Every Harry Potter fan would love to live in his world - where an owl brings a letter on your eleventh birthday, where you get to learn real magic, and discover a place where dragons are real… maybe without the whole Dark Lord part, though. For Harry himself, there were two clear favorite places to be once he learned that he was a wizard. Hogwarts, of course, where he met Ron and Hermione, and where he learned all the magic that saved him, and the Burrow, the Weasley family home, full of the love, laughter, and clutter that he was missing at Privet Drive.

But which of these two would actually be the better place to live? From dorm rooms and detention to Quidditch in the back yard, which is the best place to be in the Wizarding World?

Hogwarts: Hogsmeade

The Burrow, for all it’s magic, still exists in the Muggle world. The Weasley’s may know local magical families, but when they want to pop out to pick up a few potions ingredients, they have to head to Diagon Alley - and when they aren’t there, they have to act like Muggles out in public. Hogwarts, however, is within walking distance of Hogsmeade, the only all-wizarding village in Britain. This means wizarding pubs, shops, and more right on the doorstep, and a place where witches and wizards can live life without having to hide at all.

Burrow: No Permission Slips Required

For all that Hogsmeade is an amazing place, the students at Hogwarts can’t just wander down there whenever they choose (unless they use a secret passage, of course!). Hogwarts is a place of rules, restrictions, and permission slips, where there’s a strict bedtime and no wandering in the corridors after hours. The Burrow, on the other hand, is a home. That means sleeping in, having full run of the house (and the kitchen) at any time, and no need to ask permission… although Molly Weasley would probably have almost as many rules as Filch does!

Hogwarts: Quidditch Tournaments

The Burrow might have the space for Quidditch games in the backyard, but those are nothing compared to actually being able to play and watch full-on Quidditch matches throughout the year, and practicing on a full-sized pitch. Admittedly, being able to actually play would be a whole lot easier at the Burrow, where there aren’t exactly try-outs, but for those who do make the team, there’s no denying that the playing is better. Not to mention that if you aren’t a fan of actually playing, being at Hogwarts means being able to watch Quidditch matches with the whole school, not just on the rare occasion that tickets are available for the World Cup.

Burrow: No Detention

Molly Weasley might run a tight ship, but she’s not actually going to send anyone to detention… and being sent to your room is hardly a punishment comparable to a night in the Forbidden Forest. In fact, the lack of a forest full of dangerous magical creatures nearby is a big plus for the Burrow overall!

Of course, Hogwarts is a school, so there are bound to be stricter rules here, but there’s something to be said for the fact that the Burrow is a place where the punishments are a whole lot more reasonable - and usually just involve Molly getting exasperated in a loving way.

Hogwarts: Hagrid

The enormous groundskeeper of Hogwarts may not be a friend to every student in the way that he is to Harry, there must still be something immensely comforting about knowing that this half-giant is always out there, keeping the Forbidden Forest at bay. Sure, he’s terrible at keeping secrets, but life just wouldn’t be the same without Hagrid around… although no Hagrid does also mean less chance of being asked to babysit a dragon.

Burrow: The Weasleys

Hagrid is a fan-favorite, but the Burrow is the only place to experience the full joy of the entire Weasley family. While there are usually a handful of Weasleys at Hogwarts as well, the entire family was never there at once, whereas the Burrow is always filled with laughing, joking redheads. At the end of the day, Hogwarts is a school, whereas the Burrow is a family home, and that is just a more loving atmosphere.

Who wouldn’t want to wake up to Molly making breakfast, and hear about Arthur’s day dealing with Muggle objects? Not to mention the never-ending comedy show of Fred and George, or their constant inventions. As much fun as the Burrow is, it’s only really that way because of the people that live there - and they would be ready to make anyone at home.

Hogwarts:  The Great Hall & Holidays

For all its charm, there’s no denying that the Burrow lacks the sheer grandeur of Hogwarts. The Great Hall, with its night sky ceiling, would be a truly incredible place to spend mealtimes - and holidays at Hogwarts are on a whole new level. No one would want to miss the magic of the Great Hall during Christmas, when it is lined with trees and magical snow falls from the ceiling - and with no disrespect to Molly’s cooking, an entire kitchen of House Elves would be a lot more accommodating when it comes to getting that late night snack.

Burrow: Can Use Muggle Objects

For those born and raised in the wizarding world, this wouldn’t even be a consideration. However, modern Muggles might love magic, but would still probably like to use a cell phone from time to time. At Hogwarts, the concentration of magic throws off any modern technology, rendering it impossible to use, but at the Burrow, this would presumably not be a problem. Obviously, the Weasleys themselves don’t make use of any of this (with the occasional exception of Arthur’s tinkering), but it’s nice to know that it would at least be possible here.

Hogwarts: More Magical Friends

The Weasleys may be an amazing family, and a big one, but Hogwarts has hundreds of other students living there - which should make it far easier to make friends. Being surrounded by other magical people (and automatically sorted to spend the most time with the ones who are the most like you) would lead to relationships and friendships in a way that the Burrow just couldn’t. Hogwarts is an entire community, not just a family.

Burrow: Less Teen Drama

Of course, the downside of the sheer number of young witches and wizards crammed into Hogwarts is that this is bound to lead to some crazy teen drama. And teen drama with the help of magic, too. Fred and George might be pranksters, but they are unlikely to be slipping love potions into your drink or throwing a fit if you sit next to the wrong person at potions class. Sometimes, it’s nice to just get away from it all - something that only the Burrow can offer (if you can find a spare corner to yourself, of course!).