Harry Potter accurately and unknowingly predicted the three Triwizard Tournament tasks before he was even chosen as a competitor. The Harry Potter series confirmed that some wizards and witches had psychic abilities through Divination, but it was never stated whether or not the titular character had a fortune-telling ability. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire seemed to have hinted that Harry might have been a Seer.

During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, he joined Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger by taking Divination. The class was taught by Professor Sybill Trelawney, a known Seer. Divination was a specific branch of magic that involved using tools to foresee the future or gather certain insights into the past, which heavily featured developing one’s sensibility and learning the methods of logical thinking. Some wizards and witches were against Divination’s practicality, particularly Hermione. Harry and Ron, on the other hand, didn’t take a specific side on the matter since they were unenthusiastic either way.

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry and his friends were in their fourth year but they still were tasked with taking Divination. As part of their Divination homework, Professor Trelawney asked her students to predict their futures in the coming month. Rather than practice legitimate Divination methods, Harry and Ron decided to make up their predictions. As pointed out (via Reddit), Harry’s predictions matched with the Triwizard Tournament in the same order that the competition played out. This Divination assignment happened well before Harry was picked to compete in the epic contest.

How Harry Potter Predicted The Triwizard Tournament Tasks

Harry’s first prediction that he made up for Divination stated that “on Monday, I will be in danger of — er — burns.” The first task of the tournament forced the competitors into retrieving a golden egg which was being protected by a dragon. Harry notably faced a fire-breathing Hungarian Horntail during his turn. The second prediction claimed that “on Tuesday, I will lose a treasured possession”, and the second task involved retrieving something meaningful that had been taken by the merpeople. The treasured possession turned out to be his best friends put in an enchanted sleep at the bottom of the lake. The final prediction stated that “on Wednesday, I think I’ll come off worst in a fight.” This foreshadowed the final task of the tournament that saw the death of Cedric and Harry barely escaping a run-in with Voldemort.

It’s unclear if Harry’s predictions prepared him in any way to win the Triwizard Tournament. It’s very possible that the young wizard may have subconsciously used the magic of Divination to foresee the competition before it occurred. This was certainly didn’t give him an advantage since Harry never even realized that he accurately predicted the future while doing his homework. More likely, J.K. Rowling threw in those predictions as an amusing reference to what was on the horizon in the Harry Potter series.

Next: How Harry Potter Survived The Killing Curse in The Deathly Hallows

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