One of the finest, biggest and perhaps iconic film franchises of all time, Harry Potter in its run was a phenomenon that has amassed an insane following. Following the heroes, as they grow and develop alongside the maturing filmmaking and brilliant story was a joy and the iconic moments and engrossing story make the franchise infinitely rewatchable.

A huge part of the franchise is the emotion the fans feel when they watch the films. There are many moments throughout the series which have reduced fans to sadness and tears. Here are 10 moments in the Harry Potter movies which pull on fans’ heartstrings.


The Goblet Of Fire was a visually stunning and painfully dark film. It is the film that marked the return of Lord Voldemort and the death of one of the most likable supporting characters of the film.

In the last task of the tri-wizard tournament, the maze the combatants must go through leads to the cup which turns out to be a Portkey. Harry and Cedric reach it together and are transported to a graveyard where Peter Pettigrew murders Cedric. Seeing Cedric die is sad, but to then see his body brought back to Hogwarts and feel the atmosphere drop as everyone realizes what has happened, is devastating.


One of the saddest Potter moments comes in the first film Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone which introduces the mirror of Erised, a magical device which according to Dumbledore reveals the deepest desire of those who look in it.

While using the invisibility cloak, Harry finds the mirror and looks in it to see his mother and father appear. What makes the moment so sad is the realization of what Harry could have had, the happy normality he wanted and also the fact that - going off of what Dumbledore said about the mirror - audiences see Harry truly just wants his parents back.


An underrated sad moment, especially for people who only know the films and nothing else, Hermione modifying her parents’ memory is a deeply saddening watch that is not talked about enough. Yes,

Knowing that she might not return from her journey, Hermione used a memory modification charm on her parents, making them think they are a single couple named Wilkins who want to move to Australia. After the battle, Hermione restored their memories but for fans who did not know her fate nor did they know the charm was reversible it is sad watching Hermione, teary-eyed, wipe herself from her parents’ memories.


Deathly Hallows: Part 1 kicks off the two-part epic in a devastating way with the death of the Potter franchise’s most beloved animal, Harry’s loyal owl Hedwig.

While leaving Little Whinging, Harry and co. are ambushed by Death Eaters, when Harry and Hagrid are attacked by a particular Death Eater, Hedwig comes in for the save before being hit with the killing curse. Hedwig is so loved by both Harry and fans, but on top of that his death kicks off these two films in such a sad, somber way with a complete loss of innocence and an immediate sense of dread for the events about to unfold.


One of the most somber moments of an immensely somber film, as Harry, Ron and Hermione walk into the Great Hall during The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 and witness all the dead and injured combatants of the battle, their friends and family.

Harry looks down to see the fallen Lupin and Nymphadora holding hands, but the moment that hit hardest was the realization that Fred had died. Ron and the Weasley’s were in floods of tears while Harry looked both upset and shocked, and then almost angry, knowing what he must do. Seeing Ron so upset and one of the best small roles throughout the film dead, and realizing the stakes of the battle are so high, it is a heartbreaking scene.


Everyone’s favorite house-elf, Dobby, was a beloved character with a lot of meaning to both Harry and fans when he meets his heartbreaking end in The Deathly Hallows: Part 1.

At the very end of the film when our heroes are at the Malfoy’s, Dobby disapparates everyone to a beach, but not before Bellatrix Lestrange can throw a knife which kills Dobby. Seeing him die in Harry’s arms as Harry begs for help and Dobby utters his heartbreaking last words of “such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter.” It shows the meaning of the friendship to both Harry and Dobby and it is truly upsetting to watch.


One of the most shocking moments of the Harry Potter franchise is the death of Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore in The Half-Blood Prince. It may bring more shock than sadness to some, but it is a moment that combines both in high amounts.

The film follows Draco as he has been tasked with killing Dumbledore and Snape who claimed to do the deed should Malfoy be unable. Despite seeming to be a good guy as he joins Harry on the tower where Draco has Dumbledore at wand-point, he goes up there and kills Dumbledore. It is heartbreaking knowing Harry’s last father figure and honestly close friend has just died, as well as one of the most beloved characters in the series, it packs a serious emotional punch.


Another in a long line of sad moments in The Deathly Hallows films are when Harry accepts his fate that he must die. Harry finds out he must die at the same time as the audience and from there it is a truly sad experience, as we edge closer to our hero’s death.

Perhaps more sad than the (momentary) death itself is when the ghosts of Harry’s life appears. Lupin, Lily, James and Sirius, they all tell Harry they believe in, and are there for him. Harry asking Sirius if death hurts, as well as him asking them if they will stay with him with the beautiful and memorable response “until the very end.” is heartbreaking, it makes the audience truly realize our hero is only seventeen and has been through so much, with more to come.


The saddest death of the franchise based on just the moment alone, Sirius Black’s death in The Order Of The Phoenix was a difficult one to take, for Harry and for the audience watching the beloved character die.

In the film, as Dumbledore’s Army battles the Death Eaters in the ministry, the Order comes to the save and a battle commences which has some fantastic visuals. But, the battle ends up leading to an Avada Kedavra unleashed by Bellatrix Lestrange whose victim was Harry’s Godfather Sirius Black. In that moment Harry breaks, having lost the only bit of true family he had left


A roller coaster of emotion and information comes when the memory Snape gives Harry at his death is looked at by Harry. Snape has an emotional death in itself, with his dying words being “you have your mother’s eyes” a prelude for what is to be revealed in his memory.

The memory itself gives a lot of information to the audience in a beautiful way, from Lily and Snape’s friendship, then on to Snape’s desperation to prevent Voldemort from killing her and pledging himself to Dumbledore. From there it is revealed Snape knew about Dumbledores hunt for Horcruxes and that Dumbledore knew Malfoy was to kill him but begged Snape to do it. Snape was the one who cast the Patronus to help Harry, a doe, the same as Lily and his response to Dumbledore asking if he loved her was a tear-inducing “always”. Snape had been doing everything to protect Lily and Harry the whole time, even seeming upset when it is revealed Harry needs to die as he is a Horcrux. Snape loved Lily, the revelation and the scene are heartbreaking.