Harry Potter’s time at school was harrowing, to say the least. There were multiple assaults, basilisks, werewolves, prisoners, and evils around every corner. It makes sense the students were desperate to take action. While within the walls of Hogwarts, one of the few ways students felt they could fight back was through Dumbledore’s Army. This was an organization started by Harry, Ron, and Hermione to teach their peers the things they learned while fighting off evil. Furthermore, it was a way to to have more productive Defense Against the Dark Arts classes than what Umbridge was allowing.

In DA, students learned how to conjure their patronus, how to use spells like Expelliarmus, Stupefy, Reducto, and how to use the Room of Requirement. Here, not only did they learn how to better defend themselves against evil but created bonds that tied all of them together for life. After all, quite a few DA members went on to marry one another.

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione left Hogwarts to find horcruxes, Ginny and Neville kept the student organization alive. By the time the Battle of Hogwarts started, the members were organized and prepared. With everyone working together, Hogwarts won the day, even if it meant many losses.

After The Deathly Hallows, life went on for all the DA members. They grew up, they married, they followed their dreams. However, that doesn’t change the important connections they made back at Hogwarts that define them to this day.

Here are 25 Things Dumbledore’s Army Members Did After Deathly Hallows.

Harry and Ginny Had Three Children

A few years after The Deathly Hallows, Harry and Ginny got back together and married. As a couple, the pair had three children: James, Albus, and Lily. The epilogue shows them sending their kids off to Hogwarts, just like they went over a decade before. James and Lily were sorted into Gryffindor while Albus was sorted into Slytherin.

In his fourth year of Hogwarts, Albus ended up in a dangerous adventure of his own, falling through time while trying to fix his father’s biggest regret.

Each of their children ended up brave and outspoken, even if living in their father’s legacy never was easy.

Luna Married A Scamander

Despite her romantic moments with Neville at the end of The Deathly Hallows, the pair didn’t end up together. Adventurer she was, she needed to be with someone who wanted to see the world. As serendipity goes, eventually Luna met Newt Scamander’s grandson, Rolf, and they hit it off. Just like his grandfather, he was an exploring magizoologist.

Over time, the pair fell in love and married. They had two boys, Lorcan and Lysander, perfectly dreamy names for their absent-minded mother. Though Rolf mellowed Luna out a bit, she still kept her quirks, like her special event hats and wild fashion sense.

Neville Became A Hogwarts Professor

After the Battle of Hogwarts and things with Luna didn’t pan out, Neville eventually finished his education. He excelled so much that he became a Hogwarts professor himself. Very fittingly, he took over the role of Herbology teacher when the position opened up. With his knowledge of gillyweed and mandrakes, he was a perfect fit.

In time, Neville became a respected professor, even if his name still was a little silly. His students adored him and even thought he was sort of cool, with his apartment above the Leaky Cauldron. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione sent their kids off to Hogwarts, they told them to give Neville their love.

Hermione And Ron Married

Throughout the entire Harry Potter series, Hermione and Ron had tension between them. Childhood bickering eventually grew into teenage attraction and love. The last few books, they played a bit of the “will they-won’t they” game. Finally, during the Battle of Hogwarts, the pair kissed in a moment of passion and affirmed their feelings.

After The Deathly Hallows, the pair never looked back. They happily married and had two children, Rose and Hugo. Though their careers took wildly different directions (Hermione to the ministry, Ron to the joke shop), they always supported one another. If there’s one certainty, life at the Granger-Weasley household is never boring.

Angelina Married George

Once, Angelina Johnson sort of had a thing going on with Fred Weasley. Moreover, though, she was always good friends with the Weasley Twins. She played Quidditch with them, joined Dumbledore’s Army with them, and fought at the Battle of Hogwarts by their sides.

When Fred was lost, she was devastated. It’s fair to assume she and George bonded over that mutual loss and grew even closer through it. Eventually, the pair married and had two children. They had a daughter named Roxana and then a boy who they dubbed Fred Weasley II, in memorial. Together, the pair learned to move forward with their lives. However, that never meant they’d forget what they lost.

Hermione Published A Book

In his will, Dumbledore left Hermione a copy of “The Tales of Beedle The Bard,” some wizard folk stories. While his plan was for the trio to learn the tales and discover the secrets of the Deathly Hallows, young Granger found even more worth in the stories. After all, as a muggle-born she never hard these as a kid. Only deeply magical families knew them by heart.

Hermione took the time to fully translate the runic book into English. Then, once finished, she published the stories so that all young wizards and witches could read them. Though she didn’t write the stories herself, she gave the wizarding world a lovely gift.

Seamus And Dean Remained Good Friends

Those last couple books were rocky for some of the long-standing Gryffindor friendships. For example, Seamus, one of Harry house members, turned away from Harry when his family thought The Boy Who Lived was causing trouble. This put strain on his relationship with Dean, his best friend. As a fierce supporter of Harry, their differing beliefs put a rift between them.

However, true friendship can’t be destroyed. When the Battle of Hogwarts was over, Seamus and Dean helped win the fight and were seen sitting together in Aberforth’s bar, together. Despite all the trials the conflict brought the pair, they always ended up right where they belonged: by each other’s side.

Ginny Became A Professional Quidditch Player

When Ginny graduated from Hogwarts, she didn’t exactly go into a normal career at the ministry. Instead, she became a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies. Playing her quintessential role, as a chaser, she enjoyed her unique life doing the thing she loved.

However, when it came time for her and Harry to start a family, they agreed her high-flying career wouldn’t be sustainable with kids. Ginny instead became a Quidditch correspondent for The Daily Prophet and spent more time at home with her family. While it wasn’t a long-term career, she enjoyed every moment of it.

Hannah Abbott Became Innkeep At The Leaky Cauldron

Though the Harry Potter series mainly followed Harry and friends, there were quite a few bright, wonderful witches and wizards around them. One of them was Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff in their year. In Cedric’s bid for the Triwizard Tournament, she and her fellow housemates were fiercely supportive.

In the future Hannah Abbott would join Dumbledore’s Army, fight at the Battle of Hogwarts, survive, and marry Neville Longbottom. For her own career, she took over The Leaky Cauldron and was a kind, hospitable person. Exactly what you’d expect of a Hufflepuff.

Her Leaky Cauldron days didn’t last forever, though, and she eventually moved to the medic ward of Hogwarts to be closer to Neville.

Several Post-Battle Wizard Cops

After The Battle for Hogwarts, quite a few DA members were finished with schooling. In lieu of an education, these young witches and wizards would now move forward with their lives.

Before pursuing any other careers, several ex-Dumbledore’s Army folk went into what they knew: fighting dark forces. That’s how Harry, Neville, Ron, and likely others ended up aurors after Hogwarts. Furthermore, magic-users didn’t have to finish school to become an auror, which opened doors for some of the students that got ejected from Hogwarts.

Though only Harry stayed in the profession, all of them helped cleaning up the rest of Voldemort’s leftover Death Eaters.

Harry, Ron, And Hermione Were Made Into Chocolate Frog Cards

One of the things that Ron is proudest of is the fact he ended up a chocolate frog card. As one of the first charms Harry Potter fans encountered, those jumpy chocolates hold a soft spot in many hearts.

Though two out of the three main heroes didn’t grow up in the magical world, Ron did. Because of this, the honor is particularly important to him. After all, he grew up with these cards, learning the fantastic witches and wizards of old. Of course he’d feel chuffed that he gets to be counted among them.

They Rebuffed Rude Rita Skeeter Reports

Always wanting a good scoop, it’s no surprise that Rita Skeeter kept hovering around the DA members long after the war. By the time most of them are married and have kids, she’s still spinning wild stories about them. For instance, she spun a ridiculous story about how Angelina Weasley is a poor wife for George and only showing up places with him and the kids for appearances.

Despite the fact that Rita never gets less grating, the Weasley clan is at least lucky to have a press-member on their side: Ginny Potter. Rita may try to report that James, her son, maliciously pushed Albus, but Ginny will either give her a stern talk or jinx.

Harry became The Head Of Magical Law Enforcement

While many of his friends only stayed in the aurors for a few years, Harry committed to magical law enforcement. It’s all he’s ever done and it’s what he’s best at. With all of his years in the aurors, eventually Harry rises through the ranks and becomes the Head of Magical Law Enforcement by the time his children are all in school.

Harry spent all of his life combating the dark forces of the world. Of course he would become adept with its workings. Forming Dumbledore’s Army was only the beginning for him, but it foreshadowed his future.

In Another Timeline, Padma Married Ron

When Albus and Scorpius started playing with time, they learned very quickly how much their actions could effect the world. One of the first big changes they encounter is Hermione and Ron not ending up together. In this timeline, changing Triwizard Events led Hermione not to date Viktor, which meant Ron never realized how jealous he was. Ergo, he instead fell for and married Padma Patil, his Yule Ball date.

Together, Padma and Ron had a son named Panju, who is more Ron-like than any of his true timeline children. However fun and goofy Panju was, he never was meant to exist.

Neville And Hannah Married

Out of a desire to give characters happy endings, The Deathly Hallows film paired a lot of the main characters off. This meant adding a romantic moment between Neville and Luna at the end of the movie, giving shippers hope.

However, one touching scene can’t change who they are. The romance never could last between homebody Neville and adventurer Luna. Instead, Neville fell in love with and married fellow home and hearth witch, Hannah Abbott. As a person who likes to host and heal, she was much better suited for him long-term than Luna, no matter how cute they were.

Harry Struggled With Parenthood

Throughout Harry Potter, Harry laments his parents and misses having that bond with them. Unfortunately, when he grows up, he struggles a bit to have that with his own children. While he gets along well enough with his eldest and youngest, it’s his middle child, Albus, that eludes him.

Albus isn’t like his other kids. He isn’t a typically mischievous Weasley/Potter or carbon copy of his mom like Luna. With less common ground, Harry utterly fails at connecting. When it takes the world almost falling apart for him to bond with Albus, it’s clear some of his parenting skills are at a sorry state.

Luna Never Found The Crumple-Horned Snorkack (But Found So Much More)

During her life with magizoologist and husband Rolf Scamander, Luna got to explore the world of magical creatures and oddities she always dreamed of. From bizarre, mysterious creatures to strange places, they traveled and learned and loved. As a forefront magical Naturalist, she did her best at finding and cataloging many phenomenon.

Though Luna never found her Crumple-Horned Snorkack, she found many other “impossible” creatures and expanded the wizarding world’s knowledge of them. Her father’s favorite mystery may not be real, but she knows the world holds many impossibilities that can be found if you just go looking.

Some Never Finished Their Education

In Deathly Hallows, Harry, Hermione, and Ron abandon their education to go find Voldemort’s horcruxes. Furthermore, Death Eaters have infiltrated Hogwarts and it’s not a safe place. All muggle-borns were even expelled.

Only after the Battle of Hogwarts is the school free again, but that doesn’t mean everyone got to finish school. Hermione took the time to complete her schooling and get her N.E.W.T.S, but Harry, Ron, and a fair amount of the muggle-born wizards never finished. Getting kicked out of school can do that.

Despite the fact a fair amount of witches and wizards didn’t finish their education, they all seemed to end up OK. Harry and Ron became aurors, after all.

Ron Got A Muggle Driving License

Though he never was as fascinated with muggle items as his father, Ron had his fair share of interest. Between his father and his muggle-born wife, he had a lot of exposure to the non-magical world. For example, inspired by his experiences with the flying car, Ron got himself a muggle driver’s license. He may not need it as a wizard, but as a son-in-law visiting the Granger home? The license can come in handy.

Together, Hermione and Ron had a fascinating, hybridized household of fun, study, muggle, and magical traditions. This driving license was only one piece of it all.

Cho Chose A Muggle

Cho Chang didn’t have the easiest time at Hogwarts. Her beloved boyfriend was executed her fourth year, she joined an army of teens at fifteen, and she had an awkward romance with The Boy Who Lived. While she supported the DA and fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, it’s no surprise she needed her life to slow down after that.

Craving a calmer, simpler life, Cho ended up with a muggle. After all, they were probably the most normal, comforting thing to ever happen to her. With a heart so broken and beaten, she deserves a future without enemies and dangerous magic. Instead, she can just feel safe and loved.