While one of our favorite sitcoms, How I Met Your Mother, ended its last season in 2014, we’re still not totally over debating the characters’ fates. For starters, we know everyone has an opinion about Ted ending up with Robin in the last seconds of the series. Of course, everyone also has their two cents about Barney Stinson.

Regardless if you love or hate this interesting character, we’re sure you’ve picked out his soulmate from the series. So, this list is here to help settle the debate. Here are 5 reasons that Barney should’ve ended up with Quinn, and 5 that it should’ve been Robin.

Quinn: She’s Spontaneous

Quinn and Barney are perfect because they both live life in the present. Quinn is definitely spontaneous, and she’s willing to do just about anything on the drop of a dime. This makes them pretty compatible, and we’re sure they’d have a ton of adventures together because of this.

Barney lives life to the fullest, and we’re confident that Quinn also has this mindset. Sometimes a little balance is nice, but we’re sure these two would live a pretty fun life.

Robin: She’s Patient

Robin is arguably better for Barney because she’s not as spontaneous. Rather, she’s patient and methodical. We’re not suggesting that Robin takes the fun out of Barney’s life, but she just encourages some caution and thought. These two still have fun together, and Robin is certainly capable of being spontaneous. However, we’re more confident that these two wouldn’t burn the world to the ground because of their spontaneity since Robin brings out a bit of thought in Barney.

Quinn: She’s A Stripper

This may seem weird to include, but we think it’s actually pretty important. Barney likes strippers, and it’s no secret that he doesn’t have super tight guidelines on monogamy. That being said, Quinn being a stripper lets these boundaries be a bit looser while letting them still have a relationship together. Plus, Barney doesn’t need to go see strippers if his gal is one. Sure, this did cause a bit of friction, but we think it just contributes to Quinn’s fiery and open personality that is good for Barney.

Robin: She’s Ambitious

On the other hand, Robin is ambitious and is incredibly focused on moving up in her career. Again, this is also likely to create friction, but we think that maybe Barney needs a bit more positive ambition. Robin has goals, and she helps Barney set his own and see that there is more in life to achieve. Plus, these two are super supportive of each other, and we think that definitely shows that these two are bringing out the best kind of ambition in each other.

Quinn: She Loves Pranks & Jokes

Quinn and Barney are a dangerous pair because of their humor, but it makes them even that much more perfect for each other. Quinn has an incredible sense of humor, and she loves pranks and jokes almost as much as Barney does. She’s definitely willing to push the envelope, and that makes their relationship always full of surprises and fun. Quinn and Barney are a perfect match because their humor is endless, and they both have a pretty different idea than most of what’s funny, but their ideas definitely match each other’s.

Robin: She’s Sarcastic & Competitive

While Robin isn’t a super fan of pranks, she’s capable of joining the game. Robin has competitiveness flowing through her veins, and this makes her ready for pretty much anything Barney throws her way (like laser tag, for example). Unlike Quinn, Robin is full of sarcasm and has a pretty dry sense of humor. However, she’s always making Barney laugh, and their different senses of humor definitely keep things interesting and hilarious. These two compete in the cutest way possible, with sarcastic jokes flying the entire time.

Quinn: She’s Blunt

Barney isn’t exactly known for his finesse. He and Quinn are soulmates in this way. They are both blunt and say exactly what is on their minds. Quinn is so comfortable in her own skin, and she isn’t afraid to be herself. Barney is the same way, and these two are adorable when they’re just lifting each other up constantly. Their mutual confidence allows them to really help the other when things get tough, and we also just respect the heck out of their forwardness.

Robin: She’s Independent

Robin can also be very blunt, but she’s much more closed off. Put simply, she’s not an open book. Barney helps bring out the best parts of her, and Robin helps Barney reign it in a little. These two are a perfect balance. Robin is incredibly independent, almost too a fault, but it is incredibly compatible with Barney’s looser lifestyle regarding relationships. And, again, they find a happy medium together between bluntness and being closed off. We think that’s incredible, and they definitely help each other be their best selves.

Quinn: They Have Similar Personalities

Quinn and Barney are quite honestly the same person. While this may be an argument against them, it is also definitely an argument in support of their relationship. They clicked immediately, and they are always on the same wavelength. They behave, think, and speak the same, which completely gets rid of the guessing game in relationships. They’re as compatible as they come, and that makes them a pretty stellar couple.

Robin: They Bring Out the Best in Each Other

Robin and Barney aren’t the same, but they have a lot of similarities that bring them closer together. Most importantly, they bring out the best in each other. They balance each other out where they’re different. Barney becomes romantic and thoughtful, Robin becomes open and spontaneous. These two accept each other for who they really are, but they also bring out the absolute best in each other. We can all stand to improve, and these two help each other do that in an incredible way.

Whether you’re Team Quinn or Team Robin, hopefully this list helped you make up your mind once and for all. You can decide who deserves Mr. Barney Stinson, and which couple is the one to beat.