In the Harry Potter series, Harry has to deal with a lot of abuse and neglect. After the tragic death of his parents, he is then raised by an aunt and uncle who despise him and treat him horribly. Luckily, as Harry gets older, he does get to have some positive parental figures in his life. Molly Weasley is one of the first adults to really look out for him, and then his godfather Sirius Black is there for him after he escaped from Azkaban.

Both Molly and Sirius care deeply about Harry, and they both have times where they are great parental figures in his life

Sirius: Sticking Up For Harry In Many Situations

Sirius Black might be a bit hot-headed at times and be reckless in how he handles things. With that being said, he does use these traits to look out for Harry many times.

This is especially the case when he sticks up to Snape when Harry is taking Occlumency lessons from him. While Sirius might not always handle things in the calmest of ways, he does have Harry’s back and wants to look out for him.

Molly: Welcoming Harry Into Her Family Basically From The Start

When Harry first goes to Hogwarts, he’s never really known what it’s like to have family and friends that care about him. Ron befriends him right away, and Molly is kind to him from the start.

She even is happy to host Harry at her home during the summer before his second year. It’s clear that Molly sees that Harry needs someone to be there for him and provide a family environment, and she is very compassionate in doing so from the beginning.

Sirius: Trying To Provide A Place For Harry To Live

One of the most tragic things about Sirius as a godfather is how he’s never really able to provide a home for Harry like he means to. After the truth about Pettigrew is revealed, Sirius says that Harry can come live with him after his name is cleared.

While Sirius never gets the chance to provide a home, it’s clear that he wants to give Harry a good life and be a stable parental figure for him. It’s definitely heartbreaking that Harry ends up having to go back with the Dursleys.

Molly: How She Sent Him Gifts Every Christmas And Treated Him Like Her Own Child

Pretty much from the outset, Molly starts to see Harry as a part of her family. She sends Harry Christmas gifts just like she does her own children including her annual knitted sweaters.

She looks out for him in these small ways that a parent would. She even sends him treats for Easter. How she acts toward Harry is very similar to how she treats her own children, and it’s definitely something that means a lot to Harry.

Sirius: Being On Harry’s Side That He Could Handle More Than Other People Think

During the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry’s two main parental figures are at odds with one another, but they both have some good points. Sirius sees that Harry has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders and is at risk, so he advocates for him to be told the truth.

While he might sometimes lose sight of Harry’s age, it’s true that Harry is Vodlemrot’s target and needs to know how to defend himself. Sirius recognizing Harry’s ability to handle himself is definitely a needed perspective.

Molly: Remembering That Harry Was Just A Child

On the other hand, Molly is a good parental figure to Harry during her arguments with Sirius because she is trying to protect him. While both Molly and Sirius are doing their best to keep Harry safe, they just have different approaches.

There is also something to be said about Molly’s attempt to remember that Harry is just a teenager and that he shouldn’t be treated like an adult as he’s only 15.

Sirius: He Broke Out Of Azkaban Partially To Keep Harry Safe

When Sirius sees the picture of Peter Pettigrew in his rat form in the Daily Prophet, he uses this as motivation to escape from Azkaban.

While part of his reason for escaping is to get revenge, he is also worried about his godson. He cares about Harry from the start, and he often tries to check in on him in small ways. This is why he stops to see Harry at Privet Drive right away.

Molly: When She Went To Visit Him Before The Final Task Of The Triwizard Tournament

This is one of the best moments of Molly being a parent figure to Harry that takes place in the books. While it doesn’t make it into the movie, this scene shows just how much Molly is like a mother figure to him.

She and her son Charlie come to support Harry before he completes the third task. Since Harry has no family to care about him, it’s clear that Molly takes over this role.


During Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Sirius moves close to Hogwarts, putting himself at risk of being captured, in order to look out for Harry. He even starts living off of rats and in caves in order to stay as close as possible.

He knows that Harry is likely in danger in many ways, so he wants to be there for him to offer any help and support he can.

Molly: Providing A Safe Place For Harry During Holidays And Summers

Harry never really had a place to feel safe and loved while he was a child. Luckily, that changed once he was invited to the Burrow and welcomed into the Weasley family. Molly, and the rest of the family, made Harry feel completely at ease. He was able to spend many summers and holidays there and actually get to experience what it’s like to have people that care about you and want what’s best for you.