In the Harry Potter series, it is fascinating to see where all of the characters end up once they enter adulthood. Some characters go on to work at the Ministry of Magic. Others become professional quidditch players. Although we are thrilled to see where most of these characters end up, we do think a handful of these individuals would make excellent professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Which characters would make awesome professors and what exactly would they teach? Read on to find out!


Harry Potter went on to become an Auror as well as a father, but we secretly think he would’ve done an awesome job teaching as a professor at Hogwarts for Defense Against The Dark Arts. After all, no one has more experience than he does when it comes to battling evil forces and what other person can say they destroyed the most powerful Dark Lord of all time? If anyone should be teaching DADA it should be Harry Potter. Plus, it would give Harry an excuse to spend his days at his favorite place in the world, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Hermione Granger was born to teach. After all, she loves to teach people new and valuable information everywhere she goes and this is evident from the very beginning. She is a natural-born leader and she is obviously the brightest witch of her age, so it is clear to us that Ms. Granger would make an excellent professor.

What class would she teach? Any class she desires, because she is just that bloody brilliant. Who better than the “insufferable know-it-all” (Snape’s words, not ours) should teach the next generation of witches and wizards? Hermione goes on to work at the Ministry of Magic, but we still think she could’ve been one of the greatest professors throughout the history of Hogwarts if she wanted.


Hogwarts needs to have more after school clubs. There is no evidence to prove that the magical school has a Wizard’s Chess Club, but they really should have one and Ron would make the perfect leader. Ron Weasley has unfortunately spent the majority of his life living in the shadows of the people he is closest to, whether that be his family members or his best friends.

Yet when it comes to Chess, particularly Wizard’s Chess, Ron takes the lead as the clear champion. Our favorite Weasley eventually grows up to work as an Auror, yet after this fails, he joins George by working at Weasley Wizard Wheezes.


If you think about it, it’s rather amazing that George Weasley along with his brother, Fred, were able to create a massively successful business at the ripe age of seventeen. What seventeen-year-old can say they’ve found that much success at such a young age?

Although George is busy working at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, he would do a wonderful job teaching students how to go about creating their own business. Hogwarts definitely needs more courses when it comes to learning practical studies that can be applied in the real world, and this would be the perfect way for the school to do so.


It’s hard to think that at one point Arthur Weasley was a student attending Hogwarts, yet now that he is a full-grown adult, we think he would do a fantastic job teaching his one true passion at Hogwarts: Muggle Studies! He can teach all of the students what the exact function of a rubber duck is, and he can help the witches and wizards gain more of an understanding of cultures outside of their own. This can ultimately create a generation of kids who are way more tolerant towards muggles than they seem to be when Harry is a student.


Ginny Weasley goes on to become a professional quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies, which is pretty badass if you really think about it. Although Ginny at first is quite timid and shy (especially around Harry Potter), she opens up completely on the Quidditch Pitch and her character finally springs to life whenever she’s flying. This is why Ginny would totally make the perfect flying instructor at Hogwarts. Although Madam Hootch is as fabulous as can be, the woman deserves a break from all those first years clumsily getting knocked in the head by their brooms all the time.


Ever since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, we have been scratching our heads trying to figure out just what the heck these supposed “nargles” are that Luna seems to obsess over. She mentions them a whole lot and is completely certain that they exist, yet everyone else in the Potter Universe has no idea what this girl is talking about. It would be awesome to have Luna teach a course at Hogwarts where she teaches the students all of her strange terms that the majority of people have never even heard of. We’d totally take that course just to figure out what the heck she’s talking about!


Sirius Black, as we know, spent thirteen whole years of his life locked up in Azkaban for a crime of which he did not commit. Because of this, he would probably be extremely passionate about the subject of criminal law. He knows first hand what it is like to be screwed over by the system and if he were still alive, his character would do a great job teaching people on the subject of justice. Who wouldn’t die to have Sirius Black as their professor? He would’ve been the most laid back teacher on the planet.


Unfortunately, Hogwarts doesn’t have enough focus on the arts. Sure, there are a few art courses here and there, but they aren’t emphasized enough in the books to prove their worth. In the wizarding world, it seems as though people are taught that you either have to work for the ministry, be an Auror, or teach at Hogwarts in order to get ahead. Yet we know this not to be the case because there are tons of witches and wizards who have more creative careers, and Fleur would be the perfect person to teach students fashion and design. Does this mean more stylish Hogwarts uniforms? Sign us up!


Why isn’t there a course on The History of Ghosts? We’d totally take that class because as we’ve learned, all of the ghosts that roam around the Hogwarts campus have extremely unique backstories. Although Hogwarts does not discriminate against having ghosts for professors, (Professor Binns is one example), we think it would make sense for one of the ghosts to teach a course on their own kind. Perhaps this would help the students become less afraid of these “school mascots” and it can teach them more about the creatures around them. We just hope Peeves doesn’t make too many appearances in the class!