Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets released some time ago now but is one of the most popular books and films of the Harry Potter series. During the tale, J.K. Rowling crafted a location like no other, the secret chamber that housed the dangerous Basilisk.

Created by the Slytherin architect of the school, the Chamber of Secrets was designed to be Salazar’s ultimate revenge. The Chamber would allow the Basilisk to kill off anyone not worthy of being in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After the events of the second book and film, as well as the return of the Chamber later on, we still have ten unanswered questions.


Hermione and Ron returned to the Chamber in their final year to destroy another Horcrux. They used the fang of the decaying Basilisk to stab and destroy a part of Voldemort’s soul. This set off a reaction that drenched the pair in water, although it seems like the Chamber was still left standing.

With so much trouble it has caused and with McGonagall in charge of the school, is it safe to assume that the Chamber is now destroyed? Dark magic clearly still lurks in those corridors, and while the Basilisk is dead, it doesn’t mean that more problems couldn’t arise from the depths of Hogwarts. So did the Chamber get destroyed after the Battle for Hogwarts, or is it still left standing?


The Basilisk lived under the school for quite a long time. It seemed to be trapped there before Tom Riddle had opened the entrance, but how did it survive for so long with no resources? We know there’s some water down there, and perhaps this allowed in some fish, but is that enough?

We also want to know whether this is actually the original Basilisk or whether there has been more than one? If there’s more than one, this explains how there has been a creature in the chamber for so long. Perhaps our heroes never discovered the offspring of the creature they killed?


Tom Riddle is an incredibly intelligent boy. He successfully spoke Parseltongue and discovered the Chamber of Secrets. We imagine that he did a lot of research on the Chamber before entering it, but how did he actually discover where it is. There’s seems to be no mention of its actual location.

It’s not like he could have accidentally come across it since the entrance is in the girls’ toilets. And even some of the ancient books of Hogwarts have no idea how to enter this tomb. So how exactly did Tom learn everything about accessing this forbidden structure?


Hagrid was the one that took the blame for the murders when the Chamber was first opened. Despite some of his protests, he was ignored, and his wand was broken. Many said that it was his spiders that were the cause of these catastrophes.

Despite the blame landing squarely on his shoulders, Dumbledore and therefore Hogwarts hired him anyway. Despite Hagrid being a trusted friend of Dumbledore, he never tried to argue for his past supposed sins, even though he was older and wiser. We were always puzzled as to why he didn’t try to appeal his case.


We’ve already discussed that it was Salazar Slytherin who designed one of the coolest places in Hogwarts. We always wondered though why he decided to place the entrance of the Chamber in the girls’ toilets, especially since he probably wasn’t responsible for its design.

It’s quite strange that he chose the female toilets, rather than somewhere much grander. Perhaps he thought that not many people would visit there and was sexist enough to believe that the girls who used the toilets were too dumb to ever discover the entrance. At least it had access to the plumbing.


Moaning Myrtle was one of the many casualties of the Chamber of Secrets. She unfortunately looked at the Basilisk directly in the eyes, killing her instantly. As a ghost, she haunted the halls of the place of her death, moaning about everything for eternity.

Despite the suddenness of her death, Myrtle never used her new abilities to investigate how she died. She could have traveled anywhere and likely could have even entered the Chamber if she managed to discover it. Instead, she chose to moan and never sought to find out why she was dead.


Hogwarts is almost ancient by now, but we have to assume that no one else had discovered the Chamber. Surely at some point, this hidden room had been opened, even by accident. Those who can talk to snakes are rare but have always existed.

It’s a surprise that no one had managed to enter the Chamber before Tom Riddle. Perhaps it’s because of some magical destiny, but we find it strange that in all of its history, no one else had managed to have a peek inside of Salazar’s construct.


We’re already asked whether the Chamber has been destroyed, but is there a way it could be used again? The likelihood of someone else searching for it is rare, but if someone did discover it and it isn’t destroyed, would the process start all over again.

We don’t know how easy it is to find another Basilisk, but there’s every chance that in the future a student could try to take advantage of the Chamber and the secrets it holds. Hopefully, this will never happen, but history is usually cursed to repeat itself.


We know the Chamber has been opened before by Tom Riddle, but before this, has the Basilisk ever escaped? With the plumbing network at its disposal, it’s unknown whether it had gotten loose in the past.

Since the history of Hogwarts is complicated, perhaps the Basilisk has actually killed before, but the deaths were blamed on something completely different. Maybe someone else had tried to fulfill the prophecy but failed in their mission?


Salazar Slytherin was solely responsible for the creation of the Chamber, but the other three house leaders were also helping out with the design and construction of Hogwarts. It seems unlikely that absolutely none of them noticed a secret room in the designs.

So did any of the other heads of houses and architects notice this additional Chamber, and did they just ignore it? Perhaps, ironic as it may be, all of the Hogwarts creators were aware of its existence but decided to turn a blind eye for unknown reasons.