Harry Potter might be one of the most beloved book series of all time with millions of fans across the world. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the book series is perfect. When re-reading the books as an adult, or reading them for the first time, you might notice there are some aspects of Harry Potter that don’t age well or seem strange. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is definitely a fan favorite of the seven books with one of the most compelling stories. Even so, it still has its elements that don’t hold up that well with time.

We’ve collected a list of the 10 things from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that haven’t aged so well.


While Snape might have been given a redemption arc in the series, many fans weren’t pleased about this. Snape exhibits a lot of bad behavior throughout the series. This is apparent in Prisoner of Azkaban with his treatment of Lupin. He seems so unable to let their childhood issues go even though Lupin was never directly involved with tormenting Snape. He tries to out the fact that Lupin is a werewolf to his students and treats him snidely throughout the entire book. He knew full well that finally telling everyone that Lupin was a werewolf would ruin his career, and yet he did so anyway.


During this book, the trio is only thirteen years of age. Considering how young they are and how much pressure they are under with school and the threat of Sirius Black, some of their behavior can be forgiven. However, it’s not great how Harry and Ron both get angry at Hermione for telling McGonagall about the Firebolt Harry got for Christmas. Ron also blames the death of Scabbers on her and is cruel to her for a long time because of this.


Lucius Malfoy has a lot of sway and influence in the wizarding world, and this is quite apparent in a couple of the Harry Potter books. He influences the Hogwarts’ Board of Governor’s greatly in both Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban.

It’s because of him that Hagrid nearly gets in trouble for Buckbeak’s actions, and it’s also largely because of him that Buckbeak is sentenced to death. Considering how harmful he is and how biased, it’s amazing he’s allowed to stay involved.


The time turner in Prisoner of Azkaban is a major part of the plot. Without this device, the story would be entirely different as it’s time travel that allows Harry and Hermione to save both Buckbeak and Sirius. Ignoring the inherent issues with time travel as a plot device, it’s also pretty messed up that a thirteen-year-old would be entrusted with this object. While Hermione might be extremely smart and overall responsible, unless she feels she must break the rules to do the right thing, this is quite a powerful object to give to someone who is barely a teenager.


Snape’s behavior has already been mentioned once in this list, but he gets another entry because of how he treats his students. He is cruel to most of his students except for those from Slytherin. But, his grudge against Harry Is especially troubling. Harry Wasn’t responsible for any of his father’s actions so to hold a grudge against Harry just because Snape hated James is pretty pathetic. It’s pretty shocking that Snape is able to get away with this especially when it comes to his behavior as a professor.


Many fans have noted that a lot of Hogwarts professors aren’t so great at their job. While there are qualified professors who treat their students fairly such as Lupin, Sprout, and Flitwick, there are many others who act unprofessionally. Wile Snape might be one of the worst offenders, he’s not the only one. Trwelaney’s continual predictions that Harry would die seem troubling. This is a lot of fear and anxiety to place on someone so young and even more terrible given all Harry has gone through already.


There are many things about the wizarding world that don’t seem to make a lot of sense and aren’t very fair. While this is also true for our own world, it can be frustrating to read about. When Buckbeak is sentenced to death, it’s largely because of Draco and Lucius’ manipulations and lies. It’s also disturbing in that it seems like there is a lot of prejudice against Hagrid that keeps them from listening to him.


The way prisoners are treated in the Harry Potter world is pretty extreme all around. All prisoners are sent to Azkaban and there they have to endure Dementors. It seems like being around Dementors should be reserved for people who have done horrible crimes. But, even in those cases, it’s a pretty cruel and unusual punishment. The worst of all, however, is the Dementor’s Kiss. While rarely used, sucking out someone’s soul doesn’t seem like a punishment that should ever be given out.


While blowing up Aunt Marge wasn’t a great thing, Harry Didn’t mean to do so. Plus, given how she had basically contributed to his abuse over the years, Harry’s anger erupting in such a manner makes a lot of sense. Marge would degrade Harry in many ways and verbally abused him. Plus, in at least one instance, she let her dog chase him up a tree and then left him there for hours. Just like Petunia and Vernon, her treatment of Harry Is appalling.


Hagrid is someone in the series who isn’t treated very well by many people. While the Gryffindors generally like him, the Slytherins treat him horribly. They seem to see him as unqualified or not good enough to be a professor, and their prejudice against him is strong. It’s unfortunate that they, and especially Malfoy, are able to get away with such disrespect.