In the world of witchcraft and wizardry, it’s hard to imagine two more powerful, skilled, or downright iconic characters than Harry Potter and Sabrina Spellman. These two are pretty extraordinary magicians and extraordinary people in their own right, and even though they’re both teens they’ve managed to earn their way to the top of their magical worlds on account of their talents and skills.

But if Harry and Sabrina were pitted against one another in a fight, which one of them would come up a winner? Their natural gifts, abilities, and talents are pretty dissimilar, and while they’ve both squared off against extremely powerful adversaries, they’ve never gone up against one another. Here are 5 reasons why Harry would win, and 5 why Sabrina would defeat him.

Harry: Because He Was Raised Human

No one on this planet would argue that Harry Potter was better off being raised by the Dursleys than he was being raised in the wizarding world (except maybe Dumbledore), but if he were in a fight with Sabrina Spellman that could give him a distinct advantage.

Namely, Harry actually understands how to solve his problems or beat his opponents using something besides magic. That might not seem like a huge edge to have, but it’s good to have a diverse set of skills, and Sabrina doesn’t necessarily have that.

Sabrina: Because She Was Raised Witch

Harry may be better suited to any fight that involves human skills, but one thing that Sabrina can say is that she knows magic like the back of her hand. She has never had a point in her life where she didn’t know how to use magic, which means she’s about a decade ahead of Harry when it comes to skills like that.

In a magical battle the difference between a moment or two of thought can be the difference between winning and losing, so Sabrina definitely has a leg up here.

Harry: Because He Knows How To Play Defense

Although Harry Potter is a pretty brilliant wizard and essentially managed to save the entire wizarding world twice in his lifetime, he has a tendency to wait for the fight to come to him.

He didn’t always seem very proactive when it came to creating a plan on how to deal with his adversaries, but that also meant that he avoided a lot of unnecessary fights and he almost always fought his enemies on his own turf, which gave him a considerable advantage.

Sabrina: Because She Goes On The Offense

On the other hand, Sabrina Spellman seems to be very proactive when it comes to dealing with any problems that she has to deal with. Sabrina would win a fight against Harry simply because she would go in with a plan and actively do what needs to be done.

Harry might be good at playing things by ear, but to be honest, given his history with Voldemort, it seems safe to assume that he might actually be felled by nothing more than a well planned attack.

Harry: Because He’s The Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter is an exceptionally talented wizard in his own right, but he has a trump card that seems to have protected him for his entire life. And that is being the boy who lived.

The love of Harry’s mom Lily literally kept him alive and was enough to defeat Voldemort, and it seems safe to assume that his magical motherly love protection is enough to keep him safe against Sabrina Spellman too.

Sabrina: Because She Knows How To Fight Alone

Sabrina Spellman does typically have help from her family or friends if she’s truly in dire need of it, but she honestly never expects it, and she is typically the first into the fray when things start going sideways.

She doesn’t always succeed when she tries to tackle problems alone, but the fact is that she is at the very least very good at one on one battles and she doesn’t rely on anyone else to do her dirty work for her.

Harry: Because He’s Not Alone

On the flip side, Harry Potter’s biggest weakness is also his biggest strength. Whenever Harry gets into a fight, he’s almost never alone.

He’s not accustomed to dealing with his problems without help, and even when he’s going on a mission that he thinks is a suicide mission his friends are right there beside him and ready to lay their lives on the line. If Sabrina wanted to take a shot at Harry, she’d have a hard time getting him alone long enough to square off with him solo.

Sabrina: Because She’s Not Just A Witch

Sabrina grew up believing that she was an incredibly rare half-witch, half-mortal girl. Lo and behold, she was something much rarer and more interesting. Sabrina is actually the daughter of the devil himself, so while she is gifted with the same magical abilities that most witches have, she is in fact a half-angel and half-mortal.

In Sabrina’s world there are a few different sources of magic, but being the child of one of the first mystical creations in the universe has got to give her a leg up against a regular wizard.

Harry: Because He’s Beaten Voldemort

To be the best you’ve got to beat the best, and Harry Potter can certainly say that he’s achieved that in defeating Voldemort once and for all. Sabrina is no slouch in the magical department, but it’s hard to imagine any tougher adversary than Lord Voldemort himself.

If Harry can take out old no-nose here then he should have very few problems dispatching someone like Sabrina, especially since Brina is encumbered by all that pesky morality and kindness that Voldy never had to worry about.

Sabrina: Because She’s Beaten Lucifer

Defeating Voldemort is something that no witch or wizard that came before Harry, not even Albus Dumbledore himself, had been able to do. But that does seem to pale in comparison to beating a literal angel and the king of hell.

Granted, Sabrina hasn’t actually killed Lucifer and ended his reign for good, but she managed to best him better than anyone else had ever before, which in turn would make it seem like defeating a wizard like Harry would be comparatively easy.