In the world of Harry Potter, there are plenty of jobs for a witch or wizard to choose from. But many of them involve you working for the Ministry of Magic. At least, if you want to continue living in or around London.

Thankfully, there are plenty of unexpected jobs to be found within the Ministry. There are the obvious gigs, such as becoming an Auror, aiming for a higher political job (such as becoming the Minister), and things like that.

But then there are the jobs that you’ve never heard of. While there are some dull ones never talked about (and rightly so) there are just as many cool jobs that are being overlooked with alarming frequency.

Magical Law Enforcement Squad

The Magical Law Enforcement Squad could easily be confused with the Aurors division, and in some ways, they’re related to one another. However, the main branch is more similar to the magical police than anything else (with one exception – see below).

The Magical Law Enforcement Squad is responsible for everything from arrests to providing security to major events. For example, they are the extra security force behind the Quidditch world cups.


The Wizengamot may sound like a bit of a boring job, but in many ways, they are the movers and shakers behind all wizard laws. And thus it’d actually be pretty cool to be directly behind all of the magical laws out there. Provided you’re not trying to make anti-muggle laws or anything like that.

The Wizengamot is older than the Ministry of Magic itself, and acts as both parliament and court of law. They create the laws, and they hold trials. In short, they’re in charge of both the creation and interpretation of many laws out there.

Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects Office

That is a long-winded office name, we know. But it does give you a solid idea of what it entails, right? Fans might actually have picked up on this title, if they were paying attention. Arthur Weasley was put in charge of this branch, as part of a promotion later on in the series.

This position/office was created in direct response to all of the fake artifacts being put out there during Voldemort’s rise to power. People were buying up all the artifacts they could, in hopes that it would keep them safe.

It was this task force’s job to track down the fakes and make sure they left circulation. After all, it could be the difference between life or death for those seeking protective items.

Accidental Reversal Squad

The Accidental Reversal Squad are typically the first wizards on the scene whenever something major happens. It’s their job to clean up accidents, erase the memories of muggles, and in general do whatever it takes to gloss over what happened, in the eyes of the muggles.

For example, it was the Accidental Reversal Squad responsible for cleaning up the whole Aunt Marge ordeal. And while dealing with people like her would certainly make the job less fun, on the whole, you can be sure that your job would never be dull!

The Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee

While we’re on the subject of cleaning messes up, did you know that there’s a committee known as The Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee? They’re the ones that have to come up with the lies fed to muggles, in order to cover up major wizarding events and mistakes.

The best example of this would be the lie they fed the public after Peter Pettigrew faked his death. They told the muggles that it was a gas pipe explosion. This job would require you to be up to date with muggle technology (to better cover-up for accidents), and a whole lot of fast thinking.

Ministry Teachers

Something that is commonly overlooked is the fact that the Ministry of Magic has a set of teachers on staff. They’re responsible for testing Hogwarts students for their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. But that’s not all they do. They are also the ones behind Apparition and Disapparation studies (and the testing, of course).

It would certainly be interesting to be sent all over to the magical schools, in order to educate the students of magical Britain. Imagine all the things you would see. Not to mention, you’d get the satisfaction of being a teacher, without being locked in one location.

Department of Magical Games and Sports

The Department of Magical Games and Sports is actually mentioned within the books, but it’s a subject that is quickly glossed over. This is a little bit surprising, given how much Harry loves Quidditch.

The entire purpose of the Department of Magical Games and Sports is to organize major sports events – such as the Quidditch World Cup. And to create and manage the rules and regulations of Quidditch.

Exotic Symbol Analyst

The Exotic Symbol Analyst is not a position that we know all that much about. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t a position that got much of Harry’s attention and thus was heavily overlooked. That being said, it is a little surprising that Hermione didn’t end up looking into a job such as this one.

From the name, we can surmise that it is their job to investigate any new (or old and just recently rediscovered) symbols found by a witch or wizard. They’d also be involved in handling situations with magical items from other countries. We’d love to know more about this job.

Hit Wizard

Did you know that the Ministry of Magic has Hit Wizards? Kind of hard to believe, we know. And yes, they are different from Aurors. They’re a subdivision of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad (we mentioned them above).

A Hit Witch or Wizard is sent out to deal with the higher risk arrests, but not ones that warrant an Auror. Think of them as the SWAT version. The main difference between a Hit Wizard and an Auror is that Aurors are more varied in their skills while Hit Wizards specialize in high-risk situations.

The Unspeakables

And number one on our list of super cool jobs are the Unspeakables. Now, that name makes them sound like you want to avoid them, but trust us here, they’re pretty cool. The Unspeakables are witches and wizards in charge of the Department of Mysteries.

That means they’re responsible for the care and maintenance of all the rooms within the Department of Mysteries. Think back to the rooms shown during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Those are the rooms these witches and wizards work in.

Their jobs are fairly secretive, and thus we don’t know much about them. But given the variety of the rooms and what they store, it feels safe to assume that there’s plenty of variety in what jobs would be needed within these levels.