When actress and singer Olivia Rodrigo, the star of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, dropped her first solo single, “Drivers License,” the series suddenly had a whole lot more attention. The Disney+ homage to the original Disney Channel trilogy, starring Zac Efron, was already one of the streamer’s best new series. But the explosion into superstardom for Rodrigo has led to anticipation for what the show will do next.

One thing fans especially love about the series is that it is filled to the brim with fun characters who all have an appreciation for the arts. Here’s how they might match up with the signs of the zodiac.

Aries: E.J.

In the Zodiac, the Aries sign is defined by their competitive spirits and ability to occupy many roles in a social situation. This is also a perfect way to describe E.J., the jock-turned-theater star on High School Musical: The Musical: The Series.

E.J. is obviously dynamic because of his ability to be a star on the field and on the stage. Yet, it’s the competitive nature he harbors within himself to be better that makes him an even clearer Aries parallel. Everything he does, he does with his whole heart.

Taurus: Ashlyn And Maddox

A Taurus is dependable and reliable in any situation. They may be stubborn, but they always know what they want and they’re extremely resourceful at procuring it. Fortunately, in the case of Ashlyn, her stubbornness blends with kindness. She knows what she wants, but she doesn’t take what she wants. She’s the best of what the Taurus sign has to offer because she’s also deeply talented. That’s why she’s entrusted to write an original song for the play, and it winds up being the best one in the series.

What’s most interesting is that Ashlyn reveals she’s actually heavily invested in her birthchart and finds astrology fascinating in Season 3. She and Maddox clash when Maddox understands the zodiac better than Ashlyn. They’re incredibly similar in their dependability, their resistance to change, and their ability to be a stabilizing force amongst their friends. They’re also both incredibly creative.

Gemini: Natalie Bagley

Stage manager Natalie Bagley is obviously a minor character in the show (often, she’s referred to in a punchline capacity). The screen time she does get though reveals she has traits in common with Geminis.

She talks about people behind their backs and is consistently splitting her loyalties. This is a warped kind of versatility, but it’s versatility all the same. If that quality defines Geminis, it also defines Natalie Bagley.

Cancer: Kourtney

Nini undergoes a great deal of heartbreak throughout the run of the first season of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. Kourtney, though, is always there, right in her corner. It’s the Cancer characteristics in her.

She’s there to help lift Nini up, support her, and push her even more towards greatness. Not to mention, this enables her to apply the same support inwards and make a big splash during the season finale’s production of the show. This sentimental compassion and protection draws a direct line between Kourtney and Cancers.

Leo: Gina And Jet

If one had to describe Gina’s character, ambitious would be a clear adjective to use. However, the show also reveals how dramatic and outgoing Gina is. She has a fiery passion within her. Therefore, there’s no other zodiac sign that she can match up with than the Leo sign. Leos are known for their dramatic natures and their ability to escalate any normal situation into an extreme one. Gina has that uncanny capacity, too.

While Jet is initially introduced as quiet and standoffish, it’s clear he’s going through something. When given the opportunity to become the center of attention, like when Maddox is attempting to tell the group a ghost story, he takes it. Like Gina, he’s passionate, but he’s attempting to keep it hidden when Season 3 begins. The more chances he gets to perform, the more he comes out of his shell.

Virgo: Mr. Mazzara

Most of the characters on the show are known for their artistic abilities. Mr. Mazzara, on the other hand, is representative of a different side of East High: the side that is more inclined towards math and science.

He leads with reason and logic, which makes him an obvious match for the sign of Virgo. Virgos are not only practical; they’re analytical. Considering Mr. Mazzara only makes decisions based on analysis, he’s a perfect choice for Virgo.

Libra: Seb And Howie

Seb is a character due for a major uptick in screen time in the show’s second season. For now, his recurring role was sizable enough to reveal him as an analog for the Libra sign. Libras are social people (rather like Seb), but they also have a keen sense of fairness in the world. Considering Seb always acts within reason and never engages in petty side-taking drama, he’s as fair as a Libra representative should be.

Like Seb, Howie doesn’t get a ton of screen time when he’s introduced in Season 3. What the audience does get to see of him, however, demonstrates that he’s also incredibly fair minded. He doesn’t initially tell Courtney that he’s a member of a rival group because he doesn’t want her to see him as a threat to her drama club. Howie tries his best to keep his relationship with Courtney outside of the drama between the two drama clubs, and he tries not to become involved with any of Lilly’s underhanded schemes.

Scorpio: Ricky

While many Zodiac signs are defined by their resourcefulness, that’s a quality that is attuned to the Scorpio sign most prominently. As such, the Scorpio sign is one that Ricky embodies because of his ability to make his way into any situation, no matter how distant.

On top of that, he also has immense courage and passion for whatever he sets his mind on. In the case of the show, it’s the role of Troy Bolton and the affection of Nini. Ricky never waves from either, though, proving him to be a clear Scorpio figure.

Ophiuchus: Lilly

Not a formally recognized zodiac sign, Ophiuchus is an interesting unofficial sign for zodiac enthusiasts because it acts as a bridge between Scorpio and Sagittarius. An Ophiuchus is someone who wants to play by their own set of rules and have the same freedom a Sagittarius wants, but they also have the drive and ambition of a Scorpio.

Lilly is a great example of that. She’s willing to break any and all rules to achieve her goals. Lilly’s ambition can cloud her judgment. Despite the fact that she finds herself drawn to Ricky, she can’t let go of her own ambitions to have a relationship with him that isn’t bogged down in trying to gain views on social media or show off her dramatic skills.

Sagittarius: Big Red

Ricky’s best friend, Big Red, on the other hand, is more aligned with the Sagittarius side of the Zodiac signs. After all, Big Red gets a lot of the show’s funnier lines of dialogue.

Humor is a concept well-associated with the Sagittarius sign and so is optimism. Big Red always thinks the best of people and tries to find silver linings in any situation. He’s a Sagittarius match through and through.

Capricorn: Carlos

From the first trailer of the show, Carlos made it apparent that he was destined for bigger things by stating his fantasy of Broadway. Considering that Carlos often makes his own way, it’s no surprise he links up with the Capricorn sign.

Capricorns are well-regarded for their individualism and their tenacity. Carlos is a talented worker in the school’s theater department, and he never gives up on the show. Capricorns would undoubtedly do the same.

Aquarius: Miss Jenn

Speaking of people who never give up on the show, Miss Jenn connects with Carlos over that very subject. She’s the living embodiment of “the show must go on.”

As such, she shares a great deal in common with Aquariuses. They are also defined by their traits of openness and Miss Jenn is certainly open to any possibilities - especially when she casts her show.

Pisces: Nini And Val

Lastly, Nini is a character that is defined by the traits that also color those born under the sign of Pisces. The Pisces traits involve empathy, unforeseen wisdom, and artistic prowess. Considering Nini always extends an open heart to the people she cares about and is obviously such a talented star, Pisces is an obvious choice to match her with.

Introduced in the third season, Val is a former Shallow Lake camper who has graduated to become a counselor. She’s as talented as any of the campers there, and she’s got the creative vision to help EJ keep the show running smoothly. Val is also someone who is very perceptive of those around her. She sees when things begin to overwhelm EJ, when Gina puts her friends first, and when tension might threaten the group putting on the best show.