In the Harry Potter series, there’s no denying that Gryffindors and Slytherins get all the fame and infamy. While Gryffindors get most of the good attention for being good and daring, Slytherins get talked about just as much but often for being the evil house. However, among fans, Slytherin and Gryffindor are often the two houses people want to be in most. But, this is a real shame because there are just as many great things about Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. These two houses are definitely the most underrated Hogwarts houses.

Here are five reasons why Hufflepuff is the most underrated house and five reasons why Ravenclaw is the most underrated.

Hufflepuff: There are many noteworthy Hufflepuffs in the series

Hufflepuffs might not get all the glory in the series, and many of the individuals of the house often get frustrated with being constantly overshadowed. However, if you look at the series, there are many amazing Hufflepuffs who deserve more love. First of all, Cedric Diggory was one of the most talented and kind people in the books.

Then, there’s Newt Scamander from Fantastic Beasts who is another extremely kind, good, and skilled wizard.

Ravenclaw: They are all about the pursuit of knowledge

While other houses like Gryffindor and Slytherin might often be out to get a lot of attention, fame, and glory, Ravenclaw isn’t like this at all.

While they might want to be successful, they are much more motivated by the pursuit of knowledge. Their interest and passions can vary greatly, but at the end of the day, they want to know as much as they can and apply that knowledge to their pursuits. This doesn’t mean they are always perfect, but it is definitely an admirable goal.

Hufflepuff: They represent some of the most admirable qualities one can have

While Ravenclaw house has many positive traits, Hufflepuff might have some of the most admirable traits of them all. Every Hogwarts house has both negatives and positives, but Hufflepuffs are some of the most caring and giving out there.

They are known for being fair, loyal, hardworking, dedicated, and patient. These are all great qualities to have and ones that make someone giving, sincere, and loving.

Ravenclaw: Members of this house are often some of the most unique

While personalities can vary no matter which Hogwarts house a character is sorted into, the members of Ravenclaw seem to be some of the most varied and unique. Some members of this house are quite popular and outgoing, such as Cho, while others are more eccentric and introverted, such as Luna.

It’s a house that values intelligence and creativity, but this means that the members of this house can have a wide range of interests and personalities. They aren’t all just studious, book smart people.

Hufflepuff: This house hasn’t produced many dark wizards or witches

One thing that many fans of the Harry Potter series have critiqued is how blatantly Slyterhin is set up as the `bad” house. It’s mentioned over and over that most dark witches and wizards come from Slytherin, and it just doesn’t make a lot of logical sense. However, going by canon, the truth is that Hufflepuffs are the least likely to turn to the dark arts.

This is likely because they tend to be more fair-minded people who value equality.

Ravenclaw: They aren’t in it for the glory

This is something that really needs to be emphasized when it comes to Ravenclaw. While they do want to be recognized for their intellect, they tend to be all right with being more in the background.

Ravenclaws can be seen more as researchers, creators, and theorists. They are doing the work of changing the world through learning, and there is something really powerful about this. They aren’t nearly as arrogant as Slytherins or as self-righteous as Gryffindors.

Hufflepuff: It’s a house associated with some of the best things in life

While there can be some stereotypes when it comes to each Hogwarts house, there are some things that ring rather true. Hufflepuffs tend to be associated with things such as beautiful plants and delicious food.

While, of course, not every Hufflepuff is going to like these things, the house overall is one that is all about working hard and then enjoying the pleasant things in life. There is definitely something really appealing about this.

Ravenclaw: There are many characters who would have made more sense as Ravenclaws

Ravenclaw is definitely an underrated house because very few of the characters in the series that do anything major are Ravenclaws. The only really notable Ravenclaws in the series are Luna and Cho.

However, there are many characters who would make more sense as being in Ravenclaw. Some of the smartest characters such as Hermione, McGonagall, and even Dumbledore aren’t in Ravenclaw because there’s definitely a bias in the books toward sorting the main characters to Gryffindor.

Hufflepuff: Hufflepuffs aren’t just soft and sweet either

While some of the traits of Hufflepuffs lead people to think they are all super soft and sweet, this isn’t always true. While these are great things to be and many Hufflepuffs have these sides, there are also many Hufflepuffs who are extremely hardworking and dedicated.

The Hufflepuff traits are all about not giving in and being committed to what you’re doing. It definitely takes a lot of strength and commitment to be a Hufflepuff.

Ravenclaw: This is the house most known for individuality

No matter which house is being talked about, there is always going to be a wide range of personalities. While the traits for each house are a general template, this doesn’t mean each person is exactly the same just because they’re in the same house. However, Ravenclaw is definitely the Hogwarts house that’s the most about individuality. This is one of the traits connected to Ravenclaw, and it’s why many Ravenclaws are a bit eccentric, creative, and interesting.