Harry Potter has an incredible ensemble cast full of amazing characters. From witches and wizards to muggles and even magical creatures. While it all comes together to create one incredible experience, unfortunately, what it does mean is that many characters don’t get as much dedicated screen time. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione get plenty of time to develop alongside several other lead characters. There are plenty that come and go throughout the series that people would love to know more about.

Even though it would have made the movies even longer, there was a real desire from the fans to see more of certain characters. So with that in mind, in this list, we will rank 10 supporting characters from the wizarding world that we wanted to see more from.

Luna Lovegood

She was the quirky oddball of the Harry Potter world, and as the movies went on she started to get slightly more screen time, mainly because the fans connected to her so well. Luna is brave and incredibly intelligent and gifted in a side of magic that we only get glimpses of throughout the franchise.

She was a character that fans would have really warmed to even more had she been given more scenes. Even though she’s incredibly influential with her invaluable advice, people wanted to know more about her as a person, and how she became the way she is.

Molly Weasley

Molly Weasley is shown in glimpses throughout the Harry Potter franchise, normally when Harry is around the Weasley family. She is shown to be a classic mom in the truest sense, kind, loving, and caring to all of her children, as well as Harry and Hermione when they are around.

However, when needed she is also happy to go into a beast mode to protect them. While she is a well-liked character, people really don’t know that much about Molly. We never even learn what she does, or any of her backstory and for someone who is relied upon so heavily to have a safe home, it feels like she should be further developed.

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Digory is a character who divided fans, as some people loved him and others hated him, but either way, he needed to have more screen time. While it is quite clear he is one of, if not the most popular boy in Hogwarts during the Triwizard Cup, it isn’t exactly clear why.

Throughout the tournament he is shown a little, but not in great detail. This is why his death at the hands of Voldemort later in Goblet of Fire isn’t as impactful as it could have been. Audiences weren’t fully emotionally invested in the character, which is a shame as more could have been done to make this moment an unforgettable one.

Narcissa Malfoy

The Malfoy family is very well-known and featured heavily throughout the series, apart from Narcissa Malfoy. The mother of the family makes occasional appearances throughout the franchise and she is a great character who has far less hate inside of her than the rest of the family.

Narcissa is often a shoulder for Draco to lean on, but that doesn’t get highlighted too much within the movies, which is a shame. She’s a tremendous character and some of the subtle facial expressions she makes throughout are crucial to the development of her character, but it isn’t fleshed out anywhere near enough.

Ginny Weasley

It might seem absolutely ridiculous that the person who winds up dating Harry Potter himself would need more screen time, but she really does. There is just something about the character throughout the movies that feels lacking and a lot of that could be due to the fact she’s not shown that much.

Even when Ginny Weasley does get shown, the movies don’t show her in real detail. Whether it’s being captured in the Chamber of Secrets or just appearing in the background inside the Weasley household. People just do not know enough about the character to really commit to loving her and the relationship between her and Harry, which is a shame.

James Potter

Another slightly strange entry considering his importance to the story, but there’s not much known about James Potter. The only time we really get to know anything about his character is through Snape’s memories, and those clips don’t exactly make James look great.

While Harry obviously mourns his father deeply throughout the film, very little is shown about him. People don’t really get to learn about what he was like, what he did and the importance of his role in fighting Voldemort in the first place. Giving a little more backstory would have played a big part in giving fans a real reason to care about him and Harry’s feelings more.

Aberforth Dumbledore

We might know tons about his brother, Albus, who is the headmaster of Hogwarts throughout most of the movie, but very little is known about his brother. However, later on in the series, Aberforth Dumbledore pops up and plays a key role in helping Harry out.

However, his appearance is totally random and fans weren’t really sure what to make of it. Albus doesn’t talk about his brother much throughout the movies which is why it was really a surprise when he appeared. Given how much people love Albus, they would no doubt have loved Aberforth too, had he been shown more.

Remus Lupin

For a character that is so influential in Harry’s life, there is very little actually known about Remus Lupin. Sure, he is featured in Prison of Azkaban, but that is mainly due to his werewolf form, rather than who he is as a person. That is a real shame as he was one of James Potter’s closest friends, and that was worth exploring in more detail.

He should be as beloved as Sirius Black, and could easily have played a family role in Harry’s life, which he does much closer to the books. However, in the movies, he isn’t shown in the same way with audiences not getting a true glimpse of his tortured split personality.


While we still want more from Lupin, his wife Tonks is shown even less. Much like Lupin, Tonks is featured far more in the books and is a very interesting character, yet for some reason in the movies, she really is someone who just fills the numbers.

Sure, Tonks gets some exposure as the films grow, but nowhere near enough as fans wanted. There is a reason hers and Lupin’s deaths aren’t emotionally impactful or given much focus, and that is because they are breezed through within the movies.

Neville Longbottom

Even though Neville Longbottom does have a fantastic storyline, going from the dopey kid that would always make mistakes to being a true hero, people still wanted more. Yes, we learned about his family and what happened to them, but people wanted to see his full development, rather than snapshots.

It almost felt like people would have been fine with Neville tagging along with the famous trio by the end of the movie as he had become so popular. Sure, he brought plenty of laughs throughout, but it would have been better if we had learned even more about him.