The Harry Potter universe is jam-packed with so many characters it can be hard to keep track of exactly who is who within the wizarding community. While the books remain the top way to consume the story of the Boy Who Lived, the movies did a similarly brilliant job at capturing the imaginations of a generation with the story about a boy who discovered he was a wizard, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and defeated Lord Voldemort.

We now take a look at the underrated character from every single Potter blockbuster, explaining our choices as we go along. Starting with the first book and movie, entitled the Sorcerer’s Stone, which hit screens back in the winter of 2001.

Philosopher’s Stone: Quirinus Quirrell

In the majority of movies, the villain is obvious. They usually conduct themselves in a bad way, carrying out dastardly schemes in order to achieve their own evil goals. Yet the Philosopher’s Stone tricks viewers into thinking they know the identity of the bad guy. For the bulk of the blockbuster, it appears to be Severus Snape, the black-dressing, nasty Potions Master. However, in the end, it’s revealed to be Quirinus Quirrell.

Given how many times Harry Potter goes up against Lord Voldemort and the rest of his Death Eaters, it’s easy to forget that Quirrell was a great villain. He operates under the radar and under a cloak of nervousness, with Snape seemingly the only person aware of his true colors. When Quirrell reveals Voldemort is on the back of his head, well, that’s enough to give anybody nightmares.

Chamber Of Secrets: Pomona Sprout

It would be easy to say Gilderoy Lockhart is the most underrated character of the Chamber of Secrets movie, particularly given how he does nothing major of note but still manages to charm audiences with his dazzling smile. However, we’ve gone for his Hogwarts co-teacher Pomona Sprout.

Sprout isn’t a major character in the movie, but she certainly does some important things during her time on screen. She teaches Hogwarts students about Mandrakes, the crying soil-babies who hold vital and useful qualities in their repertoire. Sprout also uses the Mandrakes to create an antidote to the poison of the Basilisk once it begins attacking muggle-borns. Without her, nobody would have woken up from being petrified.

Prisoner Of Azkaban: Remus Lupin

The Prisoner of Azkaban movie ends with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger using a time-turner to spare Sirius Black from the Dementor’s Kiss. Black had been accused of working for Voldemort and playing a key role in the deaths of Lily and James Potter; however, during the course of the blockbuster, it’s revealed that he was actually innocent and framed by Peter Pettigrew.

If it wasn’t for Remus Lupin, Black would never have been able to become a free man. Lupin is also a good teacher to Harry, helping the Boy Who Lived learn the Patronus charm and becoming a father-like figure. Yet Lupin also helps Sirius clear his name, using the Marauder’s Map to conclude that it was, in fact, Pettigrew behind the deaths of Lily and James Potter. His information leads to Harry and Sirius enjoying a good relationship before the latter is brutally killed in the Order of the Phoenix.

Goblet Of Fire: Barty Crouch Junior

It would be easy to overlook Barty Crouch Jr’s villainous antics in the Goblet of Fire due to the fact the movie is remembered as being the one where Lord Voldemort returns to full power after years as a broken man. But, had it not been for his most-loyal Death Eater’s evil scheme, the Dark Lord would have had to wait for his chance to take over the wizarding world.

Crouch Jr is, like Quirinus Quirrell before him, a villain who hides. This time, the character uses the Polyjuice potion to pose as Mad-Eye Moody, building up a rapport with Harry Potter and regularly helping the Boy Who Lived during the Triwizard Tournament. He also murders his father - and gets away with it! His role in Voldemort’s return to power was crucial and warrants greater recognition.

Order of the Phoenix: Harry Potter

While Harry Potter is the main character of the entire series, that doesn’t stop him from being the most underrated during the events of the fifth book and movie, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Throughout the course of the blockbuster, he suffers so much hardship. The majority of the wizarding world doesn’t believe Harry about Lord Voldemort’s return to power. Consequently, he’s shunned by his peers. Not only that, but Dolores Umbridge spends her time making Harry’s life a living hell and Albus Dumbledore, his trusted confidant, ignores his pleas for help.

Nevertheless, Harry doesn’t hide. He teachers his fellow Hogwarts pupils a way to fight back against evil forces under the alias of Dumbledore’s Army and his good heart stops him from falling victim to Voldemort at the movie’s end.

Half-Blood Prince: Draco Malfoy

The character of Draco Malfoy, played by Tom Felton, has its highs and lows during the eight movies. He starts off a precocious brat in the first two outings, before spending the next three becoming increasingly wimpier and marginalized. But Felton produces his best performance during the Half-Blood Prince.

Despite having very limited screen time, Felton nails the role of a scared boy being asked to do a job that, simply put, is too much for him. He looks increasingly worried and gaunt as the movie progresses and the scene where he hesitates to kill Albus Dumbledore shows the sheer emotional toll working for Lord Voldemort has had on him. Malfoy’s scheme to get the Death Eaters into Hogwarts works, however, and leads to Dumbledore’s emotional murder.

Deathly Hallows - Part 1: Dobby

Poor Dobby gets his time on screen drastically cut as the movies go on. He has a big role to play in the Chamber of Secrets, where he spends much of his time trying to prevent Harry Potter from coming to any sort of harm. Sadly, most of the Dobby’s accomplishments in the books are given to Neville Longbottom instead - meaning the house-elf only reappeared when the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 released in the winter of 2010.

Dobby is only in the movie for a few minutes but, despite that, he plays a significant role. He rescues Harry, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, and Olivander from Malfoy Manor, just when it looks as if Voldemort is about to catch his prey. The act costs Dobby his life, though, with Bellatrix Lestrange killing him with a knife just as they escape to Shell Cottage.

Deathly Hallows - Part 2: Severus Snape

Prior to the release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, we’d seen plenty of Severus Snape. He had tortured the talisman of the series, both mentally and physically, and served a key role in the saga.

That said, Snape is absent for large chunks of the rest of the Harry Potter movies, before playing an important part of the Deathly Hallows - Part 2. It would have been great to get more insight into his role behind the scenes as the movies went on but, unfortunately, Warner Brothers saved the good stuff for the finale of the franchise. Snape’s flashbacks serve as not just a big part of the stories but also a morality tale, showing that the bully of every school is not somebody to be overlooked. Without this, Snape’s story would have felt incomplete.