Squibs were recognized members in the wizarding community in the Harry Potter series, but their history was never deeply divulged. The non-magical beings were present in the books by J.K. Rowling as well as the film adaptations, and they were commonly confused with traditional Muggles. Here’s an explanation into Squibs and how they differ from Muggles.

A Squib, also referred to as a “wizard-born,” was a human that was born to at least one wizard parent, but didn’t inherit magical abilities. Children born in the wizarding world didn’t show any inclinations of being a witch or wizard until they were at least seven-years-old, so being a Squib wouldn’t be revealed until that period. Squibs were rare, but there were several of who that became prominent figures in the Harry Potter franchise.

Even though there were not many Squibs in the history of the wizarding world, the receptions surrounding their existence differed from family to family. Some pure-bloods like the Black family were known to disown a family member if they were a Squib. According to history in the franchise, there were once Squibs Rights marches, but they were met by riots from pure-bloods. Others quietly sent their Squib child to Muggle schools to live a normal life far from criticism. There were a few Squibs that remained in the wizarding community and found other opportunities that didn’t involve the use of magic. The most memorable Squib in that situation was Argus Filch, who fans knew very well since he was the long-time caretaker at Hogwarts. Though they shared qualities with Muggles, there was one big difference when it came to Squibs and magic.

How Squibs Are Different Than Muggles In Harry Potter

Being a Muggle in the world of Harry Potter meant that magical objects and certain locations couldn’t be seen. Squibs, on the other hand, could view everything that a witch or wizard could, which was why Filch, a well-known Squib, was able to work as the caretaker at Hogwarts. Squibs were also well aware of the happenings and conflicts in the magical world compared to ordinary Muggles. It’s also important to note that Muggle-born witches or wizards were descended from Squibs who once married a Muggle in the past.

Aside from Filch, there were several other notable Squibs in the Harry Potter series. Neville Longbottom and Albus Dumbledore’s sister, Ariana, were both rumored to be Squibs at some point in their lives but it was proved false. Dumbledore did, however, hire a Squib named to watch over Harry during his childhood when he lived with the Dursley family. Arabella, who was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, lived close by and even babysat Harry. Other confirmed Squibs included Gilderoy Lockhart’s two older sisters, the seven sons of Thaddeus Thurkell, and Martha Steward II, the daughter of the founders of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Next: Harry Potter Theory: Wizards & Muggles Had A War (& We Won)

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