As the first season of HBO’s Watchmen comes to a close, we look at the complexity of each character as they all played a role in the show. Whether it was their personality or their relatability, a lot of characters gained some popularity quickly among fans.

Ever wonder what personality type each Watchmen character is? Who’s the protagonist or the mediator? Who can you relate to the most and why? All these questions will hopefully be answered in this list as we cover each main character and their MBTI personality type. Let’s dive in and see who you’re most like.

Pirate Jenny - Advocate (INFJ)

Advocates are decisive and strong-willed, although very soft-spoken. But don’t let that fool you, INFJ’s are very outspoken about what they believe in through their actions and its best to just let them do their own thing without getting in the way. Although we didn’t see much from Pirate Jenny, we saw she was a woman of few words but a lot fo action. She commanded giant drones, took on angry calvary members and proved to be a very experienced cop in her fight.

Red Scare - Adventurer (ISFP)

Adventurers are unfiltered and they don’t like to be boxed in. They live by their own rules and their own beliefs and no one can tell them differently. As the care-free detective who has very creative ways of hurting his enemies, Red scare is ISFP at its finest. He is unapologetic and speaks what’s on his mind, it doesn’t matter who you are. He is not afraid to speak up and share what he’s feeling and that’s exactly what makes him a quick fan favorite.

Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias - Virtuoso (ISTP)

People with this personality type are bored doing the same thing, they want a continuous challenge to outdo the last.  They are mechanical thinkers, able to perfect their craft by getting their hands dirty and trial and error. When we first meet Adrian Veidt, he is constantly working on his experiments to find a way to escape the moon he was stuck in. Although his methods were less than humane, he still attempted a lot of different experiments to get the right one and the hero himself has a long history of inventing and working with different tools to perfect his experiments.

Lady Trieu - Commander (ENTJ)

A commander has everything to be considered a natural-born leader, charisma, confidence, and project authority that draws millions. Even at her small stature, Lady Trieu was able to accomplish being successful and building a following with just her thirst for power and to outdo others alone. Commanders are also known for having big dreams and stopping at nothing to accomplish them. In Lady Trieu’s case, it’s attempting to become a God-like being to save the world from itself. Although it was deemed impossible, she still tried and almost succeeded if it hadn’t been for Ozymandius’ interference.

Senator Keene - Debater (ENTP)

Debaters love to argue and use their wit to counter any argument, they play devil’s advocate and don’t play by any rules other than their own. A debater loves to hear themselves talk and shredding any beliefs. Senator Keene fools everyone by making everyone believe he was an easy-going southerner and he was actually in the calvary the whole time. As he was revealing his plan and arguing to Agent Blake, he couldn’t help but smile and grin as he described his plan and let her know how wrong she was about her perception of his plan.

Wade Tillman/ Looking Glass - Logician (INTP)

Logicians, like virtuosos, like to experiment and try things to see the results they want. A logician is creative with the way they do things and use unorthodox approaches to solving their problems.

Wade is often doing just that by his interrogation methods and his way of dealing with his trauma as a young man, witnessing the death of millions. Logicians are also soft-spoken, much like Wade who really only spoke when he was spoken to.

Agent Blake - Protagonist (ENFJ)

Protagonist has leadership qualities and best personal qualities. ENFJ inspire those around them with their actions and often put their trust in others if they feel comfortable. Although it seems like Agent Blake is a seasoned law enforcer, she displays her soft side when her former romance with Dr.Manhattan was revealed and she attempted to help Angela even after she made some shady moves. Agent Blake may not be the perfect ENFJ, but she is the closest thing to being completely good when she doesn’t let her integrity get compromised.

Will Reeves/Hooded Justice - Executive (ESTJ)

Executives are those who lead by example. They believe in justice and often do what’s necessary to stand up for what is right. The very same could be said about Will Reeves, who lives most of his life trying to bring justice to the world through his time as Hooded Justice. Although Will Reeves wasn’t perfect and often played with the line of good and bad, he always attempted to what’s right and worked hard to be who he was, staying humble and simply just working hard. Even in his old age, Reeves proves he is ESTJ when he helps Dr.Manhattan because he trusted the Doctor would what’s right even if it didn’t seem good.

Kal Abraham / Mr.Manhattan - Logistician (ISTJ)

Logisticians, as the name suggests, rely on logic and facts and often go based off the facts to influence their actions. They like to analyze their surroundings and arrive at a practical source of action rather than acting on assumptions. Although it is tough to find a personality type for a godlike entity, ESTJ is what closely resembles Dr.Manhattan’s approach to a situation, although he technically can’t help it.

He can see throughout all of the time and often acts on fact simply because he’s already seen what happens and wants the world to move properly.

Angela Abar / Sister Night - Architect (INTJ)

An architect is almost exactly as it sounds, someone who plans and thinks ahead to what they want. Architects are master strategists and are often logical and decisive, but it can be a lonely road as they prefer to stay away from emotions and often act cold and without a conscience. Much like Angela that prides herself on her own skills and prefers to work alone, even as a young cop, brushing off any of Kal’s advances and refusing to believe him even after he predicted details of her life accurately. Angela is logical, and a master strategist, taking on half of the calvary on her own.