The Weasleys were always the favorite family in the Harry Potter franchise. Every fan, at some point, wanted a knitted sweater with their initial from Mrs. Weasley, or to play Quidditch in the back garden with the many Weasley children, or enjoy Christmas dinner with their entire family.

Some family members had a more prominent role to play, and thus received more character growth than others. But for the most part, they were all present in some way - even if it was just little updates here and there from Ron. Over the course of the series, or seven years in these characters’ lives, we saw them overcome tragedies and achieve personal triumphs.


It goes without saying that Ron received the most on-screen growth out of all his family. Ron met Harry on the Hogwarts Express where the two quickly became friends. Like Harry, Ron was accustomed to hand-me-downs, but it bothered Ron a lot more. Coming from a large family, Ron had somewhat of an inferiority complex - which got worse as he got older, having to live in Harry’s shadow - but by the end of the series, it seems Ron has overcome that personal demon.

Ultimately, Ron grew up to become a valued albeit flawed friend. He may have let his emotions rule him, for better or worse, but he always came through to do what was right for the ultimate good as well as for the ones he loved.


When we first met Ginny Weasley, she was mostly looked over as Ron’s shy little sister who had a schoolgirl crush on Harry. But over the course of the series, Ginny morphed into an outspoken, popular girl and Quidditch star. In fact, there is a definite point in the series where Ginny’s personality seems to do a complete 180. It may not exactly count as love at first sight, but the moment Harry sees Ginny in Half-Blood Prince, he’s absolutely in love with her and her complete personality transplant.

Hermione does make the comment that Ginny’s confidence was always there, it just took her getting over her crush on Harry to fully flourish. But given the fact her “confidence” felt more like a “popular, high school mean girl” attitude and her sense of humor was often nasty remarks at other people’s expense, it doesn’t exactly feel like positive character growth.


Fred and George were easily passed off as a prankster duo. Their reputation was built on being class-clowns who didn’t have the focus or ambition to be high achievers at school. Perhaps that was intentional on their end - because they were able to develop a whole range of Weasley Wizard Wheezes essentially hiding in plain sight.

By the time they were 17, even though they were essentially high school dropouts, Fred and George managed to become successful independent business owners. During the Second Wizarding War, their store was one of the only establishments still open in Diagon Ally.


For most of the series, Fred and George were seen as a singular entity. Regardless of their subtle personality differences, it was constantly reinforced how they were identical down to the last freckle, never seen without each other, and even their own family got their names mixed up. Then comes Deathly Hallows.

The first time Fred and George are separated - during the Battle of the Seven Potters - ends with George having his ear permanently severed. But if that wasn’t enough, the second time they are separated ends with Fred’s death. Now, after 20 years of being somewhat of an extension to his twin brother, George is finally just George.


Out of all the Weasley’s, Percy’s character arc throughout the series is perhaps the most compelling. We’re introduced to Percy when he is in his fifth year at Hogwarts as a newly made Prefect and Head Boy, and often bullied by his brothers for being a “pompous prat.” Percy’s ambition and sense of elitism eventually landed him a job in the Ministry under Barty Crouch Sr. Unfortunately, in the rise of the Second Wizarding War, Percy sides with the Ministry over Harry and disowns his family.

While he did not attend his brother’s wedding, Percy did show up in the final moments for the Battle of Hogwarts. He apologizes for his behavior and joins his family’s side in battle. The reunion is bittersweet. When Percy makes a joke about resigning from the Ministry it catches Fred off-guard at just the wrong time, leading to his death.


Admittedly, not much is known regarding Charlie Weasley. We know he is deadset focused on dragons - to the point he never had time for dating or marriage - and that he lives and works in Romania. Post Deathly Hallows, he is shown in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite still working for the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary.


The oldest of the Weasley brood, Bill had already graduated and started working in Gringotts Bank by the time Harry went to Hogwarts. The two didn’t properly meet until 1994 for the Quidditch World Cup, and Harry described him as being laidback and “cool.” A few months later he met Fleur Delacour and was instantly smitten.

At some point, Bill and Fleur began dating and he was able to help her get a job with him at Gringott’s. A few months after Bill proposed, he was attacked by infamous werewolf Fenrir Greyback. Although Bill didn’t turn into a full werewolf, he was left with permanent scars on his handsome face, and he did develop a fondness for rare steak.


Molly Weasley was always the over-protective mother figure in the series, and not just to her own children. Molly very quickly came to love Harry as if he was one of her own. As the years went on, and signs of Voldemort’s return began to rise, Molly’s worries for her loved ones only grew. Her fears for their safety manifested in her boggart, as well as in the Weasley clock at The Burrow, all hands pointing to “Mortal Peril.”

She joined the new Order of the Phoenix, but was vehemently against her children being involved, even if they were legally of age to join. Her fears never held her back from getting involved in the fight for good, either. She not only participated in the Battle for Hogwarts, but she also killed Bellatrix Lestrange to protect her daughter Ginny.


The Weasley patriarch may have seemed a bit eccentric in the beginning, with his fascination for Muggle artifacts, and he may have been labeled a “blood-traitor” and “disgrace” by some pureblood wizards. But at his core he was a brave man of principle and honor - Weasleys are known for ending up in Gryffindor for a reason, after all.

Even when the Ministry fell under Voldemort’s control, and he was put under surveillance and officially labeled a “blood-traitor,” Arthur never swayed on his values regarding Muggles. This seemingly easygoing, laid back man was always true to himself and his convictions.

The Weasleys

The Weasleys may have come from humble beginnings and they may not have had much money, but they always had a wealth of love. Though they didn’t have much political standing, they were always true to themselves, even when faced with persecution for their morals. It’s this strength of courage and moral fiber, along with their involvement with the Order of the Phoenix and the Second Wizarding War that ultimately earned them a decent degree of respect in the wizarding world.

Harry - as well as Hermione - were welcomed into their home. Even though they lost Fred, the Weasley family continued to expand, welcoming a dozen grandchildren to continue their legacy.