due to their cautious and responsible natures. They can be seen as shy, which could also mean that they, like Obi-Wan himself, shun the spotlight (leaving that for his padawan, Anakin). While they enjoy friendships rabbits have also been known to withdraw into themselves, meaning Obi-Wan’s hermit lifestyle, later on, would have been understood by his daemon.

Padmé Amidala - Puma

Padmé Amidala, Queen, and Senator of Naboo, mother of Leia and Luke, would need a daemon to keep up with her many duties and responsibilities. A puma would shadow Padmé if daemons existed in the Star Wars universe. Pumas are known for being adaptable to a number of different habitats as well as for being able to take down prey that are quite a bit larger than the puma itself. They have excellent night vision and usually hunt at night, like many politicians. Pumas cannot roar, but use a number of other sounds to make themselves understood. They are also very protective of their young offspring.

Rey - Camel

Rey’s daemon would be a camel, and not just because she spent so much time of the desert planet of Jakku. Camels, like Rey herself, are built for survival. They can live on little food and water for almost unimaginable amounts of time.

They can survive both extremely cold as well as extremely hot temperatures. Camels make their feelings known with grunts and their well-known spitting. They are also successful pack animals, carrying not only the water and fat they need to survive but the bundles and belongings of the humans around them.

Finn - Reindeer

Finn would need a social daemon as he grew up surrounded by other Stormtroopers, as well as the fact that he worked so hard to ingratiate himself into the Resistance. Finn would have a reindeer as a daemon. Other than being social animals, reindeer are also known for traveling in groups. They are incredibly strong, though due to their appearance in the folklore that surrounds the Christmas holiday this is sometimes forgotten. Reindeer are also deceptively fast, some running as fast as fifty miles per hour.

Poe Dameron - Husky

As a pilot you might think Poe would have a bird as his daemon, but instead, he would have a husky (who could always sit with BB-8 in his X-Wing). Huskies are free spirits who usually get along relatively well with people. They require significant exercise and play, like Poe himself, who is incapable of sitting still (which often gets him into trouble). Huskies are known for their intelligence but, especially compared to other dog breeds, are also known to be extremely stubborn.

Emperor Palpatine - Wolf Spider

The big bad himself would need a daemon who would inspire just as much terror as he does, and a wolf spider would do just that. Wolf spiders have incredible eyesight and camouflaging ability. They can sense the vibrations in the world around them that helps them avoid threats from predators. They chase their prey and can live just about anywhere. Its strength, venom, and ability to sneak up on its prey and enemies make it particularly perfect for Palpatine.