Sword Art Online debuted as a light novel series in 2002 and quickly gained indisputable notoriety; as of today, the series counts 4 anime seasons, the lastest one being aired right now, a movie as well as several video games. Set in the year 2022, the original SAO arc follows our main character Kirito who, along with 10000 other players, logs into a VRMMORPG called Sword Art Online only to discover that the NerveGear (the Virtual Reality helmet) created by Akihiko Kayaba aimed to trap the players inside the game. The players are unable to log out of the game without dying and are forced to attempt to beat the game knowing that in-game death will result in real-life death.

The force of Sword Art Online is to have a cast of characters with very distinct personalities, thoughts, and opinions regarding the situation they found themselves in. Taking those characters from one fictional world to another, here are the Hogwarts houses the SAO characters would be sorted into.

Disclaimer: the list will contain spoilers, read at your own risks.

Klein: Hufflepuff


Klein is one of the kindest people in the series and is incredibly loyal and brave. Klein quickly identifies Kirito as a beta tester and after convincing him to teach him the basics of the game, Klein asked Kirito for help.

Despite Kirito’s refusal, which would have given everyone a strong head start and better chances of clearing the game, Klein never held a grudge and simply rejoined his friends to help them gain the experience they would need in order to survive. He also never hesitated to join the front lines during bigger raids and has proven himself to be a person one could rely on, no matter how dire the situation. His friendliness and loyalty earned him respect among the players.

Kuradeel: Slytherin

He was first introduced as Asuna’s fellow member of the Knight of Blood guild as well as her appointed protector. He is extremely skilled, but sadly, quickly proved himself to have a problematic personality.

He is prideful and short-tempered which lead him to challenge Kirito to a duel after the latest declared he would be better suited to protect Asuna. In addition, Kuradeel turned out to a vicious, sadistic killer who joined the Laughing Coffin group, a dark guild specialized in killing other players to steal their items. Kuradeel is cunning and driven by his desire to dominate other players.

Leafa: Gryffindor

Leafa, also known as Suguha, is Kirito’s cousin. She joined the cast in the second Arc after the remaining SOA play were freed by Kirito and Asuna, in a new game called ALfheim Online. Despite her aversion for Virtual Reality games, Suguha started playing ALO in order to better understand what her cousin Kazuto (Kirito) went through and to hopefully rebuild their relationship.

Leafa/Suguha is a strong-willed young woman who proved time and again that she will not back out in the face of adversity. She is resourceful and brave and quickly became a strong, well-known character within the ALO world.

Oberon: Slytherin

Oberon is the virtual character played by Sugou Nobuyuki in ALO. Sugou attended the same school as Kayaba whom he viewed as his rival and was also Asuna’s real-life fiancé. After SAO was cleared, Sugou hacked into the game and was able to transfer the consciousness into ALfhein and used the players as test subjects for his research on controlling people’s minds and emotions. Oberon/Sugou is amoral and greedy as well as being a total psychopath. He was no regard for human lives and sees people as no more than means to use to get to the top of the social ladder. He never hesitates to manipulates others to reach his goals.

Yui: Ravenclaw

Yui is an Artificial Intelligence present in the original SAO arc and was created to monitor the player’s mental health. After two years spent witnessing misery and depression, she took a special interest in Kirito and Asuna who were, for a time, living happily within the game. Despite her childlike appearance, Yui is one of the cleverest characters in the series and her intelligence played a big part in clearing the game.

Thanks to her position as an AI, Yui had access to the Game Master controls and was able to help Kirito and Asuna reach the top floor of the floating castle where they battled and defeated the final boss.

Kirito: Slytherin

Sorting Kirito into Slytherin may seem harsh, but if one looks closely at his personality, it turns out to be a perfect fit. Kirito is extremely self-centered and tends to see himself as superior to others due to his advantage as a beta tester. His actions are dictated by his strong sense of self-preservation right from the beginning which is shown in his refusal to join a weaker group of players wishing to clear the end together.

He also shows very little empathy for other players who he often sees as a dead-weight he would rather stay away from.

Heathcliff - Kayaba Akihiko: Ravenclaw

Heathcliff, or also known as Kayaba Akihiko, creator of the SAO game, proved himself to be a person who values intelligence and knowledge. He never expressed any goals for himself and had very little regards for human lives, others or his own instead, he showed a great interest in skills (in-game and in real life). He is never arrogant and is perfectly capable of accepting defeat at the end of the Aingrad arc.

Kayaba is a very calm, composed person who, despite his disregard for human life, created a fair, beatable game in which skill was all a character needed to win.

Asuna: Gryffindor

Asuna is headstrong, reckless and stubborn in addition to being brave. All qualities that make her a perfect fit for Gryffindor. After discovering that she was stuck in the game with only two possible outcomes: beat the game or die trying, Asuna isolated herself and almost ready to give up hope. However, her inner Gryffindor helped her gained confidence in herself and she quickly became one of the best players.

She has very little regard towards her own life before meeting Kirito and was always the first one to charge into battle, all in hopes to clear the game to free the other players.

Lisbeth: Ravenclaw

Lisbeth is one of those characters one cannot help but love and she would do well in Hufflepuff. However, Lisbeth showed a great interest in knowledge and values skills and hard work above all. While many characters chose to learn how to fight and join guilds that aimed to beat the game, Lisbeth chose to perfect her skills as a blacksmith and quickly became renowned in the game.

She takes pride in her skill which she works hard on improving to contribute to the fight against Kayaba. She is also very friendly and gets along with everyone, however, she can have a bad temper is she feels like her worth as a blacksmith is questioned.

Silica: Gryffindor

Silica was only present for a few episodes but she had a huge impact on the series. Despite her young age, she proved her bravery right from the start when she made the decision of leaving her party after they were mean to her. She is very empathetic, cheerful and clever. She has a deep connection to her pet, Pina. She is also loyal and trustworthy, though she is shy. Much like another well-known Gryffindor, Neville, her quietness hides courage and determination and she will do everything in her power to protect those she loves.