The Harry Potter franchise might be seen as a family adventure, for the most part, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some scary moments thrown into the series. It might have some uplifting and fun magical moments, but the movies also have a dark side. The later in the series you get, the darker the films become as it is clear that the dark side is beginning to take over the wizarding world. With various beasts, dementors, and Lord Voldemort himself, there is plenty to be scared of in these films.

With various beasts, dementors, and Lord Voldemort himself, there is plenty to be scared of in these films. While it never gets too scary for long periods of time, there’s no doubt that there are some terrifying moments throughout, and within this list, we will rank the 10 scariest.

Quirrell Removes His Turban

For the most part, Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone is a fairly upbeat movie and the scary moments that take place feel suitable for younger audiences. Fluffy, the three-headed dog, for instance, is scary, but nothing too far for children.

However, the moment that Professor Quirrell decides to unveil his secret by taking off his turban, things take a turn. Nobody expects what is underneath him, as Quirrell reveals that Voldermort himself is living in the back of his head, with an extra face appearing. It provides a very strange visual that is incredibly creepy, giving fans just a little glimpse at just how scary the films would go on to become.

Corn Maze Chase

The main reason this particular scene is terrifying is because of how excellently it is shot. With the death eaters arriving at the Weasley household, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley immediately give chase through a huge cornfield.

With the majority of it being spent in pure darkness, we are just given glimpses of different characters sprinting through. Nobody knows where everyone actually is and the intensity continues to rise with the fear that Harry or Ginny could be killed at any moment. It is the true fear of the unknown that makes this a terrifying moment, with random sparks of spells taking place being the only thing that gives a glimpse of what is happening.

Quidditch World Cup

The start of Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire is so upbeat and exciting, taking place at the Quidditch World Cup there is a real party atmosphere amongst all the wizards. However, the switch is promptly flicked to an outright terrifying moment. This is the first time that the death eaters are introduced and it quickly becomes clear that they are not good news.

Turning up and causing complete and utter devastation on a scale that is hard to comprehend, fire takes over everything and utter joy turns to despair in moments. This is the start of the turn to darker moments in the franchise, with the audience left just feeling the wake of their actions. Sheer terror and death is caused by them and it is horrendous to see.

A Full Moon Rises

Even though the werewolf in Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Askaban is really Remus Lupin, who is a good character, that doesn’t make it not scary. Seeing a werewolf in any setting is scary, it is just one of those stereotypical scary monsters and in Harry Potter, it creates some terrifying moments.

The first time Lupin makes the transformation, the cinematic filming is a true masterpiece, but it is scary to see happen. A werewolf is a dominant beast and there’s no doubt that it provides a ton of fear throughout the third movie in the franchise.


While there are lots of magical beasts and creatures throughout the Harry Potter world, one thing you don’t expect is zombies. However, in the Half-Blood Prince, that is what we see as Dumbledore explains to Harry exactly what the Inferi are.

Dead bodies that end up bewitched to do a wizard’s dark biddings and Voldermort seemingly had plenty of them. With Dumbledore drained after drinking too much poison, Harry ends up surrounded by the Inferi who slowly and creepily climb out of the water. It is a truly terrifying moment and real horror scene that few fans will forget.

Voldemort Returns

Harry Potter is forced to go through some serious trials and tribulations during the Triwizard Cup in what is a fairly scary tournament, but the most terrifying moment comes at the end. As Harry and Cedric Diggory end up being transported to a graveyard, fans are quickly treated to a scary moment.

After tons of build and lots of talk, Lord Voldemort finally makes his true presence known. His ‘birth’ was certainly very creepy, appearing as a baby and then transforming. He quickly shows his abilities as well, killing Cedric and getting face to face with Harry as it becomes crystal clear that the franchise is set to take a turn.

Bellatrix Tortures Hermione

The sounds of Hermione crying and pleading for help clearly indicate a terrifying moment. Despite always having an answer for everything, when she is trapped and tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, it is clear she no longer has one. Providing a truly uncomfortable and uneasy moment, Bellatrix displays just how vile she really is.

What makes this whole scene even harder to watch is how beloved Hermione is. Throughout all the movies she is the nicest character who tries her best to make everything better, but here she is put through hell and it is horrible to see how much pain she is in.


For anyone who has a fear of spiders, this is likely the scariest scene in Harry Potter history and even those who don’t mind spiders found this terrifying. After all, it is a GIANT spider, underground that is trying to eat Harry and Ron to feed what seems like a thousand baby spiders.

While Aragog might be friendly with Hagrid, that’s where this beast draws the line. There is nothing that isn’t terrifying about this, looming over Harry high up from his perch, he makes your skin crawl to look at in what is a horribly scary moment from the movies.

London Tunnels

The Dementors are incredibly scary every time they pop up in the series. They are obviously very visually frightening, but the way that they attack their victims is equally unsettling as they suck the face off their victims, trying to take away their soul.

It is rare that you get to see the magic take place in the muggle world, but when it happens it does feel even scarier. Mainly because it is more identifiable and relatable, which is why this moment was very terrifying. Taking place in a tunnel near the Dursely residence, Harry and Dudley are victims of a brutal attack.

Bathilda Bagshot

The scariest moment of the entire Harry Potter franchise takes place with a seemingly innocent elderly lady, who ends up providing a real jump scare that is straight out of a horror playbook. When Harry Potter meets Bathilda Bagshot, everything starts off normal.

Despite Godric’s Hollow being worn down and clearly looking abandoned, Harry sees Bathilda and speaks with her, only to be given the fright of his life. We learn Bathilda is actually dead and her corpse has been possessed as Voldemort’s snake, Nagini is waiting and pops out to terrify audiences.