Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody is an Auror, brief Hogwarts professor, and member of the Order of the Phoenix. His demeanor is intimidating and rough, but many witches and wizards hold him in esteem from his years battling Death Eaters and sending them to Azkaban.

Audiences meet Moody in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when he becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. This is Moody’s pivotal highlight in the entire series, though he becomes a mainstay in the Harry Potter character lineup. And while his fighting skills and magical eye are his most rememberable attributes, there is more to this character than meets the eye. Here are ten things about Mad-Eye Moody that the movies leave out.

10. The Most Famous Auror

After the first Wizarding War, Alastor Moody became the most famous Auror of all time due to his fighting efforts. Moody came from a long line of pureblood wizards, most of whom were all Aurors. Moody stepped up his efforts to defeat the Dark Arts by becoming a member of the original Order of the Phoenix alongside Lily and James Potter.

Moody lost an arm, an eye, and a portion of his nose during the battle against Voldemort’s minions. His eye was replaced by a magical glass eye that had a tendency to move around on its own. This earned him the name Mad-Eye Moody.

9. Dark Wizard Catcher

As an Auror, it was Alastor Moody’s job to hunt down and capture wizards who practiced the Dark Arts. At the time of the first war, these wizards were primarily Death Eaters, though there were casual citizens who also celebrated Voldemort’s efforts.

Most of the wizards in Azkaban (who would eventually escape in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) were sent there by Moody himself. Due to these efforts for the Ministry of Magic, Moody developed an extreme sense of paranoia. He rarely trusted anyone and meticulously monitored anyone he deemed untrustworthy.

8. Tonks Was His Protege

Audiences first meet Nymphadora Tonks in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Tonks, the eccentric and friendly purple-haired witch, travels with Moody and the rest of the Advance Guard to bring Harry from the Dursleys to Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

Tonks had previously acted as Moody’s protege when she first began working for the Ministry of Magic. After graduating from Hogwarts in 1991, Tonks went on to train as an Auror where she was placed under the watchful eye of Alasttor Moody.

7. Attack of Barty Crouch Jr.

For anyone who has seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, they know that Mad-Eye was impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr. while teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. What the movies leave out, however, is how Crouch was able to take on the greatest Auror of all time. Crouch had used Polyjuice Potion with his dying mother in order to exchange places. She went on to live out the remainder of her life in Azkaban so her son could be free.

Right after his escape, Crouch went immediately to Voldemort who devised the plan for the end of the Triwizard Tournament. This plan all started with Mad-Eye. So with the help of Peter Pettigrew, the two were able to force Moody into his own magical trunk and kept him under the Imperious Curse so that he would not escape.

6. Leader of the Order of the Phoenix

Dumbledore had reassembled the Order of the Phoenix in light of Voldemort’s return in 1995. Mad-Eye Moody acted as a bastion for the Order and frequently took charge whenever necessary (i.e. acting as point for the Advance Guard). Moody was frequently on the front line during battles with Death Eaters as well.

He was one of the first members of the Order to come to Harry and his friend’s rescue when they infiltrated the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic. It seems only natural that because of these qualifying tactics, that Mad-Eye Moody was named the leader of the Order of the Phoenix after Dumbledore’s death.

5. He Had Two Invisibility Cloaks

Harry is given his own invisibility cloak in his first year at Hogwarts. This cloak was an inheritance from his father that the Potter’s had passed down for generations. Ron makes a comment when Harry first opens the gift that Invisibility Cloaks are really rare. So it’s interesting to note that Moody actually had two of these cloaks at one time.

He lent one cloak to Sturgis Podmore, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, who never returned it to him. Audiences never get to see either of these cloaks, though some believe that the bulky tan trenchcoat he wears consistently is actually an altered Invisibility Cloak.

4. His Body Was Never Found

Mad-Eye Moody was killed while helping deliver Harry to The Burrows, which was acting as the new headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Despite his carefully crafted plan, Voldemort and his Death Eaters were quick on the scene. Voldemort believed that Harry would be traveling with the most experienced wizard, which is why he went after Moody. Mundungus Fletcher was disguised as Harry, but he became so frightened that he Dissapparated.

Voldemort sent the Killing Curse right at Mad-Eye causing him to fall off of his broomstick. He fell over a thousand feet, leaving no question as to whether he survived the fall. The Order went to look for his body in order to hold a funeral, but it was never found.

3. Umbridge’s Eye

The only part of Moody that was recovered was his magical eye. Unfortunately, it was picked up by Death Eaters who kept it as a trophy from the battle. They eventually take it over to the Ministry of Magic where Moody’s glass magical eye was given to none other than Dolores Umbridge.

Umbridge uses the eye to spy on her subordinates who work right outside her door. The films actually show Moody’s magical eye, but it is never properly explained how or why it got there.

2. The Burial

Once Harry recognizes Moody’s eye on Umbridge’s door, he sets out a plan. While infiltrating the Ministry with the aid of Polyjuice Potion, Harry makes sure to stop by Umbridge’s office and steals the eye.

The next day, Harry wakes up before Ron and Hermione and buries the eye in the forest in Dartmoor. He places it next to the most disheveled tree in the area and marks the tree for Moody’s final resting spot.

1. Mad Eye’s Mad-Eye

The movies give some clue as to the power of Moody’s magical eye, but its range of capabilities is quite surprising. Moody’s eye can see through any object, including Invisibility Cloaks. However, as Harry’s cloak is one of the Deathly Hallows, Moody’s eye is thought to hold some form of rare and strong magic.

In the books, Moody’s eye is electric blue and isn’t held in place with a head strap like it is in the movie. It’s also on his right eye in the books, while the movie places the magical eye on Moody’s left eye.