In normal circumstances falling in love is a beautifully uncomplicated matter, but for Harry Potter, love was as tricky as learning how to use his Patronus. When everything that goes bump in the night in the Wizarding world wants to either eat or kill you, it is understandable why Harry would guard his heart, but that was all before he found his soulmate Ginny, or according to some fans, drank a love potion.

For whatever reason or by whatever spell, Harry and Ginny lived happily ever after. Yet, many fans can’t help but wonder how these two love birds survived the test of time. Well, here are ten reasons they shouldn’t have.

Dumped Him: After Ministry Of Magic Debacle

As a child, Ginny not only had a crush on Harry Potter but looked up to him as a hero. So it is hard to believe she would place her trust or her heart with someone who wasn’t careful enough with her life to walk into an obvious trap at the Ministry of Magic.

This blunder on Harry’s part almost cost Dumbledore’s Army all their most popular members and unfortunately did cost Sirius Black his life. Though don’t tell Harry this, as he is still blaming Severus Snape for his foolhardy judgment call.

Dumped Her: After His Sudden Affection For Her

Harry’s love interest in most of the books and movies was Cho Chang. His love for her bordered on obsession, but after finally winning her affection, he suddenly fell hopelessly out of love with her. He then sees Ginny with another guy, a sight he has seen many times in the past, and suddenly, she is all he can think of.

Harry might have suspected a love potion was at play. Though, according to Snape, Harry was never that good in potions class, so that might explain why he didn’t think of it.

Dumped Him: Because Of His Past With Voldemort

In Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, Ginny is possessed by Tom Riddle, who uses her to open the Chamber of Secrets. It is known that Voldemort put images in Harry’s mind to attract him to the Ministry of Magic, so for two people who have at one time had Voldemort in their minds, controlling their actions, why would it be a good time to become a couple with him on the loose?

How could either trust that the other wasn’t being possessed and thus luring them to their dooms?

Dumped Her: For Hermione

While fans have been debating over who Harry should have ended up with for years, some say Ginny was his true love, while others say Hermione was more compatible. Truth is, Ginny and Harry don’t compliment each other very well. Both are headstrong and willing to go head-first into a fight.

Hermione, on the other hand, complements Harry because she is the opposite of him. He’s foolhardy while she’s careful. His brashness leads him into trouble. Hermione’s intelligence gets them out of trouble. Plus, Ron had years to make his move.

Dumped Him: For Being A Terrible Father

In Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, Albus Potter attempts to save Cedric Diggory. In doing so, he is willing to let his father die in Cedric’s place. For a son to want his father to die in place of a stranger or be willing to be erased from existence is quite the headscratcher.

Yet, this is where Albus and Harry found themselves after Albus began attending Hogwarts. How horrible of a dad could Harry be for his son to want him dead? Probably something Ginny should ask Harry.

Dumped Her: Because Of His Friendship To Ron

Ron says he is fine with Harry dating Ginny. He said so many times. While that is true, Ron has said a number of things he didn’t mean, and judging by his opinions towards the other guys that had dated his sister in the past; it is hard to believe he would truly give anyone a pass.

Even if Ron was fine with Harry dating Ginny, Harry should care enough about his friendship with Ron to not even attempt to date his sister. What if they break up? Will Ron really take Harry’s side?

Dumped Him: For Spending More Time With Hermione Than Her

If Harry was so crazy about Ginny, why did he spend so much time with Hermione? This constant closeness was the reason why Ron was so jealous of Harry. So if dimwitted Ron followed the signs, then how was Ginny so blind? While Harry was on the run, it was Hermione who was the one who stuck by him.

While Ginny was stuck at Hogwarts trying to fight for her life against Voldemort’s Death Eaters. Yet, Harry never seemed any more concerned about her safety than he did anyone else at Hogwarts.

Dumped Her: Crashing Her Broom Into The Commentator’s Booth

So, it is no secret that Harry Potter had a famous temper. He could be irritable and petty for no good reason. The one thing he hated most was criticism.

So when Ginny crashed her broom into the commentator’s booth because she didn’t like how the game was being called, Harry should have realized that in this one personality trait, they were too similar to form a lasting relationship. Just imagine arguments in the Potter home. It’s no wonder Albus became so resentful towards his father.

Dumped Him: When Harry Named Their Son After Hogwarts Teachers

No matter how you cut it, Severus Snape was a horrendously vile teacher. He showed favorites and relentlessly picked on Potter and Longbottom. Snape described Dumbledore’s plan for Harry as “raising him like a pig for slaughter.”

So for Harry to name his son Albus Severus Potter, after his childhood bully and a man who protected him so he could die at the right time, it just seems like terrible people to name a child after. Why not name the child after the Weasley’s or even Hagrid? You know, people that cared about him.

Dumped Her: When She Stole His Quidditch Spotlight

Harry pretended to hate the spotlight, but when it turned to someone else, he always resented them for it. When Ron and Hermione became prefects instead of him, he refused to speak with them. When Snape didn’t treat him like a celebrity, Harry hated him for it.

So when Ginny began to steal his quidditch spotlight, it is hard to believe Harry wasn’t peeved about it. Ron was right when he accused Harry of being addicted to the spotlight. So it is hard to believe he would share it with anyone, even his girlfriend.