For most of us highly imaginative folks, we’ve secretly fantasized once or twice about what it would be like to date a fictional character. In fact, most of us Harry Potter fans would even go so far as to say some of our first crushes were developed from the characters in these books and in the films. Some of the Gryffindor characters are totally boyfriend material while others simply aren’t. Here are the most BF-worthy characters in Gryffindor, ranked.


We wish we could put Ronald lower on this list considering he is one of the three main characters in the series, but judging by what we’ve seen so far from the movies and books, we’re not sure if Ron’s go-to0 knitted sweater with a capital “R” stitched on the front is made out of boyfriend material. Yes, he is capable of love, but the way he treated Hermione and Lavender throughout his time at Hogwarts was pretty immature and at times outright cruel.

He spent the majority of his sixth year at Hogwarts leading Lavender on while talking poorly about her behind her back. Meanwhile, he spent a good chunk of that time trying to make his future wife jealous, and for what purpose? Because she went to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum? We can go on and on about Ron’s faults, but at the end of the day he is crazy about Hermione and they are a beautiful match.


Seamus Finnigan is a loyal friend throughout the Potter series and he is always there for the people he cares most about. We see this mostly in his friendship with Dean Thomas as he sticks by his side to the very end. Seamus’s family background also indicates that he is able to see things from multiple perspectives considering his dad’s a muggle and his mom’s a witch. Because of this, he would make a great boyfriend for magical folks and non-magical people since he has experience with both worlds. Due to the differences in his parents’ magical statuses, he is open-minded when it comes to love and he won’t fall for someone simply based on their bloodline.


As we’ve seen in Dean’s relationship with Ginny during The Half-Blood Prince, Dean is a quality boyfriend in the Harry Potter series and he has no problem showing off his feelings of romantic affection in front of the student body. Dean and Ginny are often caught “snogging” in public so if you don’t have an issue with PDA, Dean is your guy. He is extremely kind and considerate when it comes to his friendships and relationships, and he loves to express his feelings without worrying about coming across as “soft”.  



After thirteen years spent locked up in Azkaban, we think Sirius would totally benefit from some romance in his life. Thirteen years of being alone is bad enough, so we think if anything were to help him feel less lonely, it would be finding a partner in crime to join him on all his exciting adventures.

Most fans are well aware of the fact that Sirius Black isn’t the type of person to sit around and waste the day away, so if you’re looking for a boyfriend that can make you feel alive and excited about life, SB is your guy. Imagine how fun all those dates would be! Our heads are spinning just thinking about all the spontaneous possibilities that this man can offer.


The famous boy wizard has a whole lot going for him, so he would make a great boyfriend for someone who isn’t easily intimidated. Not only is he the boy who lived, but now he is the person who destroyed Lord Voldemort once and for all. That’s kind of a big deal! If you’re looking for a more conventional relationship you might want to go for Ron or Seamus because life with Harry Potter would be no ordinary ride. If you’re able to put up with your man being in the spotlight at all times while you’re not, he would make an excellent partner because even when he’s under a lot of stress, as we’ve seen, he is still a stand-up guy. At the end of the day, he is loyal and kind, and that’s what really matters.


Charlie Weasley is a character that we unfortunately haven’t gotten to see all that much in the series because he is no longer a student at Hogwarts. Yet judging by the little we have seen when it comes to Charlie, he is deeply committed to Fleur Delacour and he adores her because of the person she is rather than simply falling in love with her outside appearance. As we know from his love of dragons, he is a very passionate person and he tends to focus all of his energy on one thing at a time. Because of this, we know he is able to put everything he has into his romantic relationships and there is no doubt that he will only have eyes for his one true love. Plus, as we’ve seen from The Deathly Hallows, he is able to throw a killer wedding despite being in the middle of a war.


Although there was a small portion in time where we were led to believe that James Potter was a bully at Hogwarts, the truth of the matter is he grew out of that phase and became a more civilized individual. Sure, he had it out for Snape during his younger years, but that was only due to the fact that Severus messed around with the dark side and believed purebloods were superior.

Whether or not you think James’ actions were justified, it’s important to note that he was only around fifteen during the time he bullied Snape. Most people are completely different as adults compared to how they were as teenagers. The fact that Lily Evans (who is the source of all things good) chose James, must mean he is a quality partner.


Neville, Neville, Neville… the boy has come a long way since his first year at Hogwarts when he was nothing but a stuttering scaredy-cat who always got stuck with the short end of the stick. As seen by his seventh year, the kid completely transformed into perhaps the bravest student at Hogwarts. His transition was absolutely inspiring to watch and it proves he’s a person who is fully capable of growing and evolving. He would never hurt a fly, yet when it comes to fighting for a cause he truly cares about, he will go all-in and turn into The Hulk. His nobility proves he would do anything for the person he loves, and the fact that he so fearlessly stood up to Lord Voldemort is… pretty hot.


One of the most beautiful relationships in Harry Potter is the relationship shared between Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. They love each other deeply and are able to accept each other for who they really are, flaws included. Remus would make an excellent love interest because as we can see from his relationship with Tonks, he is fully invested in her and he would do absolutely anything to ensure her happiness and safety. He is beaming with warmth, is incredibly passionate, and consistently selfless. We’d be lucky to date him.


Dating either Fred or George Weasley would be a dream come true. If you dated either one of these handsome fellas, you would never experience boredom again in your life. People often forget that one of the most important ingredients in any romantic relationship is playfulness. Allowing yourself to let loose with your partner is essential and dating either one of these two would result in a brilliantly fun and happy romance. (Just be prepared to wake up in the middle of the night to a water gun fight).