It still seems hard to comprehend that the final Harry Potter movie released eight years ago. Those movies were a huge part of the industry at the time, raking in billions at the box office long before the MCU came along. That era belonged exclusively to Warner Brothers, who did a fantastic job at transmitting the story of the Boy Who Lived from the pages of a book to the silver screen.

Part of the reasons they were so popular is because, for the most part, they stuck closely to the core material. That means twists aplenty, with JK Rowling often throwing plenty of curveballs during the tales in order to keep readers gripped. We’re taking a look at the biggest and most surprising moments from every movie of the series. Some are similar to the books but others, however, are not…

Sorcerer’s Stone: Professor Quirrell Is The Villain

Harry Potter spends the majority of the Sorcerer’s Stone book and movie convinced that Professor Snape is plotting his downfall on behalf of Lord Voldemort. After all, why wouldn’t he? Snape is downright nasty to him, is seen muttering a curse under his breath when the Boy Who Lived is in the middle of a Quidditch match, and was overheard threatening the innocent-enough Professor Quirrell. All the evidence seemed to add up.

But then, at the very end, it’s revealed that Snape isn’t the bad guy after all. Instead, that mantle belongs to Quirrell, whose petrified persona is just an act. He had encountered Voldemort during his travels and willingly agreed to perform the role of host to the Dark Lord. That decision would cost him his life, though, with Harry inadvertently killing his Hogwarts teacher during their showdown underneath the third-floor corridor.

Chamber Of Secrets: Tom Riddle Framed Hagrid

In the second book and movie, entitled the Chamber of Secrets, we meet Tom Riddle for the first time via a flashback. There, Harry and the rest of the audience are shown how he confronted Hagrid over a “monster,” accused the Hogwarts groundskeeper of being responsible for attacks on muggle-borns and ultimately got him kicked out of Hogwarts—all while achieving special services to the school in the process.

Yet, later on, it’s revealed that Hagrid was actually innocent and Riddle merely used his higher stock and cunning charm to frame him. A second twist is that he’s actually a past version of Voldemort himself, one who had used the diary to contain a piece of his soul. Riddle nearly returns to full power by bleeding the life from Ginny Weasley but is stopped by Harry, who uses a Basilisk fang to pierce his diary and plunge him into a state of agony.

Prisoner Of Azkaban: Wormtail Was The Traitor

The Prisoner of Azkaban is all about the character of Sirius Black, who manages to escape the wizarding institution despite it being a near-impossible task. Black is regarded by the community as a madman, accused of being a huge Voldemort supporter and, by a very select few, the one who gave up the locations of James and Lily Potter to the Dark Lord.

But that’s all wrong, and it’s revealed within the book and movie that Black was actually innocent, taking the rap after Peter Pettigrew, James and Lily’s old school friend. Pettigrew then appears to finally face justice for his crimes, but, in a cruel twist of fate, is able to get away and reunite with his old master, who would return to full power just 12 months later.

Goblet Of Fire: Mad-Eye Moody Isn’t Mad-Eye Moody

Over the course of the fourth book and movie, the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter builds a solid relationship with Auror Alastor Mad-Eye Moody. Moody acts as a mentor, saving our protagonist from an attack from Draco Malfoy, giving him help amid his battle to win the Triwizard Tournament, and even privately protecting the boy from a furious Igor Karkaroff when the Durmstrang headmaster learns of the teenager’s involvement in the competition.

However, it’s later revealed that it isn’t the real Moody at all. Instead, it’s a Death Eater by the name of Barty Crouch Jr who had used Polyjuice Potion to act as Voldemort’s man on the inside. The real Mad-Eye had instead spent the last year living in his trunk, weakened by a lack of food. In the movies, Crouch Jr’s fate is left unknown, but, in the core material, he’s subject to an even worse fate than death: the Dementor’s Kiss.

Order of the Phoenix: Voldemort Tricks Harry

Harry Potter struggles with the return of Voldemort during the Order of the Phoenix, experiencing troublesome insights into the Dark Lord’s state of mind. It is through this power he is able to save Arthur Weasley after he is attacked while guarding the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, but, later on, he learns how dangerous such a thing can be.

And that’s because Voldemort is able to lure Harry under false pretenses into going to the Ministry and acquiring the prophecy with both of their names on. He shows the Boy Who Lived a vision of his godfather Sirius Black being tortured, making it seem as if he’s close to death. He isn’t, though, and Harry falls for it hook, line, and sinker. He is then left to rue the decision with Bellatrix Lestrange murdering Sirius for real this time, cackling with menace as she does so and nearly sending the Hogwarts pupil over the edge.

Half-Blood Prince: Snape Is the Half-Blood Prince

We very nearly went with Severus Snape murdering Albus Dumbledore for this one but, actually, there are clues earlier on in the Half-Blood Prince that pave the way for that surprising moment. However, there’s nothing to suggest the oversized bat was the Prince himself, which makes it all the more shocking when the anti-villain reveals his identity during a showdown with Harry at the very end of the movie.

Harry spends his year using the book to become Horace Slughorn’s favorite Potions student and is left reeling when Severus makes the announcement shortly after Dumbledore’s death. In the books, it’s established that his pure-blood mother, Eileen Prince, had married a muggle man named Tobias Snape. Yet, no such explanation is given for the movie, which seems a little off.

Deathly Hallows Part 1: That’s Not An Old Woman

Harry Pottter spends the majority of the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on the run from Voldemort and his Death Eaters, desperately continuing his mission to get every single one of the villain’s Horcruxes. That leads him back to Godric’s Hollow, the place where he lived with Lily and James Potter. And, once there, he believes he’s onto something when he meets Bathilda Bagshot, thinking her to be in possession of Godric Gryffindor’s old sword.

Except… she isn’t. And it’s not really Bathilda anymore with Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, horrifyingly using her body to disguise herself. Harry is able to escape thanks to some quick-thinking from Hermione Granger, but no doubt seeing an old woman turn into a gigantic old snake would leave some psychological scars going forward…

Deathly Hallows Part 2: Harry Potter Lives

Amidst the battle of Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows Part 2, it looks as if it’s going to be the end of Harry Potter. Having watched friends Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks die on his behalf—and then learned the truth about where Severus Snape’s allegiances lie—he sets about ending the war once and for all. The Boy Who Lived also learns he is a Horcrux his enemy didn’t intend to make and, consequently, allows himself to be struck by the killing curse.

But, for the second time in his life, Harry survives. Following an admittedly bizarre exchange of words with Albus Dumbledore at some dreamworld version of Kings Cross station, he decides he’s not ready to quit the fight just yet. Instead, he leaves Voldemort reeling when it’s revealed he’s alive and, from then on, he fights on the front foot. Eventually, he’s able to overcome his enemy and bring peace to the magical community once again.