Rubeus Hagrid is one of the most wholesome characters among all of the many witches, wizards and other folks in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. The gamekeeper is so beloved among fans that there are currently memes circling demanding a nature show where Hagrid introduces the audience to magical creature “beauties” a la Steve Irwin.

Despite Hagrid’s endearing nature, sometimes the half-giant was the absolute worst and really ought to have known better. Harry, Ron, and Hermione usually stood by their friend no matter what, even when he was obviously in the wrong, though they would often try to steer him toward better choices. Here are 5 of his most endearing moments and 5 times he was the worst.

Endearing: Brought Harry A Birthday Cake

How many people not only carry you to safety in a flying motorbike as a child while grieving your parents’ demise but also bring you a birthday cake upon your first meeting? Hagrid demonstrates how deeply he cares for Harry within moments of first meeting the young wizard, giving him more kindness and affection than his own family has done in over a decade.

Hagrid certainly would have loved to have been there for Harry’s childhood had Dumbledore allowed it, and with Sirius Black gone, he makes a great substitute godfather. Hagrid isn’t the most talented baker in the wizarding world, but he’s certainly one of the most sentimental.

The Worst: He Used Violence On A Teacher

Igor Karkaroff was by no means a mensch, but he was still a human being, and when he spat at Albus Dumbledore Hagrid threw a fit.

Insulting Dumbledore in front of the half-giant is never a good idea anyway, but Hagrid grabbing Karkaroff and thrusting him against a tree wasn’t okay, either. It promoted violence and demonstrated a temper that Hagrid doesn’t usually show.

Endearing: He Treats His Creatures Like His Children

From calling himself Norbert’s mummy to always believing the best about each and every creature, no matter its danger classification, Hagrid has always been loving and kind to all creatures. He and Newt Scamander are cut from the same cloth, both representing wizards who understand creatures on their level, rather than on a human one and who know they never mean to harm anyone for no reason.

Perhaps J.K. Rowling should do another rewrite, this time giving Newt and Hagrid some material for a fun buddy movie featuring the two as they attempt to rescue a cool creature.

The Worst: He Gave Dudley A Tail

It’s reprehensible for someone like Hagrid, who had his wand snapped and isn’t even supposed to be practicing magic, to give a muggle a tail, even if he did deserve one. For starters, doing magic in front of muggles is already a big no-no, and someone like Harry would get expelled from Hogwarts for doing so (and nearly did when he blew up his aunt by accident).

One could argue that it’s not fair that Hagrid had his wand snapped, and there still remains the issue of why he wasn’t cleared after being found innocent of opening the Chamber of Secrets, but this is a prime example of why he shouldn’t have a wand in the first place.

Endearing: He Cries And Hugs Without Abandon

Harry Potter does have many of the same old heroic tropes that are in many action/adventure/fantasies, but it’s also got some nice examples of modern-day masculinity, which includes tenderness, gentleness, and shameless love. It’s beautiful to see Hagrid hug everyone he cares about because he hugs with his whole being, which can sometimes be overwhelming since he is half-giant.

Hagrid is never ashamed to cry, enjoys cooking, even if he isn’t great at it, and is one of the most nurturing people in the series. He’s often a great source of parental-like comfort for Harry, not to mention Ron and Hermione, and later their children.

The Worst: He Spilled The Beans About The Sorcerer’s Stone

Securing the Sorcerer’s Stone at a castle full of teenagers was probably a bad idea in the first place, but each adult entrusted with keeping it safe needed to practice full discretion in order to maintain its secrecy. Not only did Hagrid bring Harry along with him to Gringotts, which he should have done on a separate errand, but he also totally told the kids about it without even meaning to do so.

While Dumbledore trusts Hagrid with his life for good reason, the gamekeeper isn’t the best person to trust with secrets. It’s like the old saying goes: loose lips send teenagers into the path of a Cerberus. Or something like that.

Endearing: He’s Still Working At Hogwarts At Age 89

It’s really no surprise that Hagrid continues to work at Hogwarts well into his old age, given how he lives there and many other teachers do the same, but it’s sweet to imagine him still there, caring for the various fauna of the Forbidden Forest and lending an ear and a few rock cakes to a troubled Albus Potter.

Fans are often saddened to hear he never married, not to mention that Rowling hasn’t shared much about what happens to the beloved half-giant after the series ends, but it’s a comfort to know that he’s still at the school he loves so much.

The Worst: He Brought A Giant To Hogwarts

Hagrid has put students at Hogwarts into jeopardy so many times, most of which while an adult who should have known better. From Aragog’s wife, which enabled the monster to produce millions of terrible offspring, to Norbert the dragon to his own half-brother, Grawp, a baby giant who could do a lot of damage, he’s brought more dangerous creatures to the castle than Voldemort himself.

After so many incidences and brushes with the law, Hagrid really should have learned his lesson, but readers witness him bringing creature after creature to Hogwarts, from the first book to the last.

Endearing: He Made Harry A Photo Album

One of the most endearing things that Hagrid has ever done was making Harry Potter a photo album of his parents in Harry Potter in the Sorcerer’s Stone. It was a simple gesture, something that anyone at any time could have done for the poor kid yet no one, including Albus Dumbledore, who knew about his nightly visits to the Mirror of Erised and the kid’s terrible future fate, managed to think of it.

In moments like this, Hagrid is the most thoughtful person in Harry’s life, and readers are so grateful that Harry has him. Hagrid even added photos of Harry’s new friends to show that he was definitely still a member of someone’s family, a great comfort to the child that he turned to often.

The Worst: He Endangered His Students In Class

Most of the worst things that Hagrid has done were done with the best of intentions, including bringing in creatures like Blast-Ended Skrewts and Hippogriffs to introduce to his students. Unfortunately, these ideas always put his students in at least a little danger, and one nearly cost him his job at Hogwarts. We blame Draco for Buckbeak almost being executed, but Hagrid should never have put the creature in the position to hurt a student in the first place.

In a perfect world, Hagrid could have taught his students all about the creatures he loved so dearly, but in reality, too many of them simply weren’t mature enough to handle the content. Many adults couldn’t even do that, as we’ve seen in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.