Marvel Comics has teased Havok as the X-Men’s traitor - or possibly their savior - in an exclusive preview of the upcoming Hellions series. Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men relaunch has been a tremendous hit, and Marvel is about to launch the second wave of their X-Men titles. Writer Zeb Wells and artist Stephen Segovia are teaming up on one of the most promising books, Hellions, which is essentially the X-Men’s version of Suicide Squad. The main difference is that, rather than led by Amanda Waller, the Hellions are under the command of Mr. Sinister.

Marvel is teasing the Hellions as “the most dysfunctional X-Men team you could possibly imagine,” and they include a number of third- and fourth-tier villains from past X-Men comics. Wild Child is a feral mutant who briefly served alongside one incarnation of X-Factor, Nanny and Orphan Maker are an oddball pair who date back to the Chris Claremont run, Scalphunter is a mass-murderer who worked for Sinister as one of his Marauders, and Empath is a sociopath who delights in manipulating others. Their numbers are rounded out by the “new” Psylocke, aka Japanese assassin Kwannon, and Cyclops’ younger brother Havok. Wells has hinted Havok’s mind is still in turmoil after the events of AXIS several years ago, and as a result he makes a shocking mistake on a mission.

Marvel Comics has provided Screen Rant with an exclusive solicit for Hellions #4, as well as uncolored panels from Hellions #1. Taken together, they suggest Havok is treading a dangerous path. Take a look at the official cover by Stephen Segovia, and the plot synopsis below:

Madelyne Pryor was teased back in Powers of X #4, with a so-called “Sinister Secret” that obliquely referred to her. “Years ago, a deceased redheaded pretender made a pact with the devil,” Sinister hinted. “When she passed on, most believed that any secrets she had went with her to the grave. Won’t everyone be surprised when they find out not only is this not true, but she left behind a whole lot more than secrets.” The so-called Goblin Queen is returning as the main villain of Hellions, and Marvel’s solicit suggests Havok will wind up standing against her alone. That’s a far from ideal situation, given Havok fell under Madelyne Pryor’s influence during the famous “Inferno” event, and became her Goblin Prince.

HAVOK STANDS ALONE! Krakoa’s resident rabble are up against the grand dame of the damned — the Goblin Queen, Madelyne Pryor! Talk about a return that could raise some havoc!

The cover of Marauders #4 is a deliberate homage to the classic Uncanny X-Men #270, which kicked off Chris Claremont’s unforgettable story “X-Tinction Agenda.” This is another tale in which Havok made a heel-turn; he was brainwashed by the scientists of Genosha, and led a strike team of Genoshan Magistrates in a devastating attack on the X-Mansion. This homage serves to raise the stakes, reminding old-school X-Men fans Havok has been a villain just as many times as he’s been a hero, and raising the disturbing possibility he could betray the X-Men and side with Madelyne Pryor.

In addition to the cover of Marauders #4, Marvel Comics has provided an exclusive first look at pages from Hellions #1. These appear to show Havok on a mission in San Francisco, allied with a fairly random team of X-Men, and they’re going up against some sort of Apocalypse cultists. It’s possible these are connected to Clan Akkaba, Apocalypse’s ancient allies, who betrayed him in the pages of Excalibur. Whoever these cultists may be, it looks as though the confrontation goes badly wrong - and Havok may even break one of Krakoa’s three laws, killing a human.

The X-Men relaunch appears to be heading for a major “Inferno” event, a spiritual sequel to a major Marvel crossover in 1989. Marvel is going to a great deal of effort to hint Havok will be the villain of Inferno Redux, but it’s important to remember this may just be a misdirect. The Hickman era has been remarkably unpredictable, and frankly Havok has had too many heel-turns in the past. Marvel is unlikely to simply repeat a trope that’s been done so many times before; instead, the solicit could be entirely accurate, with Havok positioned as the X-Men’s last chance against Madelyne Pryor.

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