Harry Potter may have wrapped up its books and movies many years ago, but the franchise is still one of the most popular in pop culture history. New fans are discovering the books, films, and merchandise every day; old fans are always reliving the classic story.

“Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” And indeed it is. However, even though many fans do enjoy watching the movies — droves of people watch them on TV all the time — there are some scenes the films just got incredibly wrong. However, there are also some scenes the movies perfected.

Nailed It: The introduction of Sirius at the Shrieking Shack

Most fans name Prisoner of Azkaban as their favorite Harry Potter movie. Often the reasoning is due to how many accurate scenes from this movie are to the book. It also introduces fan-favorite characters like Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, not to mention the Marauders in general.

It made many fans happy to see the final confrontation scene between Sirius, Lupin, and the trio remained faithful to the written word. It would have been easy to mess the scene up by making it too melodramatic, but it’s the perfect amount of tense. It gives us all the pay-off we wanted in finally introducing Sirius and explaining his motives.

Upset Fans: Harry and Ginny’s first kiss

While the relationship between Harry and Ginny was popular with book fans, what translated on-screen is a tepid and inadequate compared to the real deal. The main issue with the film relationship is how much Ginny was changed for the films. Bonnie Wright is not a bad actress, but her version of Ginny was watered down heavily from the fiery, brave witch we got to know in the book version.

The first kiss between Harry and Ginny should have had sparks flying as the two embrace after a Quidditch match. Instead, we get a lukewarm moment in the kitchen of the Burrow that is awkwardly interrupted by Ginny’s brother. Fans still haven’t forgiven the directors for butchering the pairing.

Nailed It: The final reveal and truth about Snape

Whether you love Severus Snape or hate him, there is no denying the cultural impact his character has had or how brilliant Alan Rickman was in his portrayal. We couldn’t have gotten a better actor film version to play the Potions professor. One of Snape’s most notable and essential moments doesn’t happen until the seventh book when he’s on the brink of death.

His final deed is giving Harry his memories so he can finally understand everything that Snape and Dumbledore have done to help Harry eventually defeat Voldemort. It’s a pivotal moment in the series, and had the films messed it up; fans would have rioted. Luckily, even though they shortened the reveal quite a bit, the exchange, “Even after all this time?” “Always,” succeeded in nailing the scene’s tone and tugging at everyone’s heartstrings.

Upset Fans: The time-traveling sequence in Prisoner of Azkaban

The Prisoner of Azkaban film had a lot of great attributes. Again, it is considered one of the most faithful adaptations and one of the best movies in the franchise. That said, there is one scene in particular that fans still get irritated about. During the time-traveling sequence at the end of the movie, Harry and Hermione interfere with their past selves.

It is explicitly stated multiple times that you should never do that. Yet, in the film, Hermione throws rocks at Hagrid’s hut to encourage past-Hermione, Harry, and Ron to leave so they can rescue Buckbeak. It’s a minor grievance, but still an annoying one nevertheless.

Nailed It: The tale of the three brothers

In the seventh book of the series, Harry becomes obsessed with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. He and Hermione eventually travel to the Lovegood home after remembering that Xenophilius Lovegood had worn the symbol previously. He tells them the story of the Death Hallows or the Tale of Three Brothers.

This is an example of a film scene that actually builds upon something in the book and improves it. The tale is told through a beautifully-rendered animated sequence. The moment is extremely popular, and many critics were massively impressed by the addition of this moment in the movie.

Upset Fans: The Devil’s Snare trap in Sorcerer’s Stone

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry, Ron, and Hermione travel to the forbidden third-floor corridor to get to the Sorcerer’s Stone. They have to battle their way through several challenging obstacles and protections to get there. The first one they encounter is a Devil’s Snare.

The plant is known to strangle anyone who touches it, and the only way to counteract it is through fire or light. The reason fans disliked this scene in the movie is that it is yet another example of how the films tried to make Ron out to be an idiot. In the books, Hermione panics in the Devil’s Snare. It is Ron who reminds her how to get them all free.

Nailed It: When the Order of the Phoenix had to imitate Harry

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the last and darkest book and film in the franchise. There are not a lot of bright spots in the book until the very end, and it’s light on humor. That’s why the scene at the beginning where the Order must impersonate Harry with Polyjuice Potion is so essential. It’s one of the lighter and more humorous moments in the story before chaos reigns.

The movie does a great job with it, thanks to Daniel Radcliffe’s magnificent acting. It’s great to watch him impersonate other characters impersonating him and, indeed, it’s not easy to do! We should also give an honorable mention to Helena Bonham Carter when she does something similar by impersonating Hermione impersonating Bellaxtrix, another scene fans loved.

Upset Fans: Voldemort’s death scene

When Voldemort finally dies, fans were expecting to see his body fall and hit the ground. The reason it was essential to see Voldemort’s corpse is due to his long battle against death.

To have him disintegrate, as he does in the movie, robs the moment of a lot of symbolism and catharsis. It doesn’t give us the same gravitas or impact as the final moment against the Dark Lord deserved. Fans still often make fun of the moment through memes.

Nailed It: All the Quidditch games

It would be easy to make Quidditch look silly on-screen. People play Quidditch in real-life, and even though it’s goodhearted fun, it still seems a little goofy to watch people running around on brooms.

Luckily, the movie excels at using significant special effects to make Quidditch look intense and daring. You understand easily why the game is so popular within the wizarding world.

Upset Fans: Dumbledore questions Harry about the Goblet of Fire

If you ask any Harry Potter fan what scene the movies got the most mistaken, this is probably the scene they will think of first. In the books, Dumbledore “calmly” asks Harry whether or not he put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

In the film version, Dumbledore is in a rage when he asks Harry, and he shoves him against a wall. It’s drastically different in tone to what occurs in the book. The moment has become a popular meme and is frequently discussed, mocked, and joked about in Harry Potter fan forums all over the internet.