The Disney Channel’s High School Musical series spanned three movies that fans loved due to its catchy songs and tumultuous storyline. Things seemed to go wrong at every turn as relationships were formed and destroyed in a matter of seconds. It was a roller coaster ride that fans were invited on, but they weren’t pleased with every outcome.

Several relationships appeared throughout the series that fans were completely behind, while others, they wanted to see crash and burn. Fans formed a bond with the characters, and along with that came some strong opinions. Keep reading to learn about five relationships in High School Musical that we loved, and five that made no sense.

LOVE: Chad & Taylor

Chad and Taylor were your typical jock and nerd romance that was the perfect example of opposites attracting. It might have seemed far-fetched at the time, but fans soon realized that their personalities meshed perfectly.

Their playful banter and how the two made up for the other’s flaws made them a perfect pair.  The way that they worked through each other’s fears by being the rock they could rely on is what sold us on this love story and the idea that these two should be together forever.

HATE: Zeke & Sharpay

Zeke was overly obsessed with Sharpay in the first film as he tried to win her love with delicate desserts. Sharpay never really returns these feelings and even goes to the point of saying she would rather commit bodily harm than do anything with him.

She eventually lets him speak to her after learning that he bakes a mean cookie but continues to use him for her own nefarious schemes. Sharpay even settles for Zeke after realizing Troy will never fall for her, which is why fans hate this relationship in its entirety.

LOVE: Jason & Kelsi

This was one pair that should never have parted ways due to their undeniable chemistry. These characters were on the quiet side and tended to keep to themselves, but they managed to find love despite this flaw in their personalities.

It all started at the end of the first movie when he helped her shoot a basket, and then the romance continued into the next film. Senior year left fans disappointed as the two parted ways without another word. We couldn’t have been more upset with this outcome.

HATE: Jimmie & Sharpay

Jimmie is a freshman in the final movie of the series and he wants to be just like Troy, except for the fact that he wants to win Sharpay’s heart. He tries to reign in his emotions, until Troy gives him the chance of a lifetime.

Jimmie is given a last-minute role in the musical where he sings and dances with Sharpay as he professes his love. She obviously hates every second of it and finds him revolting, but that doesn’t stop his fire. We hated this relationship for this reason as Sharpay once again goes on to break more hearts.

LOVE: Gabriella & Troy

This was the main love story of the entire series, so it was impossible not to love this pair together. They sang and danced their way into our hearts as no one else in the films had done before. We loved their instant chemistry and how the two learned to work with one another and understand how the other person was feeling.

They taught fans the power of commitment and effort in a relationship as it took them a bit of time to learn what it meant to love one another. They might not always be perfect, but no relationship ever is, which is why we love them.

HATE: Jason & Martha

The third musical brought some changes to the dynamic of certain relationships. We loved the magic between Jason and Kelsi in the first two films, but by the third, he had asked Martha to prom instead.

We are not quite sure why this happened, and fans were not on board with this decision. It seems like a shallow move for Jason to ditch Kelsi for reasons we will never understand and move onto Martha come the end of the final movie.

LOVE: Mr. & Mrs. Bolton

Mr. and Mrs. Bolton provided the perfect example of a married couple whom fans could all look up to as role models. They understood one another in terms of helping each other out when necessary and in regards to the rules.

Mr. Bolton himself was a bit of a child at times, but this didn’t stop his wife from loving him any less. The movies really gave no reason for fans to dislike this relationship, so the only other choice we have is to love it.

HATE: Troy & Sharpay

This was a weird and almost creepy version of Sharpay that the world would have been better off without. The second movie brought a strange obsession over her in which she had to have Troy Bolton all to herself.

It was almost a fantasy land where he would fall magically in love with her after they sang together. Troy was not having any of it as he just wanted to find a way to keep his job, and the level to which she took this crazed obsession horrified many a fan.

LOVE: Kelsi & Ryan

The final movie might not have had Kelsi and Jason together, but it did move her closer to Ryan. Fans could instantly see the connection between the pair as she was a composer and he was a choreographer.

Their personalities meshed perfectly as they worked toward their goal of making into the industry following graduation. It becomes obvious as the movie goes on that Ryan has feelings for Kelsi, despite his sister’s ploy to use their relationship for despicable reasons.

HATE: Mr. & Mrs. Evans

Mr. and Mrs. Evans were wealthy and had life at their fingertips, but we hated them as a pair. Mrs. Evans played the role of the trophy wife who seems to only hang out with her husband at fancy dinners and on the golf course.

Their entire relationship seemed to be more of a charade than based on love, which is why fans hated seeing them together. The two did care deeply for their children, but we were left questioning the love they had for one another.