In Hellraiser: Judgment, the ending sets up an intriguing new reality for the character of Pinhead, but an upcoming reboot means it won’t be resolved. While Clive Barker’s first Hellraiser and its 1988 sequel Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 are considered horror classics by most, the franchise from then on has seen some hard times. The entertaining but silly Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth came next, followed by Hellraiser: Bloodline, in which Pinhead went to space and the film’s director went into hiding, leading the film to be credited to Alan Smithee.

After Bloodline flopped, Hellraiser headed off to the Hollywood purgatory known as direct to video, bypassing theatrical showings entirely for debuts on disc and/or streaming. The direct to video sequels just got worse as they went along, even with a young Henry Cavill popping up to act sleazy in 2005’s Hellraiser: Hellworld. The franchise reached its nadir with 2011’s Hellraiser: Revelations, a movie so bad and cheap that Doug Bradley declined to return as Pinhead, and something only made so Dimension Films could retain the rights.

While the Harvey Weinstein scandal eventually led to Hellraiser’s escape from Dimension’s clutches, Lionsgate did step in to distribute 2018’s Hellraiser: Judgment, which had been sitting on a shelf for a while that point. Hellraiser: Judgment is by no means a great movie, but it’s a definite uptick from Revelations, offers some good gore, and sees a decent new Pinhead in Paul T. Taylor. The film ends on quite the intriguing note, but with a Hellraiser reboot now in development, those who enjoyed Judgment will never get a resolution to what happens.

Hellraiser Original Series Ending Won’t Be Resolved

In another cool new addition to the Hellraiser mythology, Hellraiser: Judgment establishes that Heaven exists, although it doesn’t exactly seem like a nice place. Early on, when Pinhead and Hell’s other higher-ups are about to pass judgment on a police officer named Sean, an angel named Jophiel steps in and demands they release him. Pinhead, annoyed, isn’t onboard with this request, but Sean manages to escape back into the normal world anyway. This serves to setup Pinhead’s surprising ultimate fate.

At the end of Hellraiser: Judgment, Sean is revealed to have been the serial killer he’d been supposedly trying to help catch over the course of the film, in a circumstance similar to 2000’s Hellraiser: Inferno. Sean tries to broker a deal with Pinhead to go free of Hell’s grasp, but he refuses, and Jophiel arrives, saying Sean’s murders are somehow part of God’s plan. Pinhead, tired of this nonsense, allows Sean to be killed by one of his fellow detectives, and then dispatches of Jophiel. God then punishes Pinhead by sending him to Earth, reduced to his former human self.

Pinhead’s human side hadn’t been glimpsed since Hellraiser 3, and it’s a fascinating setup for a potential follow-up. With David S. Goyer currently penning a reboot script for Spyglass Entertainment though, Hellraiser: Judgment’s creative ending will never be expanded upon. Fans will never get to see how Pinhead manages to return to his former hellish glory, assuming he was planned to do so. Would he try to use the Lament Configuration to go back? Or would he see the error of his prior ways and embrace his renewed humanity? We’ll never know, and that’s a shame.

More: Why Hellraiser Sequels Were So Bad (But Didn’t Stop)