Hedwig was without a doubt one of – if not the – most loyal pets in the world of Harry Potter. She consistently went above and beyond, in regards to things Harry Potter asked her to do. And on more than one occasion she was even capable of anticipating his needs.

Let us focus on these moments, and how amazing Hedwig was. Perhaps if we do this, the pain of her loss at the end of the series will hurt less. Okay, nothing is going to make that happen. But we can at least celebrate the wonderful and loyal life she led, right?

She Was His Only Friend at Privet Drive

Hedwig was Harry’s only friend during the time he was stuck at Privet Drive each summer. Sure, he had friends on the outside. But nobody better understood what he was forced to go through during this time. Because Hedwig was right alongside him the whole time.

Every summer from the second book onward, Hedwig was a loyal companion to Harry. Even when she was locked inside a cage because of Uncle Vernon’s hatred of ’the freaks’ who could send Harry letters.

Knowing When She Was Needed

One of Hedwig’s amazing talents included her ability to seem to know when she was needed. Specifically, when a letter needed to be delivered. For example, during Harry’s first year at Hogwarts, Hagrid sent Harry a letter (so that he wouldn’t be the only student never getting mail). And Hedwig was the one to deliver it. Did Hagrid go up to the owl keep and specifically seek her out, or did she come to him? Our money is on her approaching him, either at his hut or in the owlry, in order to be the one to deliver the letter. It’s the sort of thing Hedwig would do.

All in a Name

Another trait that has always amazed us about Hedwig? Her ability to find people with only their names. Harry never once had to tell her the recipients location – in fact, there was more than one occasion where he had no idea where they were. Yet Hedwig always found her mark.

We know that this is something other owls can handle – since Harry once used a barn owl to get a letter to Sirius. But we also feel like Hedwig was special, in that she could find anyone anywhere, thanks to her determination and loyalty. Otherwise, we imagine the ministry would have started using owls to hunt down their most wanted list.

Seeking Out Help

Hedwig was an amazingly perceptive and sensitive owl. She knew when Harry would need a little extra affection. She also was aware of when his birthday was – something that is quite amazing when you think about it.

One time in specific, we were shown how Hedwig went on a mission, visiting Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid – all without Harry asking. There she collected birthday cards and gifts for the lonely boy stuck at Privet Drive.

Following Him Wherever

There is no doubt in our mind that Hedwig was one of the most loyal owls out there. Considering the life she was forced to live each summer, she could have easily decided to bail given the first opportunity. But instead, she always came back.

In fact, she always seemed to know how to find Harry. Most notable was the time during Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Here Harry had run off from his aunt and uncle – leaving Privet Drive while Hedwig was gone. Yet she knew to find Harry at the Leaky Cauldron. She even showed up before he did.

Helping Others

Hedwig was loyal to Harry, but that didn’t prevent her from helping other owls when needed. Or perhaps it was her loyalty to Harry that got her helping. Errol was the infamous bird in the series – one that was too old and frail to be delivering the goods that the Weasley’s asked of him.

So it’s no surprise that he needed a little help. What is surprising is that both Hedwig and a school owl took it upon themselves to help the poor own out – making sure he got to Harry’s safe and sound.

Pecking Orders

While Hedwig was clearly more than capable of doing things on her own initiative, she was also excellent at following orders from Harry. Perhaps the most famous example of this comes from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, where Harry had given her a very detailed and specific task.

He had asked Hedwig to deliver three letters, one to Ron, one to Hermione, and one to Sirius. But there’s more – she was also to stay there and not leave until she got responses to bring back. And she was to peck the three into complying. And by all appearances, she did so with gusto. We imagine that Ron in particular, regretted his inability to respond, based on the condition of his hands when Harry arrived.

Long Journeys

As mentioned above, Hedwig was frequently sent out to find people who otherwise didn’t want to be found. This naturally results in her taking some very very long journeys. Yet Hedwig never complained – not even once.

We know she’s made it as far as the tropics, and once she even headed towards France (without being told to, mind you). So she’s clearly content to do her job for Harry, regardless of how far it takes her. It makes you wonder what the average owl range is, doesn’t it?

Sustained Injuries

Regrettably, there were times where Hedwig’s well-being was put on the line. Amazingly, that didn’t stop her from delivering her letters. The most famous example, of course, is that one time during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. During this event, Hedwig was captured and injured – all for the sake of reading the letter she was carrying. She was later let loose and then able to deliver the message – but she had to find Harry in his class.

Hedwig suffered from an injured wing during this attack, but thankfully Harry took her to the right people for healing. Though Hedwig made it very clear that she would have preferred to stay with her beloved master. What a sweetheart.

A Fatal Blow

The most heartbreaking moment in the Harry Potter series was the moment in which Hedwig took her last breath. Hedwig did not survive long during the final novel (or movie), yet she was loyal to the end.

Now, the books and the movies differ pretty significantly here. In the books, Hedwig died in her cage. She was upset with Harry at the time, but we have no doubt that she still loved her boy. In the movies, Hedwig willingly and intentionally took a hit meant for Harry. We’ll leave you do decide which of these moments is more heartbreaking.