Watch Google I/O Live

From your computer: Head to at 9 am Pacific time or 12pm Eastern to watch the beginning of the keynote, which will be streaming live. From Smartphone or Tablet: If you’re on the go, you can download the Google I/O app for Android and watch it on your smartphone or tablet. It’s to post the live stream on your blog or website too. Head to this page and follow the instructions to create an embeddable gadget. We’re taking advantage of this option, so you can watch the event here in the video below, which also includes a Google+ social feed from Google Developers. (Google+ no longer exists)

What to Expect from Google I/O

Rumor has it that there will be new so-called “Google Wear” announced, including new Google Glass as well as another wearable tech – perhaps a watch or fitness band. You should also expect the team to announce improvements to its already existing services. The rumor mill also speculates that Google will introduce Android “L” – the next Android version. It’s also said that the company will make another attempt at winning the living room battle and a new Android TV platform. If you’re an Android enthusiast and like to stay on the cutting edge of Google and Android technology, you’ll definitely want to make time this week to catch Google I/O, and this year provides several ways to do it. Comment