The Harry Potter books and films are guilty of having stolen the childhood, adulthood, and the fast-approaching senescence of most of the population. Its storyline and characters have captured people’s hearts and its life lessons and quotes hit home each and every time. But no one is perfect or worthy of idolization, not even the powerful and loved Professor Albus Dumbledore.

For most of Dumbledore’s absurd plans and mistakes, there is a wisdom behind them. So to call them mistakes is simply a way to say that what is being done is questionable and could be done in another way. But really, aren’t most mistakes? So as mere mortals who live through every day and experience all of the mundane aspects of life in the muggle world, there is always something to be taken from these “mistakes.”

Dumbledore Ignored Harry in The Order of The Phoenix

One of the most frustrating parts of Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix is Dumbledore ignoring Harry’s attempts to contact him. Dumbledore believes his reason is a valid one and he is protecting Harry and the Wizarding World from Voldemort. But without Dumbledore’s guidance, Harry is swept into Voldemort’s deceit and Sirus Black is murdered by Bellatrix.

What can be learned from this is that it is always best to speak to others and consult about any troubles. Ignoring is ignorance for both people and most problems are better solved with help from loved ones. Even an inkling is better than nothing.

Dumbledore’s Feelings Overpowered Him

Is it another person’s job to say whether or not someone is ready for a challenge they have to face in life?  Dumbledore believed that he knew what was best for Harry and withheld precious information from him. He cared for Harry and didn’t want to burden him with the realization that he would have to die in order to fulfill the prophecy.

Snape called Dumbledore out for his behavior, saying in disbelief, “you’ve been raising him like a pig for slaughter.” It is not the responsibility of one person to determine how another person’s life will look, regardless of any affection towards them.

Involved In The Circumstances Surrounding His Sister’s Death

Dumbledore was attracted to the Deathly Hallows and the powerful possibilities they presented.  During a duel between himself, his brother Aberforth and Gellert Grindelwald, his sister Ariana was struck by a spell and killed. When Ariana was alive, Dumbledore rejected and detested his responsibility for his younger sibling and after she died, he felt immeasurably guilty for placing her in a dangerous situation.

Dumbledore kept his past a secret and let his mistakes haunt him. But stunting growth by dwelling on the past is not wished upon anyone, especially when their talents are crucial for the greater good. All that can be done is to learn and forgive the past.

His Blood Pact With Grindelwald

When Dumbledore made the blood pact with Grindelwald, he was unable to act against his former partner and had to ask help from Newt Scamander for a task he could not do himself. Through this trial, Dumbledore reflects that some decisions are permanent, no matter how small or big they are.

Being caught up in the moment is a difficult thing to control and often time the consequences are forgotten.  So before any choices are made, understand what they entail because everything can change in an instant, and right now will always look different from tomorrow.

Putting On The Gaunt Ring

Temptations are everywhere and it is a battle between our higher and lower nature as to whether we will give in to them. Dumbledore had the Gaunt family ring in his possession and although he knew that it was the resurrection stone, he forgot it was also a Horcrux. He experienced a moment of weakness.

He wanted to wear the ring, to use the stone to see his family, and in his haste, became the reason for his demise. It isn’t a bad thing to have a strong desire for something, but perhaps the heart and mind should be in unison, a practice that is difficult, to say the least.

Hiring Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart is a shambles of a person. Dumbledore doesn’t really acknowledge this factor and it is safe to assume that he may have an affinity for hiring odd and slightly questionable teaching figures. Is Dumbledore’s gentle and positive nature of seeing the best in people and their potential for better a barrier? Of course not.

But it is always important to be thorough when giving people responsibilities, and understanding whether they have what it takes to fulfill the necessary requirements, especially in a formal position. It pays to be observant and do as much research as possible.

Keeping Secret From Harry That He Was Dying

Dumbledore let himself be killed by Snape in front of Harry without first informing him of his plans. This wasn’t so much a mistake as a cruel thing to do to Harry. When one doesn’t have all of the facts and is emotionally distraught, all logic goes out the window. So this is bad.

But what is worst is that Dumbledore only had a certain amount of time left before he would die, and had to pass down as much of his knowledge to Harry as quickly and efficiently as possible. What mere muggles can learn from this, is that time is a precious commodity and how it is spent is dependent upon the individual. Use it wisely.

His Suspicions Towards Moody Were Pieced Together Too Late

Albus Dumbledore is simultaneously the most observant and oblivious wizard to grace The Wizarding World, of course, Harry Potter comes in as a close second. When faced with Polyjuice Potion and Death Eaters in disguise, it is difficult to determine whether Dumbledore has no idea there is anything wrong or is simply playing with his theory and seeing where it will go, naturally endangering everyone in the process.

As a general rule for effective communication, observing people’s behavior and understanding if there are any changes is something that can help all individuals. Compassion, empathy, concern, and understanding are all heightened in the process.

Giving The Ministry and Umbridge Control Over Hogwarts

If in doubt, clap with pizazz and disappear, or in the words of Kingsley Shacklebolt, “you may not like him, Minister, but you can’t deny: Dumbledore’s got style.” But was this the right decision for the situation? Did Dumbledore put in enough effort to warrant his hasty departure before all hell broke loose?

McGonagall’s heroic actions of comforting Trelawney, defending Hagrid and protecting students from the wrath of Umbridge is an example to all who lack confidence and courage. So what can be learned from Dumbledore’s escape? That no one should back down if they truly care, but should neither be extreme, rather approaching with caution and wisdom.

Allowing Harry To Compete In The Triwizard Tournament

McGonagall has a sharp mind and her loyalty to her position in the battle against the Dark Arts is an example for all her students.  Even though Dumbledore is aware of her wit and intelligence, he ignores her comment that “Potter is a boy, not a piece of meat,” concerning Harry’s entrance in the Triwizard tournament.

The wisdom behind this is to understand Moody and how this circumstance came to pass, but ignoring the wisdom of his fellow staff member and friend endangered many individuals, and affected the ending of the tournament. So it must be asked. Did Dumbledore cause Cedric Diggory’s death to be unavoidable when he made his decision to involve one more Triwizard Champion in the games that night?