Watchmen was said to be completely impossible to adapt to the big screen and yet this was achieved. The work of Alan Moore then sparked a comic book sequel and finally a TV show that continued on this incredible story.

Now that we’re one season in, there’s plenty of new directions that a second series could take us in. With so many mysteries to explore and new ideas to talk about, here are 10 burning questions we have that the second season of Watchmen could answer.


The major cliffhanger of the last episode was that Dr. Manhattan may have passed on his powers to his wife, Angela, through an egg. The final shot was her foot touch the water of a swimming pool in the back yard.

If she can walk on that water then she possesses many of the same gifts. But what exactly can she now do? She isn’t glowing blue and perhaps she won’t be as strong, but we want to know what other powers she possesses from her late husband.


Laurie Blake has been on an interesting journey over the last season. From her role as a vigilante hunter to teaming up with one, getting captured by the Seventh Kavalry and finding out that her ex-boyfriend has actually been on Earth most of this time.

She’s clearly got a lot of questions of her own to ask, but we really want to know what her place is now. We don’t expect her to leave Tulsa and perhaps she no longer feels like she’s suited to her role as an FBI agent. So where does she end up now?


Lube Man was one of the biggest mysteries of this first season. He appeared only for a brief scene and then completely disappeared without a trace. He hasn’t been mentioned again or seen since the incident, leaving us scratching our heads (although the biggest guess is Petey).

We assume there’s a reason for the masked man’s inclusion but we can’t help but think what the point was. Hopefully, we’ll actually find out who is behind the silver mask, as well as why he was spying on Angela. Perhaps this is a thread already planned for season 2.


It has been revealed that the hero Nite Owl is actually in prison somewhere. He was dangled in front of Laurie Blake like a carrot on a stick, just out of reach. Season 1 suggests that he probably won’t be getting out of prison anytime soon.

However, since events are drastically changing, including the potential imprisonment of Adrian Veidt, will there perhaps be a pardon in the future of Nite Owl. We’d love to see this classic character return in the future and hopefully be freed.


Speaking of Veidt, we don’t actually know whether he will be put in prison for his crimes. We can only assume that mass murder at that level would at least guarantee a life sentence, but we also know that he’s particularly good at getting out of these situations.

The smartest man in the world knows how to plan for situations like these and he would have had a backup idea if he were ever to be found out. The giant squid attack perhaps could still be spun into a heroic deed and he could even get the praise he’s been longing for.


Dr. Manhattan has seemingly been killed in season 1, but a good surely can’t be destroyed that easily. Since he saw his death coming for quite some time, he could have absolutely planned for it or told one of the past versions of himself how to survive.

We can absolutely see this as the cliff hanger to season 2, with season 3 seeing his official triumphant return. For now, at least, season 2 could actually tease the fact that there’s every possibility that the blue doctor can return from the dead.


Tulsa is looking for a new leader for their police department and there are a few contenders that could step up. Laurie Blake is a natural choice since she’s currently in charge, although the FBI probably doesn’t want to be involved with the police anymore.

Then there’s Sister Night. Since she played the system a bit, lost faith from some of her colleagues and has her own issues to deal with, she’s probably not going to take the role. The most likely contender, therefore, is Looking Glass who proved himself to be a hero.


Now that the secret is out, we want to know exactly how the world has reacted to the news about the giant squid. We can imagine protests, riots, and Veidt also getting praised as one of the greatest heroes that the planet has ever seen.

It’s probable that Robert Redford would have to stand down as president since he knew about the disaster and there’s also every likelihood that a new group could form who tasks themselves with continuing on the legacy of Ozymandias.


Cyclops played an important role throughout this first season, as a group of racists looking to promote white supremacy. Now that the Seventh Kavalry has been defeated, is that the end of Cyclops for good?

The short answer is probably no. Although many of their leaders were killed, that doesn’t mean that Cyclops isn’t spread much further. Chances are that the group will return, looking for revenge for what was done to their people.


Lady Trieu is dead but what about the clone of her mother that she raised as her daughter? She is now fully aware of who she is, but perhaps has some of the added intelligence of Trieu herself. She seems far more compassionate than her own daughter.

But does this mean she will point the family company on the path of good or is there a more sinister plan at work here? In fact, perhaps something is coded into the way she thinks, through the pills, so that she continues the work of her mother/daughter.