Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood share a touching friendship throughout the Harry Potter series. The two characters first meet in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix while on their way to Hogwarts, with Luna quickly developing a vital role in Dumbledore’s Army and becoming a beloved character in the fandom.

The series is currently complete and Harry ultimately found love with Ginny Weasley. Harry and Ginny are a well-matched couple, though he shares a special connection with Luna that would have made for an interesting romantic relationship. Here are five reasons why Harry should have been with Luna and five why he’s perfect with Ginny.

Luna: Harry Respects And Defends Luna

When Harry is first introduced to Luna Lovegood in Order of the Phoenix, she initially comes across as an eccentric outsider. This isn’t necessarily false, though as Harry gets to know Luna more he comes to respect her more and defends her from bullying classmates.

Harry is an outcast at Hogwarts during Order of the Phoenix and this is what draws him to Luna. They share several similarities and know what it’s like to be treated as an oddball in a school full of wizards.

Ginny: They Both Love Quidditch

Harry also shares plenty of similarities with Ginny and one of these is their shared love of Quidditch. Harry and Ginny are both passionate fans of the sport and played for the Gryffindor team during their school years.

Ginny pursued Quidditch professionally after leaving Hogwarts, playing for the Holyhead Harpies before becoming a senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet. Quidditch is a big part of Harry’s identity and they can continuously bond over their shared love of the sport.

Luna: They Could Both See Thestrals

Another thing that brings Harry and Luna together in Order of the Phoenix is, as Nancy and Johnathan from Stranger Things can attest to, shared trauma. After witnessing Cedric Diggory’s death, Harry gains the ability to see Thestrals. Luna can also see Thestrals following her mother’s death and reassures Harry that he’s just as sane as she is.

Although the circumstances are awful, Harry and Luna forge a friendship from this moment. They understand each other arguably more than Harry and Ginny do.

Ginny: His Marriage To Ginny Officially Makes Him A Weasley

The Weasleys are the most important family in Harry Potter’s life. They looked after and supported him after a childhood of neglect and regarded him as a member of the family before he wedded their daughter.

Although he would have been a de facto member of the family anyway, Harry’s marriage to Ginny officially makes him a Weasley. It is a nice piece of closure for Harry, who grew up lacking the large family environment he craved.

Luna: They Went To Slughorn’s Party Together

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,  Harry meets Professor Horace Slughorn for the first time and immediately catches the Potions Master’s attention. Slughorn inducts him into the Slug Club and invites him and a plus one to his extravagant Christmas party.

Despite Harry’s status amongst the girls at Hogwarts as the desirable Chosen One, Harry chooses to invite his friend Luna instead. He states that he prefers spending time with Luna, to the chagrin of Romilda Vane and her friends.

Ginny: He’s Attracted To Her

During Half-Blood Prince, Harry gradually develops romantic feelings for Ginny after spending the summer together at the Burrow. Harry expresses feelings of attraction toward Ginny that he doesn’t toward his other female friends like Hermione and Luna.

Although Harry and Luna share a touching friendship, with Harry naming his daughter after his friend and his mother Lily, there is never any hints of attraction between the two. Harry and Ginny share a more physical and passionate relationship.

Luna: She Believed Him About Voldemort’s Return

Luna has no familial connection to Harry like Ginny does and has no reason to believe him in Order of the Phoenix about Voldemort’s return. Yet she explicitly tells him that she and her father support him and she asks Xenophilius to publish his interview about Voldemort’s return in his magazine The Quibbler.

This could have had severe consequences for Luna due to Umbridge’s reign of terror over Hogwarts at the time. However, she is a fierce and faithful friend and defends Harry even at her detriment.

Ginny: He Finds Her Funny

One of the many things Harry finds most attractive about Ginny Weasley in the book series is her sense of humor. At first, Ginny is shy and quiet around Harry due to her crush on him, but as she grows older she becomes more confident and organically catches his attention.

Ginny makes Harry laugh a lot throughout the series, particularly in Half-Blood Prince. Her sense of humor relaxes him and there is a sense of genuine friendship in their relationship.

Luna: She Challenges Him

Harry and Luna share many similarities but also have a lot of differences. Luna has a unique world view that sets her apart from other characters, whereas Harry is more prone to brash acts of Gryffindor bravery.

However, it is their differences that would make a romantic relationship between the two so interesting. Luna would challenge Harry in ways Ginny wouldn’t, encouraging his growth as a person.

Ginny: She Has A Rebellious Streak

Another thing that Harry admires most about Ginny, particularly in the book series, is her defiance and rebellious streak. As she grows into a more confident young woman, Ginny displays tremendous courage and a disregard for rules that mirrors Harry’s and draws the two together.

Ginny is not afraid to argue and stand up to authority figures, something Harry displays throughout Order of the Phoenix during his confrontations with Umbridge. It is one of the many similarities between Harry and Ginny that make their relationship successful.