In the Harry Potter series, the trio is made up of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and they’re the main characters and heroes. Many fans love these three friends and their unique personalities. While these three do a lot of heroic things and save the day many times, they also have their flaws. Dealing with the three of them as a fellow student definitely would have been frustrating at times as they can sometimes be a bit annoying. Their most annoying actions tend to revolve around the fact they can be a bit self-absorbed and above the rules.

Here are the ten most annoying things that the Golden Trio in Harry Potter ever did.

The way Ron treated Hermione and many other girls

As a group, the trio could be quite annoying at times, but as individuals, they could also be that way. Ron could be annoying in his own unique ways and so could Harry and Hermione.

One of Ron’s biggest flaws was the way he treated the girls that he was interested in. He was often rude to Hermione and when he got jealous he would lash out at her. He also treated Lavender Brown poorly when they dated and don’t have the guts to break up with her.

How they treated Neville

One of the most annoying and also kind of rude things that the trio ever did was how they treated Neville overall.

While Neville might have been a bit awkward when he was younger, he was very kind and always like the trio. They mostly ignored him, even if they weren’t downright mean to him, but when they left him behind and Hermione cursed him in their first year it was definitely an annoying moment to read about.

The many times they broke school rules and lost (or gained) points for their house

Going to Hogwarts at the same time as Hermione, Harry, and Ron would have been really annoying. For members of Gryffindor house, seeing these three lose house points over and over as they got into trouble would have been frustrated.

For other houses, seeing these three get rewarded for breaking rules would also be super annoying. Overall, dealing with their antics would not have been fun.

The way Hermione went about creating S.P.E.W.

When Hermione created S.P.E.W., she definitely had good intentions. There’s no denying that the way that house-elves are treated in the wizarding world is awful, so it’s easy to see her perspective.

However, the way she goes about things is rather pushy. She doesn’t really listen to how other people feel about things, and she can be extremely obnoxious about the entire thing. But, her intentions were definitely good.

When they weren’t ever very open or friendly to other people at Hogwarts

The trio were definitely good friends with each other, but they weren’t exactly that aware of other people around them. They could be quite self-absorbed, and they often were focused rather inward.

This means that they come off a bit aloof and uncaring of other people around them. While they sometimes have other friends, they don’t spend much time with them or seem all that invested in them.

The way they often got into fights with one another, especially Ron and Hermione

While these three might have only been friends with each other most of the time, this doesn’t mean that they got along that well. They were often getting in fights or small little arguments.

While it’s normal to not get along with your friends all the time, some of the time this got out of hand. This is especially true for how Ron and Hermione acted as they were constantly bickering throughout the series.

When Ron and Harry were horrible dates at the Yule Ball

Harry and Ron were definitely not that most mature people during their time at Hogwarts. While the fact that they were teenagers does excuse some of this, it doesn’t mean they should have treated girls their age poorly.

When they take Parvati and Padma Patil to the Yule Ball, they end up spending the entire dance moping about the fact they couldn’t take the girls they wanted to take. This was annoying and also selfish and rude.

The fact that they often weren’t great friends to one another

While the Golden Trio might be seen as great friends and even friendship goals, this wasn’t always the case. They actually had some moments where they were pretty awful to one another. There are many examples of this including when Ron didn’t believe Harr about the Triwizard Tournament and when Harry took his emotions out on Ron and Hermione during their fifth year.

Their personalities could definitely clash sometimes in annoying ways.

Often expecting special treatment

Given the fact that the trio, especially Harry, spent a lot of time fighting Voldemort and his followers, it might be understandable that sometimes they wanted someone to give them a break. However, they also had moments where they expected special treatment. They thought they could break rules left and right and that they should get away with it.

While sometimes their rule-breaking was justified, other times it was just really annoying.

When they ran to the Ministry of Magic without getting help

One of the most frustrating things that the trio ever did occur near the end of the fifth book. Harry was convinced that Sirius was being tortured by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries and that he needed to rescue him.

While Ron and Hermione tried to talk some sense into him, they ended up going along with things. This was just one example of the trio being really brash about things and ending up causing a lot of trouble by not thinking things through.