There are a variety of relationships in the Harry Potter series, and some of them are better than others. While many of the relationships from the series are positive and adorable, others aren’t so great. Many of the boyfriends in the series aren’t ones you’d want to date weather because they are still immature or because they are just horrible people overall. While the series isn’t about romance, there are quite a few romantic relationships talked about in the series including between Harry’s peers as well as the adults in the series.

We’ve looked at all of the boyfriends/husbands in the Harry Potter series and ranked them leading up to the worst.


Hagrid is not a boyfriend for very long, and he doesn’t mean to be bad at it either. While he briefly dates Madam Maxime, the relationship was never meant to last. While Hagrid isn’t a bad person, he doesn’t have a lot of experience with relationships and clearly wants different things out of life than Olympe does.

He is also a bit obtuse about the fact that she doesn’t want to talk about her giant heritage at first, although he means well.

Severus Snape

Severus Snape is only so low on this list because he’s never technically Lily’s boyfriend. If he was, however, he would be at the top of the list of the worst boyfriends in the series. Even without being her boyfriend, he still acts very possessive and obsessive over her. He can never get over the fact she didn’t want to date him, and it’s just really creepy overall.

The fact that they were also good friends for many years and then he called her a slur shows that he was basically the worst.

Michael Corner

Michael Corner is one of Ginny’s boyfriends before she begins dating Harry. We don’t see all that much of their relationship as the series is mostly shown from Harry’s point of view.

While Michael wasn’t a bad person, he wasn’t a great match for Ginny. His worst quality as a boyfriend was that he was a sore loser. The way he acted after Gyrinfdor beat Ravenclaw was the reason that Ginny ended up breaking up with him.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter might be the hero of the series and protagonist, but this doesn’t mean he was a great boyfriend. He could be rather immature and naive when it came to dating, but a lot of this is likely because of his age.

While he usually meant well, he wasn’t great at dating at first. The way he treated Cho Chang during their short-lived relationship was rather disappointing. He wasn’t good at comforting her or understanding the grief she was going through even though he should have been a person who could relate as they both were traumatized by Cedric’s death.

Vernon Dursley

Vernon Dursley is a horrible person, but he’s not higher up on this list because by all accounts Petunia seems to be happy in their relationship. Vernon is a horrible husband in many ways because he’s selfish and generally mean to other people, but he does seem to get along well with his wife.

This is likely because they are both such horrible and judgemental people that they are very evenly matched and understand each other.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy isn’t a very good boyfriend during his time at Hogwarts. This is likely because he never actually seems that interested in Pansy Parkinson. It seems that, overall, he ends up being a better husband than he was a boyfriend in his younger years, and this is likely because he becomes a better person overall as he gets older.

As far as his relationship with Pansy, he’s fairly self-absorbed and not concerned about her at all.

Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley is by far the worst boyfriend on this list who is one of Harry’s peers. While many of the teenagers are immature given their age, Ron is just particularly rude and selfish.

He is a bad boyfriend to Lavender Brown and never has the guts to actually break up with her. He’s also a pretty crappy friend to Hermione the entire time he has a crush on her. He can be quite jealous and take his feelings out on other people. It’s hard to imagine how their relationship could have lasted long term.

Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin might be well-loved by many fans and considered one of the best Hogwarts professors, but this doesn’t mean that he’s a good boyfriend or husband.

When he marries Tonks and she gets pregnant, he freaks out and basically tries to leave her behind. He lets his own guilt get the better of him and causes him to act out selfishly. This is definitely one of the lowest moments he has and one of the worst things he ever does.


One of the most problematic relationships in the Harry Potter series is the one between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. This is because it’s the only canon LGBT couple in the series, even though it’s never actually shown in the books, and it’s such a harmful and problematic couple.

Grindelwald is definitely a bad boyfriend because he’s literally a fascist tyrant and evil, dark wizard.


While in the Harry Potter books, there’s never any indication that Voldemort is ever a boyfriend or in any kind of romantic or sexual relationship, the Cursed Child play confirms that he has a child with Bellatrix. Clearly, he’s the worst boyfriend you can imagine because he’s evil, selfish, and absolutely a horrible being in every way.

Even imagining him in this kind of relationship is hard to envision. It’s definitely pretty messed up to think about, and he’s for sure the worst of the worst.