While Harry Potter might be the protagonist of the Harry Potter series, he’s not the only character who does a ton of heroic things. Harry is definitely a hero, but there are many people around him who are just as much so. His two best friends are often just as heroic as he is. While Ron Weasley might have his own flaws, he also has many heroic moments and does try to do everything he can to fight against Voldemort.

Here are the ten most heroic things that Ron Weasley has ever done.

Standing Up To Snape When He Was Cruel To Hermione

While Ron and Hermione often got into fights and onto each other’s nerves, this doesn’t mean that Ron didn’t have her back. While they might have bickered, Ron was never happy when other people were rude to her. Sticking up to Snape when he called her a know-it-all was especially brave because Snape is his teacher. Having your friend’s back is definitely a heroic thing to do, and this is just one example of Ron being there for his friends.

Leaving His Family And Everything Behind To Go On The Horcrux Hunt

When Hermione and Ron decide to go with Harry to hunt Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort, they both had to leave a lot behind. Ron has to leave his entire family and a rather comfortable life behind in order to help Harry. This is really heroic of him because he cares a lot about his family. They are also members of the Order of the Phoenix, so their safety is at risk. Ron is still willing to go with Harry because he believes that’s the right thing to do.

When He Swallowed His Pride After Leaving Harry And Hermione Behind

Ron is a character that is deeply flawed in many ways, but this is what makes him complex and interesting. Of all three of the members of the main trio, Ron is the one who falters the most when it comes to loyalty.

While he’s a really good friend most of the time, he does make a couple of big mistakes. When he leaves Harry and Hermione, it’s not very heroic. However, the fact that he wants to come back and is willing to swallow his pride when he does is a heroic thing to do.

All Of The Times He Stood Up For His Family

Ron might sometimes get annoyed with his family or find them to be a lot, but he definitely loves them and defends them. While the Weasleys are often met with judgment because they don’t have a lot of money and because they stick up to powerful families like the Malfoys, Ron always defends them. He’s someone who will always be there for his family and care a lot about them, and this is definitely one of the most admirable things about him.

Standing Up To Draco When He Called Hermione A Mudblood

Ron and Draco are pretty much enemies from the beginning of Harry Potter because of who their families are. Draco is always making fun of Ron and his family, but he crosses the line even further when he calls Hermione a mudblood. Ron is understandably really upset by this and tries to hex Draco. While the spell might backfire on Ron, this reaction shows that he’s always ready to defend the people he cares about.

Going With Harry To The Department Of Mysteries To Save Sirius

Ron is someone who has Harry’s back in so many ways throughout the years of their friendship. When Harry believes that Voldemort has Sirius in the Department of Mysteries, Ron is, of course, willing to risk his own life to go with Harry to save Sirius.

This shows how brave and courageous Ron is, and it’s definitely one time where it’s easy to see why Ron was sorted into Gryffindor.

Remembering The House Elves And Warning Them During The Battle Of Hogwarts

Ron is someone who has a lot of prejudices when it comes to different groups in the wizarding world. He is raised with many of the expectations and ways of thinking in his culture, and he doesn’t always see when things are messed up. However, he does learn and grow over time. When he thinks about the house-elves and their safety, this is a sign of his growth and learning to think about others with more compassion.

Saving Harry And Getting The Sword Of Gryffindor

Ron’s least heroic moment might be when he leaves Hermione and Harry while they are all searching for Horcruxes. While the severity of his actions is because of the influence of the Horcrux, this is still not an admirable thing to do.

However, when he is finally able to return to the area where they are camping, he has a heroic moment where he saves Harry and retrieves the Sword Of Gryffindor from the pond. Then, he faces some of his deepest insecurities and destroys the Horcrux.

Sacrificing Himself During The Chess Game

Ron shows that he has many heroic qualities from a very young age. He is completely willing to help Harry find the Sorcerer’s Stone and to face whatever might be waiting for them in that process. During the chess game, Ron is willing to do what needs to be done to win the game, even though it means sacrificing himself and getting hurt in the process.

Facing His Fear Of Spiders To Go Into The Forbidden Forest

Facing your biggest fears is one thing that makes a hero. Ron shows that he is particularly heroic during his second year at Hogwarts when he is willing to face his deep fear of spiders to enter the Forbidden Forest. He overcomes this because he wants to help Hermione and the other victims of Slytherin’s monster. This willingness to deal with something he’s scared of to do the right thing is very heroic.