J.K. Rowling’s epic Harry Potter series was, and still is, a cultural phenomenon, Ever since the first book was released, fans have been desperate to delve back into the magical world of Harry and his friends. The book series went on to spawn an extremely successful film franchise, which remained true to the source material yet added another spin to the story.

However, the Harry Potter universe just wouldn’t be the same without Harry’s two best friends, Ron and Hermione. Ron and Harry automatically hit it off from the moment they met, but Hermione took a while to for the boys to get used to, and it could be argued that she and Harry aren’t real friends.

Harry And Ron Didn’t Like Hermione When They First Met

When Harry and Ron first met, it was the platonic version of a meet-cute. Harry was nervous and alone on the Hogwarts express, sitting in an empty compartment, when Ron walked in. The two made casual conversation and they hit it off almost immediately, bonding over magical sweets, as all 11-year-olds do.

However, when Hermione walked in, it was quite another story. She was described in the book as rather bossy, and she sounded really annoying. She then demanded Ron perform a spell, and when it didn’t work, she mocked him. Hermione then showed off her magical abilities by repairing Harry’s glasses, making Ron seem stupid in comparison.

Harry And Hermione Have A More Romantic Connection

Although Hermione ended up with Ron in both the books and the film series, and Harry with Ginny, some Harry Potter fans felt that Harry and Hermione would have been a much better fit. It wasn’t particularly hinted at in the books, besides the fact that Hermione and Ron would argue a lot, but the film franchise took a whole different angle.

In The Goblet Of Fire, just before Harry is about to fight his chosen Dragon, Hermione comes to talk to him and hugs him, which wasn’t in the book. Further hints at their close relationship are dropped in later movies, with the most obvious one being Hermione and Harry dancing together in The Deathly Hallows.

They Can’t Get On Properly Without Ron

Ron is a bit of a divisive character in both the films and books, as he is an extremely loyal friend (mostly), who has to contend with being overshadowed by everyone in his life. However, he is also selfish, jealous and possessive, and he can really hurt the people he cares about. Despite this, Harry and Hermione seemingly can’t function without him.

During Harry and Ron’s first major fall-out in The Goblet Of Fire, Harry was forced to spend a lot of his time with Hermione. Despite her being one of his closest friends, Harry frequently missed Ron’s company, as Hermione spent a lot of her time in the library studying, rather than messing about and having fun in the common room.

Hermione Doesn’t Allow Harry To Grow

We may be reaching slightly with this entry, but it’s a valid point nonetheless. For the whole time that Harry, Hermione and Ron are at Hogwarts, they are given weekly homework assignments from almost every lesson. This inevitably amounts to a massive workload, which can be horribly stressful if you leave it to the last minute.

Obviously, as Harry’s friend, Hermione helps him and essentially rewrites his whole assignment. However, in the long run, this isn’t helping Harry or Ron because if they never make mistakes, then they’re never going to learn. Hermione’s heart is in the right place but it’s still damaging to Harry’s education.

Harry Doesn’t Respect Hermione’s Views

Hermione is a pioneering woman, and so it’s no wonder that she became the Minister of Magic. However, when she was in Hogwarts, she was ridiculed for her idealism and intelligence, and even her physical appearance. Obviously, Harry and Ron supported her up until a point, but even they mocked her and treated her ideas with derision.

After finding out about the existence of house elves within the walls of Hogwarts, Hermione was obviously horrified and distressed. She then started a society to help the house elves, and at least make sure that they were getting paid for their work. Like most other students, though, Harry and Ron feigned deafness every time Hermione’s S.P.E.W. was mentioned.

Hermione Keeps Secrets From Harry

Generally speaking, friends are supposed to tell each other everything, or thereabouts. It doesn’t matter how big the secret is, the whole point of having a friendship with someone is that you can trust them with your life. Despite this, though, Hermione has kept some pretty major secrets from Harry throughout the years.

In The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Hermione was given a Time Turner, a rare and dangerous magical device which allows the user to literally turn back time. She used this for a whole year and never once told either Harry or Ron. We get that McGonagall told her not to, but she should have at least trusted her best friends.

Harry Refused To Forgive Hermione For Trying To Protect Him

Another thing that friends are known for is falling out. Everyone does it, and it’s usually over really stupid things. However, the part that matters most is making up and forgiving each other. It wouldn’t be a true friendship otherwise. Unfortunately, it seems that Harry and Ron haven’t quite got that message.

In the third Harry Potter book, Harry received a Firebolt for his birthday from an unknown sender. Hermione was concerned, though, that the broomstick was sent by a mass murderer, and so she gave it up to McGonagall, inciting the wrath of Harry and Ron. They refused to forgive her, thus essentially isolating Hermione for a good few weeks.

They Don’t Come To Each Other With Their Problems

A lot of friendships depend on the sharing of personal problems, either in order to find a solution, or if someone just wants to vent. Despite all that they’ve been through, though, Harry and Hermione don’t ever seem to just sit down and have a catch-up. Granted, Harry talks to Hermione and Ron about Cho and girls, but it’s not particularly emotional.

Obviously, if the books and films had featured moments like that, they would be a lot longer and probably a lot more slow-paced. However, if Hermione had come to Harry when she was feeling lonely when Ron was dating Lavender, their friendship might have been all the better for it.

Hermione Knew About The Dursleys And Did Nothing

Granted, it wasn’t only Hermione who knew how horribly the Dursleys treated Harry, but as one of Harry’d best friends, surely she should have done something about it. It may have been a muggle affair, but Hermione is muggle-born, so she should have had the initiative to call social services, or at least speak to a member of staff about the situation.

The fact that Hermione and Ron did nothing while their friend languished in metaphorical hell for six weeks during the summer holidays says a lot about the state of their friendship. Even if it was necessary and even if Harry insisted it was fine, Hermione and Ron still should have taken action, however futile it may have been.

Harry Never Stood Up For Hermione Against Ron

Harry and Ron are the best of friends. Their bond is nigh unshakable and they have so much in common. In fact, they’re such good friends that it occasionally feels as though Hermione has drawn the short straw. Hermione is the odd one out, as she is incredibly studious and a lot more serious than the other two.

However, this doesn’t mean that Harry should always side with Ron. In The Goblet Of Fire, after Ron is incredibly mean towards Hermione, Harry does nothing. Then in the sixth book, Harry does nothing again, while Hermione is clearly in pain watching Ron and Lavender. Harry always has Ron’s back, but very rarely does he have Hermione’s.