There are a lot of big bad baddie squads in fiction, but there are very few organizations that are scarier or more repulsive than the Death Eaters. These dark wizards and witches follow the most evil dark wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort. These characters are severely lacking in redeeming qualities, and they don’t even bother treating each other with the smallest shred of kindness that they can muster.

No one who knows of the Death Eaters would expect them to be kind to anyone, but they could be nasty to one another too. These are the 10 worst things that any Death Eaters ever did to each other.

Being Disloyal To Each Other

It may come as a shock to everyone, but a squad that has dedicated themselves to ensuring the worst wizard who ever lived becomes the most powerful man in the wizarding world actually isn’t that loyal to one another.

The problem here is that even though the Death Eaters are all supporters of Voldemort, they’re still entirely out for themselves, and if they think they can get a leg up by screwing over one of their fellow fiends they won’t hesitate to do it.

Recruiting Their Children

There aren’t a lot of lines that Death Eaters aren’t willing to cross, and one of the lines they gleefully like to push is the one where they use and abuse children. However, being an actual Death Eater doesn’t exempt you or your family from this mistreatment.

The Death Eaters should have at least chosen to handle their crap themselves, but instead they saw each other’s children as yet another source of power that could be used to further the group’s aims.

Forcing Those Children To Infiltrate Hogwarts

Although the Ministry of Magic is ostensibly the head of power in the UK’s wizarding world, Voldemort and his lackeys were savvy enough to realize that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was another major hub of magical power.

And while they did have adult Death Eaters eventually take over control of the school, they also used the children of Death Eaters who were also students at the school to gain more power and manipulate the kids of the wizarding world at large.

Making Draco Kill Dumbledore

Once upon a time, the Malfoys were pretty close to the top of the heap in the Death Eater world and the wizarding world at large. But after Lucius Malfoy repeatedly bungled the duties that Voldemort assigned to him, the Malfoy family became personae non gratae and were delegated all of the worst assignments.

But the worst of the worst was telling Draco to kill Albus Dumbledore. Even the most seasoned witch or wizard was no match for Dumbledore, so the Death Eaters essentially sent a kid on a suicide mission because their dad sucked at his job.

Spying On Each Other

In theory the Death Eaters were all working towards the same goal, and therefore they should have been working as a team instead of working against one another. But when you’re serving someone as mercurial as Voldemort, unfortunately ratting out your fellow Death Eaters can be pretty beneficial.

So then, it’s sad but not surprising to realize that the Death Eaters spent nearly as much time spying on each other as they did trying to infiltrate and destroy the rest of the wizarding world.

Turning Each Other In

Death Eaters aren’t always the brightest crayons in the box, but they do have a lot of low cunning that gets them pretty far in life. and a perfect example of that low cunning is the fact that many of them have avoided going to Azkaban multiple times by turning on each other when things went south.

Spying on each other to rat each other out to Voldemort is one thing, but having that information in their back pocket to serve up to the authorities if they ever got caught is quite another.

Turning Against Their Own Families

Voldemort isn’t really a man of ideals, and his philosophy for the world doesn’t go much further than believing that he should be the one ruling it.

But people follow power, so despite the fact that many Death Eaters are only with Voldemort for their own gain, some truly believe in him and his cause. And sadly, many of the people who are true believers in the Dark Lord have abandoned and turned on their own family members in service of him.

Using Unforgivable Curses On Each Other

The Death Eaters are extremely liberal when it comes to using the Unforgivable Curses, but what makes them even more terrifying is that they’re pretty liberal about using them against each other as well.

There are occasions where they will use the cruciatus or even the killing curse against one another, but they have a habit of using the imperius curse on each other most of all. Which unfortunately laves them all with a pretty convenient excuse for their crimes if they ever get caught too.

Destroying The Death Eaters

Hilariously, destroying the entire Death Eater organization is probably one of the best things that the Death Eaters did for the world at large, but it’s still a pretty terrible thing to do to one another.

Of course they had undercover agents in their midst, but there wasn’t a lot of work to be done in order to tear them apart, since these selfish and cruel individuals never hesitated to turn on one another if it suited them in the moment.

Destroying Voldemort

It’s easy to overlook this now that the story is fully told and done, but it’s pretty ironic that it was Death Eaters that were responsible for Voldemort losing the war and losing his life.

Severus Snape put in most of the legwork when it came to undermining Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eaters, but if it weren’t for Narcissa Malfoy and her willingness to throw everyone under the bus in order to save her own son, then the leader of the Death Eaters may have been victorious in the wizarding war.