Sybil Trelawney spent most of her witchy career as the much derided Professor of Divination at Hogwarts, and it certainly seemed like her particular brand of prophesying was about as accurate and useful as the fortunes in fortune cookies. But little to anyone’s knowledge, Professor Trelawney actually did have the ability to see into the future.

Sybil seems to have only had one moment of true future sight, and Albus Dumbledore was the only one who witnessed it. She actually foresaw the confrontation between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort and said that Harry was the only person who could actually defeat him. And although Severus Snape and Lord Voldemort were privy to a portion of the prophecy, Dumbledore was the only one who knew it in full. And here’s 5 reasons why Dumbledore should have told Harry about the prophecy earlier, along with 5 reasons why he was right to wait.

Should Have Spilled: Because It Would Have Given Harry An Edge

Voldemort may be the most powerful wizard in the world, and he is undoubtedly a more powerful and skilled wizard than Harry Potter. However, Harry being Voldemort’s accidental Horcrux obviously gave Harry a bit of an edge when it came to facing off with Voldemort, and if Harry had actually known this information beforehand then he may have been able to consciously use that to his advantage. In a battle where Harry had so few advantages in general, it seems like it may have been a huge mistake to not give Harry the kind of information that could give him at least a little bit more of an edge.

Should Have Waited: Because This Information Needed To Be Contained

Albus Dumbledore is the only person in the world who knew the full contents of the prophecy, and with that great power came a great responsibility. Harry surely could have been trusted with this information, but the more that information is shared the more likely it is to fall into the wrong hands.

Harry could have told his friends, or worse, Harry could have had that information tortured out of him by Voldemort or the other Death Eaters. Having that information puts an immediate target on someone’s back, and the prophecy is just too valuable to risk the possibility of it falling into the wrong hands. And of course, if only one person knows it then that ensures that it won’t ever happen.

Should Have Spilled: Because It Would Have Given Harry More Tools To Fight With

The fragment of Voldemort’s soul that attached itself to Harry is certainly not something that the boy who lived would have wanted to tap into. However, it may have been a smarter play in the long run. Obviously Voldemort’s soul had an effect on Harry that he had trouble controlling, but if he had actually learned to harness it then it could have been an even more invaluable weapon against Voldemort. Harry couldn’t change the fact that Voldemort’s soul had attached itself to him, but he could have changed how that affected him, and possibly could have consciously used it as a tool against Voldemort.

Should Have Waited: Because Harry Was A Child

Harry was an exceptionally mature child, but it makes sense to hold this information from him for as long as possible simply because he just isn’t mentally developed enough to handle it. And there is something to be said for protecting whatever shred of youth that Harry has left, even after everything he’s been through. Dumbledore knew the prophecy, but he didn’t know that Harry would win, and robbing Harry of whatever joy he might find in his potentially tragically short life by letting him live with a constant dread of the prophecy’s future is needlessly cruel.

Should Have Spilled: Because Dumbledore Didn’t Have The Right To Choose

Dumbledore is one of the wisest, most respected, and most powerful wizards who has ever lived. However, there is a philosophical debate to be had about whether or not Albus even had the right to keep that kind of information from Harry. The prophecy isn’t even about Albus Dumbledore, and the fact that Dumbledore was the only one to hear it is more a coincidence than anything.

Sybil Trelawney’s prophecy about Harry Potter and Voldemort is literally life or death information for Harry, and it seems reasonable to ask whether or not Dumbledore even had the right to withhold that information from him.

Should Have Waited: Because Prophecies Are Up For Interpretation

One of the most obvious reasons why withholding the prophecy from Harry was the smarter move for Dumbledore is the fact that while prophecies are informative, they’re also entirely up to interpretation. As everyone now knows, if Voldemort had interpreted what he heard from this prophecy a little differently then Neville Longbottom could have been “the boy who lived” (or even more tragically, the boy who didn’t). Dumbledore can interpret the prophecy in any way that he wants, but the reality of the situation is that no one can say what a prophecy truly means until it actually comes to pass.

Should Have Spilled: Because Harry Could Prepare

In some ways there are no preparations that would make Harry truly ready to face Lord Voldemort, but if Harry had the information that the prophecy provided then he would have been able to possibly prepare himself for what was to come. In all of the confrontations between Harry and Voldemort there were very strange things that happened that seemed impossible to explain, but that actually made total sense with the context that the prophecy provided. Voldemort was obviously shocked to see that Harry seemed to be mystically immune to many of his attacks, but Harry didn’t have to be surprised by it.

Should Have Waited: Because Harry May Have Bailed

Harry Potter is undoubtedly one of the bravest and psychologically strongest wizards who had ever lived. And he’d have to be, to survive everything that he has survived. So this isn’t meant to be a dig at Harry, so much as a natural question that would arise if Harry had years to think about the ultimate showdown with Voldemort.

And that is, if Harry had known that his face off with Voldemort could be his doom would have have stuck around to actually fight? Any reasonable person who has ages to think over a dangerous situation would consider just not doing it, and there’s nothing to say that Harry wouldn’t have fled in a moment of weakness.

Should Have Spilled: Because Harry Deserved To Know The Truth

Even though any sane person would at least consider avoiding a life or death fight if at all possible, Harry has proven time and time again that he is willing to lay his life on the line for the greater good. And that’s why Dumbledore should have told him about the prophecy. Harry was willingly wading into a fight that could have killed him, and he deserved to at least join that fight with both eyes wide open and understanding exactly what was happening or what might happen. There are lot of things that are up for debate, but the fact that Harry deserved to know his potential fate isn’t one of them.

Should Have Waited: Because Harry Needed To Be Ready

Albus Dumbledore’s decision to withhold this information from Harry Potter until the very last minute seems like it may have been the wrong choice, because Harry had the right to know and there were a lot of potential benefits to telling him. But one thing that is easy to overlook and that Dumbledore seemed to really understand is that Harry couldn’t hear this information until he was actually ready to hear it. There was never going to be a truly right time to tell Harry, but he needed to have the experiences that he had in order to find out this information, actually believe it, and react in the way that he needed to.