Of all of the families from the Harry Potter series, the Weasley family might be one of, if not the most heroic of all. Almost all of the members of the Weasley family show the Gryffindor traits of bravery and courage many times in their lives. As a family and as individuals they can be rather heroic and are always trying to do the right thing, especially in the fight against Voldemort and his followers.

Here are the ten most heroic things that the Weasley family has ever done in the series.

Percy Apologizing And Joining The Battle Of Hogwarts

Being a hero isn’t’ always charging into battle and slaying a dragon or a Death Eater. Sometimes what makes a person heroic is being willing to swallow their pride, admit their mistakes, and apologize for wrongdoing. While Percy acts cowardly when he abandons his family, he does the right thing in the end and joins up with them to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Fred And George Pulling Pranks Under Umbridge’s Nose

Fred and George might be seen more as pranksters and jokesters than heroes in the series, but they do have their heroic moments. While they might not seem like the most noble members of their family, they can be at times.

When the corrupt Dolores Umbridge is running Hogwarts, Fred and George Weasley stand up to her in their own ways by doing what they do best — merciless but hilarious pranks. They definitely make life difficult for her when they leave the school in one of the most memorable scenes in the entire series.

Taking Harry In As One Of Their Own

While fighting against Voldemort and Death Eaters is definitely heroic, there are other ways to be a hero that are a little quieter and subtle. When the Weasley family basically takes Harry in as one of their own, they show that they are kind and compassionate people. They are heroes to Harry in a way by showing him a familial love that he’s never really known in his life. This really says a lot about their character and values as a family.

Becoming Members Of The Order Of The Phoenix

Joining the Order of the Phoenix in Harry Potter is definitely something that takes a lot of bravery. This organization is the one that most directly opposes Voldemort and his followers, which makes them targets. This means anyone who is a member puts their life at risk. All of the adult members of the Weasley family join without hesitation, and are actively involved in the Order, doing whatever it takes to fight against Voldemort in the war.

All Of The Ways Ron Helped Harry Defeat Voldemort

Of all of the Weasley family members, it’s hard to say who the most heroic is. Ron is definitely a candidate because he is Harry’s best friend. He is always right by Harry’s side, trying to help him in any way he can. This means that Ron faces Voldemort and his followers in many ways over the years, and he always does this with a lot of courage and bravery.

When Ginny Re-Started Dumbledore’s Army

While the Golden Trio is out on the run looking for Horcruxes to destroy, Ginny and the others at Hogwarts are risking a lot to fight against Voldemort’s regime from the inside.

While Hogwarts is under Voldemort’s control, Ginny starts up Dumbledore’s Army again along with the help of Neville and Luna. This shows how daring she is and how she’s not afraid of the consequences. Ginny Weasley definitely has a rebel heart.

Ron Leaving His Family Behind To Go On The Horcrux Hunt

All of the members of the Weasley family are pretty heroic when it comes to the fight against Voldemort, and they are willing to put a lot on the line in order to do the right thing. One of the biggest examples of this is when Ron fakes being sick and puts his own family somewhat at risk in order to try and help Harry. He does this because he knows it’s the only way to defeat Voldemort for good.

Molly Weasley Attacking Bellatrix

Molly Weasley is definitely an incredibly fierce person. While she might not usually be the one on the front lines against Voldemort, she shows during the Battle of Hogwarts that she has the ability to do so.

When Bellatrix goes after Ginny, Molly reacts with a lot of heroism and the ferocity of a parent. Seeing her go after Bellatrix is definitely an exciting moment. “Not my daughter, you b***h,” is one of the most iconic lines in the entire series.

Fred And George Being a Big Part of Potterwatch

During Voldemort’s regime in Deathly Hallows, many of the Weasleys are doing a lot of heroic things to fight back. Fred and George are part of the resistance and are big contributors to the radio program, Potterwatch, which is all about relaying news and helping keep people safe. While Fred and George might have spent most of the series mainly concerned about their joke shop and pulling pranks, this shows that they are just as committed to doing the right thing as anyone else in their family.

Fighting In The Battle Of Hogwarts

One of the most heroic things that the Weasley family does as a whole is to fight at the Battle of Hogwarts. The thing that is the most amazing about this is that every single one of them is there. While as individuals they all do many heroic things throughout the series, this shows that as a collective they are extremely heroic and good people. They all risk a lot to fight in this battle, and they end up losing Fred. This is extremely heartbreaking, but it shows that they were willing to do whatever it took to save the wizarding world from Voldemort.