Of all the characters from Harry Potter, the group of friends known as the Marauders might be some of the most popular with fans. Sirius Black, James Potter, and Remus Lupin are all beloved. While they are kind of minor characters that don’t get a lot of direct focus, the stories of these friends during their time at Hogwarts is interesting to many fans of the series. The Marauders, excluding Peter Pettigrew, are all complex characters that have flaws as well as many strengths. While they aren’t perfect, they try to do good and have many heroic moments.

Here are the ten most heroic things that the Marauders ever did.

Sirius Going Against His Family And Fighting Against Voldemort

Sirius was raised in a family that wasn’t exactly Death Eaters but might as well have been. They were bigoted and hateful, and Sirius hated them from the start. He left his family when he was a teenager and fought against everything that they believed in. This takes a strength of character and heroism for a person of such a young age to go their own way so profoundly.

Lupin Being A Compassionate Professor Despite Prejudices He Faced

Dealing with being a werewolf in the wizarding world would not be an easy thing. There is a lot of prejudice and hatred that kept Lupin from being able to live a normal life. Despite this fact, he was still a very compassionate and caring person. This was especially clear during his time as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. This makes him much more heroic than others like Snape who let their challenges make them mean.

Lily And James Defying Voldemort Three Times

Lily might not technically be part of the Marauder’s but she could have her own list because she’s a very courageous person. Some of the bravest things that James ever did were also things that LIly did.

While the exact details aren’t clear, it’s mentioned in Harry Potter that they both defied Voldemort’s request to join the Death Eaters three times during the height of his power. This would take a lot of courage as well as heroism to do.

Sirius Becoming The Potters’ Secret Keeper

Sirius Black might be a character who has a lot of flaws, but he is, at his core, extremely loyal to the people he cares about. He is never afraid to risk everything, including his life, for his friends. It’s this kind of bond that characterizes this group of friends. So, it’s no surprise that he was willing to be the Potters’ secret keeper even though this would have made him a target. While he changed this decision last minute in an attempt to keep his friends safe, he was always trying to do the right thing and look out for them, and this is really heroic.

Sirius Staying Close to Hogwarts To Try And Protect Harry During Goblet Of Fire

Sirius isn’t always the best godfather to Harry. While there are times where he is great, there are other times where he lets his own issues get in the way. But, during the Triwizard Tournament, Sirius is a good godfather. He stays close to Hogwarts during this time so he can be there for Harry and offer any help that he can. This definitely puts him at risk of getting captured again, but he is willing to do that to keep his godson safe.

When James Sacrificed Himself To Save His Family

James is heroic when it comes to how much he loves his family. Both James and Lily are the type of parents who would do anything to try to keep their child safe. James is quick to tell Lily to take Harry and run, trying to give them a chance to get away from Voldemort. Even though his sacrifice is somewhat in vain, it does show his character, and it’s definitely an act of heroism.

Joining The First Order Of The Phoenix

Sirius, Lupin, and James were all extremely important and active members of the first Order of the Phoenix when it was created to fight Voldemort the first time. Even Peter Pettigrew was a member.

They all were extremely committed to the cause of fighting against Voldemort and his followers, and they put their lives at risk to do so. Sirius and Lupin both also joined the Order during the second wizarding war since they were both alive at the time.

Becoming Animagi To Support Lupin

These friends are all extremely loyal to each other, and there is a lot of heroism in this. While they might be teenagers who don’t always go about things the right way, they do mean well when it comes to taking care of their friends.

The fact that they go to great lengths to learn to be Animagi in order to support Lupin is admirable of them. James, Sirius, and Peter illegally learned this to keep werewolf Lupin company. Of course, they do get too reckless with this, but there is something brave about the idea.

Lupin Fighting In The Battle Of Hogwarts

When Lupin remains in the Order of the Phoenix during the second wizarding war, he continues to have a lot more to lose as time goes by. He has a son who is just an infant, yet he and Tonks both fight at the battle because they know this is the only way to get rid of Voldemort forever and create a safe world for the boy. Tragically, both of them die during this battle, but it does show that they are both heroes in their own right.

Being Willing To Give Up Everything To Do The Right Thing

Overall, the thing that makes the Marauders, except Pettigrew, heroic is that they are willing to give up a lot in order to do what they think is right. The stakes in both of the wizarding wars against Voldemort are very high. People die, including all of them, and these three were willing to put their lives at risk to create a safe, more equal world.