The Harry Potter series might have a male lead protagonist, but there are many great female characters that are featured throughout the books. The women in the series are often extremely talented witches who do many heroic things, and there are also some interesting female villains.
While many of the women from Harry Potter had satisfying story arcs that showed their complexity, there are also those that deserved better narratives. From main characters to supporting characters, here are the women from Harry Potter who had badass arcs as well as those who deserved more.
Badass: Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall is one of the most formidable Hogwarts professors. She is a tough teacher, but she’s also fair. While she might seem serious and cold, she also has a warm heart.
All of these things make her a well-rounded character. While she isn’t the focus of the series, she gets a good amount of focus. At the end of the series, it’s shown at the Battle of Hogwarts just how powerful a witch she is and that she has major leadership skills.
Deserved More: Lavender Brown
Lavender Brown is a character that got the short end of the stick in her characterization. While female characters can also be annoying and flawed, her character came off rather flat.
She seemed more of a stereotype of a teenage girl than anything else. While Ron was a pretty awful boyfriend to her, the books made it seem like she was obsessive and a little bit crazy, and these are just unfortunate stereotypes of young girls.
Badass: Fleur Delacour
Fleur Delacour had a very different arc than Lavender Brown did. While she was portrayed earlier on as rather vain and someone who thought she was better than everyone else, it was revealed there was more to her than the snap judgments others had made.
She was a talented witch and was chosen to represent Beauxbatons in the Triwizard Tournament. Then, she was shown to be really loyal when she stayed with Bill after his werewolf attack and didn’t care what he looked like.
Deserved More: Nymphadora Tonks
Nymphadora Tonks was introduced as one of the coolest characters in the series. She was outgoing, fun, and seemed young and hip. Her ability to change her appearance plus the fact she was a badass Auror made her one of the more interesting characters.
However, the way her arc was handled was unfortunate. She ended up being sidelined as a love interest for Lupin and this relationship caused her to lose a lot of her happiness. She became depressed and that was one of the last scenes we saw with her before she died in the Battle of Hogwarts.
Badass: Hermione Granger
There’s no denying that Hermione is one of the most badass witches in the Harry Potter series. She is the main female character, and she’s really talented, intelligent, and brave. In many ways, she would have made a better protagonist than Harry even.
While she might not be the main character, she still gets a lot of focus and fans see her grow up and come into her own over the seven books.
Deserved More: Cho Chang
Cho Chang is another minor female character who got cast in a bad light. There is a bit of an unfortunate trend of teenage girls at Hogwarts being written as over-emotional or annoying. Cho started off seeming like a popular, talented, smart witch who was good in school and at Quidditch.
However, Harry couldn’t handle her emotions as she was grieving Cedric, and she got cast into this light of jealous, dramatic girlfriend. This is unfortunate as she could have been a really cool character, but she was written as somewhat of a bad person in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Badass: Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood doesn’t even get introduced until the fifth book, but she makes a big impact. She is loved by many fans, and she does have an endearing arc in a short period of time.
She goes from being extremely eccentric and not having any friends to finding her place in life. She becomes extremely brave and extremely helpful to the fight against Voldemort. Seeing Luna come into her own and find friends and happiness was really great to read.
Deserved More: Lily Potter
Lily Potter is a character that we really only learn about in flashbacks and memories. It’s extremely sad that both she and James die at such a young age. However, the reason why she deserved more in her arc is because of the way she was mostly just viewed in her relation to men.
Her entire story seemed to revolve around Snape being obsessed with her and then finally ending up in a relationship with James. It would have been nice to hear a lot more about Lily as a person and her own individual accomplishments and brave deeds.
Badass: Molly Weasley
Molly Weasley is an extremely fierce woman who loves her family a lot and doesn’t take crap from anyone. Molly might spend most of her time in a caretaking role which isn’t a bad thing, but she also has a nice arc over the series. In the end, we see just how skilled of a witch she is and how brave and protective she can be when she attacks Bellatrix.
Molly might spend a lot of her life as a mother, but she is just as active and involved in the Order of the Phoenix as anyone else in her family.
Deserved More: Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley is a character that had a great personality and a good character development at the start, but she was also relegated to supporting love interest roles. Ginny started off being rather shy with a huge crush on Harry, but as she got older, it was clear she was a powerful witch with an engaging and fierce personality.
However, even as she was shown to grow into her own and be confident, she was then basically cast aside when Harry left with Ron and Hermione to hunt Horcruxes. She did start up Dumbledore’s Army again with Neville and Luna, but she deserved more focus than she ever got.