iNVASIVECODE is a UI/UX design and software development firm offering worldwide, professional, face-to-face iOS training for companies and individuals since 2008.

The focus of the iNVASIVECODE team is the creation of delightful and easy-to-use iOS and OS X-based solutions. Many of their apps, developed for different customers around the world, have been already featured by Apple and ranked top-10 in the App Store resulting in millions of downloads.

This success and their daily hands-on experience with the iOS platform allowed them to design a unique iOS training class. They are not a training center and their classes are not limited to the content of an iOS/OS X book or a video. Combined with passion for the platform, iNVASIVECODE the secrets, tools, and important design aspects you need to develop amazing iOS and OS X apps.

To teach you these concepts in the most efficient way, iNVASIVECODE offers their class to a maximum of 10 students per session. This allows them to ensure the attention that each individual receives in a class. Each participant gets an opportunity to interact with a mentor to get a rich understanding of the frameworks and developer tools.

The classes:

iNVASIVECODE offers different types of iOS development classes that match different skill-sets and needs:

  • 5-days Intensive iOS Training covering beginner and advanced topics. In this course, they start from advanced Objective-C topics and cover UIKit, Core Data, Core Location, Map Kit, Core Animation, Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Text, Core Image, AVFoundation, Networking, iCloud, Multi-Threading and GCD, and many other critical elements of iOS. Here, also design and business concepts are covered.
  • 3-days Beginner iOS Training. If you want to start smoothly in developing iOS apps, this class is for you. Here, they cover Objective-C, UIKit, Core Location, MapKit, Networking, Multi-Threading, Core Animation.
  • 2-days Advanced iOS Training for those who already have experience with iOS development and want to push the limits. Here, they cover AVFoundation, Accelerate, Core Image, Core Graphics, Core Data, Multi-threading and GCD, and Networking frameworks.
  • iOS Development for Kids to empower the creativity of the youngest developers (10-16 years old). In this class, they teach kids the process to convert their ideas into a real iOS apps and how to bring storyboards from paper to Xcode (the iOS development tool) to finally run it on the iPhone and the iPad.

For more detailed information, their next available dates, or to contact them: check their website.

Besides these classes, they also offer custom iOS training for companies to cover specific topics and their requirements. iNVASIVECODE has already trained many of the Fortune 100 companies tailoring their training to iOS game development, CRM/CRS software development, machine learning and computer vision, integration in SAP and Oracle systems, and more.

The teaching material is produced entirely and specifically to enhance the experience of those attending the training. The topics of each class are immediately updated after every major iOS Software and SDK update in order to foster the most advanced and up-to-date training class available. This is unlike commercially sold books and videos that become obsolete annually.

Before the classes begin, the trainer sends you a questionnaire in order to understand your technical skills. They only require that you already have some programming experience. The class is organized as a hands-on lab: after a topic is explained, you’ll spend time practicing.

A typical day of class starts at 9AM and ends at 5PM, but participants are welcome to stay longer with our mentors to keep practicing what they’ve learned.

iNVASIVECODE offers classes in different locations around the world, making sure that each location is easily accessible. They provide an environment with a wide range of restaurants, hotels and transportation to match every budge. breakfast, coffee breaks and lunch are provide during each training session.

Even after the course is complete, the team ensures that each attendee achieves their personal goals. The training includes unlimited support for the provided materials, giving you opportunities to ask questions about any framework or topic you learned during the class. Furthermore, even after the class is complete, three months of online-based support for any iOS project you are working on are included.

About the trainers:

Geppy Parziale has more than 15 years of experience in software design and development. He started to develop on the Mac in 1990. In 2000, he fell in love with the first public beta of OS X (Kodiak) and started to develop Mac apps. During the last 12 years, he has been involved in International R&D projects related to computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning and biometric authentication. In 2008, he started working on iOS and co-founded iNVASIVECODE, providing the first iOS training courses in Spain. Geppy is proficient in Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Xcode, Interface Builder and Instruments. He has developed applications and frameworks for Apple, and some of his work is now included in the most recent releases of iOS, OS X and Xcode.

Eva Diaz-Santana is a geodesic and cartographic engineer specializing in 3D mapping, geographical information systems, aerial-photogrammetry and remote sensing. She has an extensive experience in 3D object visualization and reconstruction, digital image processing and location-based services. In 2008 she co-founded iNVASIVECODE and started to design and develop iOS applications for numerous clients around the world. Eva teaches iOS development to kids. She has mastered Objective-C and Cocoa Touch and previously worked at Apple as Cocoa Software Architect and UX Designer.

Steve Scott, better known as Scotty, is well known in the iOS world for his conferences and podcasts. He has been a developer since 1987, when he started writing accounting software using COBOL on a Convergent Unix machine using VI as his work editor. Since then he has worked on mainframes, 16-bit and 32-bit Windows and .NET. In 2007 he started working on OS X and soon started with iOS when the initial beta became available to developers. Scotty loves to explain things and make them understandable, which makes classrooms a place where he loves to be.

Reader Discount: 

iNVASIVECODE has offered to give four readers access to their training classes at a discounted rate. The company is offering a $400 discount to two readers for their U.S.-based training class (in San Francisco on Aug. 23rd) and a 400 euros discount to two readers for their Europe-based program (in Barcelona, Spain starting on September 16th). Before discount, the class costs $2699 and 2600 euros. To enter, follow @iNVASIVECODE on Twitter, and leave a comment on this post with your Twitter @username that mentions if you want to attend the U.S. class or the class in Europe. We will contact winners in one week. These discounts are only valid for the next next 5-day U.S. class and next 5-day Europe class.