Going to Hogwarts might seem like a dream come true for Muggle fans of the Harry Potter series, but there are definitely some rather messed up things about the school. One of the biggest issues with Hogwarts is that a lot of the professors don’t seem qualified to teach or tend to treat their students horribly. The professors at Hogwarts can sometimes be rather shameless in how they do their jobs as well as the things they get up to when not teaching.

Here are the ten most shameless things the Hogwarts professors ever did.

Slughorn Creating the Slug Club

Slughorn is one of the few Slytherins in the series who isn’t presented as completely on the bad side. However, while he might have many good qualities, he also is rather shameless.

He has no qualms about showing that he is looking to collect the most talented students and get to know them. The fact that he creates basically a popularity club and invites his favorite students is really weird, and it doesn’t seem like something that should be allowed.

Snape Favoring the Slytherins

Snape is one of the professors at Hogwarts who is rather shameless in his actions. While there are worse professors the school sees, mainly the ones who are directly in league with Voldemort, Snape is the one professor who isn’t truly bad that is super shameless.

He seems to have no concerns about how much favoritism he shows that Slytherins. He doesn’t try to hide this at all, and it’s something that everyone knows.

How Snape Bullied His Students: Especially Neville and Harry

Along with the fact that Snape shows a lot of favoritism to his favorite students, he’s also a straight-up bully. His actions towards some of his students, especially Harry and Neville, are borderline abusive at times. In fact, he’s so rude to Neville that Neville’s boggart takes Snape’s form.

He also shamelessly assumes that Harry is just like his father and hates him from the start before he ever knows anything about him.

Personating Alastor Moody for an Entire Year

While Snape might be a rather shameless professor who does a lot of bad things, he doesn’t even compare to some of the other Hogwarts teachers. Basically all of Harry’s other Defense Against the Dark Arts professors are horrible and evil with the exception of Lupin.

Barty Crouch Jr. spent the entire school year pretending to be Alastor Moody, and it definitely takes a high level of cruelty and shamelessness to do this.

Snape Outing Lupin as a Werewolf

Snape once again makes this list because of how he acts towards the other adults around him, not just the students. He is pretty blatant in how he holds grudges, and his contempt for Lupin is clear from the start.

He tries from the beginning of the school year to try and get others to recognize that Lupin is a werewolf. Then, at the end of the year, because he’s mad that Sirius escaped, he outs Lupin as a werewolf to the parents of the students.

Lockhart Pretending Like He Was Qualified to Teach

When thinking of the word shameless in the context of Harry Potter, it’s hard not to think about Gilderoy Lockhart as he is someone who is very brazen in how he acts. He spent most of his life taking credit for the brave deeds that other wizards and witches did, and he was extremely arrogant and sneaky.

The fact that he took credit for things he didn’t do and then acted like he was qualified, and exceptional, at teaching shows that he doesn’t have any shame at all.

Moody (Barty Crouch Jr.) Using Unforgivable Curses on Students

Given that Professor Moody wasn’t Moody at all but instead a Death Eater means that he got up to some pretty awful and shameless things. One of the worst things Barty Crouch Jr. did while in this teaching position was to practice the Unforgivable Curses on his students. But, while this might be wild, he was a Death Eater.

The even worse part of this is how Dumbledore totally went along with this and seemed to see no problem with it.

When Lockhart Tried to Obliviate Harry and Ron

While Lockhart might have been a crook and a liar, it wasn’t clear just how far he would go on the road of no shame until he tried to obliviate Harry and Ron.

Of course, this shouldn’t really have been a surprise given that he did the same thing to many other people and then took credit for what they did. However, given that Harry and Ron were only twelve at the time this seems especially horrible.

When Quirrell Had Voldemort on the Back of His Head

Dumbledore definitely had a knack for hiring the least qualified and most dangerous people to teach at Hogwarts. While many of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers were horrible, Quirrell is definitely up there as one of the worst.

He literally had Voldemort living as a parasite on the back of his head while he was teaching. Not only was he evil, but he had so little of his own self-respect that he was willing to give up control of his own body like that.

Umbridge Using Physical Torture as Punishment

Of all of the Hogwarts professors that are there while Harry is at school, Umbridge is one of the worst, even if she wasn’t technically ever a Death Eater. She enjoyed wielding power over her students, and she punished them cruelly.

The fact that she made students torture themselves while in her detentions is definitely extremely sick, and it shows how little shame she has when it comes to being a tyrant over those under her control.