There’s no denying that Gryffindor is the Hogwarts house from the Harry Potter series that gets the most positive attention. This is likely because Harry himself and all of his closest friends are in the noble house. The books are definitely a bit biased towards Gryffindor, and the other houses often get the short end of the stick. While Gryffindors might have a lot of admirable traits, they aren’t perfect. In fact, there are many traits that define the house that are quite negative. Gryffindors have just as many flaws as students from the other houses, even if this isn’t touched on as much in the books.

Here are the five most admirable Gryffindor traits that define the house and the five worst.


Gryffindors are definitely known for their loyalty. While they aren’t the only house that exhibits this trait, they are thought of the most as being loyal and devoted to people as well as to causes. This is why Peter Pettigrew having no loyalty made him such a shocking outlier. Gryffindors are likely to stick up for their friends and be quite intense about doing the right thing. They want to have high morals and don’t want to let the people they care about down.


This is one of the most obvious negative traits of Gryffindor house. While many of the good things about Gryffindor are apparent, these traits also have a bit of a dark side. Gryffindors can be loyal to a fault and can be a little bit black-and-white in their thinking. This can cause them to be stubborn. They often get ideas in their heads or feel they are right about something and it’s hard to sway them once they’ve dug their heels in. Harry Potter himself is a good example of how stubborn people in this house can be.


Possibly the most defining trait of Gryffindor over anything else is being brave. This is probably why the mascot of the house is the lion. Gryffindors are seen as loud and willing to put themselves on the line to do the right thing.  These are people who will make the big sacrifice play and try to be the hero. This is especially true when it comes to anything they feel loyal to, such as their friends or an organization or ideology they believe in.


The dark side of the bravery of Gryffindors is that they often have a hero complex. Harry Potter is one of the best examples of this. While his heart is in the right place, he can often be too over-the-top about trying to be the hero and lose common sense in the process. For many Gryffindors, they also enjoy the glory that comes along with being the hero. They like the attention and being seen as brave, strong, and chivalrous. This need to be the best and most heroic can definitely go to their heads.


One of the other main traits that define Gryffindors and that is really admirable is their courage. They are known for facing down their fears in order to do the right thing. There are many Gryffindors that show this trait. While Harry is one of them, Neville also shows this in a quieter way when he stands up to his friends in Sorcerer’s Stone. These are definitely the people you would want around you in a scary situation, as they would rally their courage.


Many of the best traits of a Gryffindor can definitely be associated with a knight or a warrior of some kind; because of this, it’s easy to see how things can go sideways and cause many Gryffindors to be self-righteous. They are quite proud of themselves, and while having pride can be good, they often think they are the best house and the most heroic people of all. It’s also interesting because they are rather arrogant just like Slytherins are. Gryffindors are just more likely to judge other people for not being as brave or moral as they perceive themselves to be.


Another defining trait of a Gryffindor is their nerve and daring. These are the people who will jump right into a challenge. They won’t turn down something just because it could be dangerous or hard to do. They are likely to be the people who would do extreme sports, and they definitely are associated with sportiness and team-playing. Daring can definitely be a positive thing unless it’s taken too far.


It’s pretty clear that the worst traits of Gryffindors are a result of their admirable traits taken to the extreme. Recklessness is just the more extreme, unhealthy version of daring. While having nerve can be a good thing, it’s also important to have common sense and to know when you’re going too far. Gryffindors are a bit prone to being extreme for attention and glory. Their recklessness can get them and others into trouble.


Having an adventurous spirit is definitely a great trait to have. Being adventurous can inspire a person to do a lot with their life and achieve great and new things. Gryffindors are definitely the most likely to go on some kind of adventure and want to explore the world. They love to experience new things. They are a house that is all about experiencing life in the biggest way possible.


This is another example of how the best traits of Gryffindor can also lead to the worst traits. While they can be quite passionate and loyal, this can also lead to being too angry or hot-headed. They aren’t very good at thinking through things calmly, and they are often quite controlled by their emotions. Sometimes Gryffindors need to practice having a cool head and even temper.