In the world of Harry Potter, Hagrid and Dumbledore are close allies and colleagues, working together to try and protect Harry and stop Voldemort. In some ways, they could be seen as the two different types of father figure that Harry needs at Hogwarts; Dumbledore is wise, but standoffish and an authority figure, whereas Hagrid is the friend that he turns to for the day to day stuff, who lacks wisdom but not enthusiasm or love.

However, while these two might be allies, that doesn’t mean that they are friends. Despite the fact that Hagrid and Dumbledore are painted as having a strong friendship, there are quite a few moments throughout the series that make fans wonder - are these two really friends, or do they just happen to both be at Hogwarts and willing to do anything to help Harry out?

Dumbledore Allowed Him To Be Expelled

One of the most unfair parts of Hagrid’s story is his expulsion from Hogwarts when he was accused of releasing the Basilisk. He was, of course, completely innocent (although he was keeping a giant spider in his dorm, which wasn’t exactly ideal!), but was expelled because of classist, anti-giant sentiment and because he was a bit strange. Dumbledore is painted as a great friend and hero to Hagrid because he gave the young boy a place to live and trained him as gamekeeper, but let’s face it, he could have found a way to keep him at school. He saved Harry from expulsion when he was up against a much greater foe, he kept Professor Trelawney living in the castle when she was fired, and he generally opposed the Ministry whenever he felt like it and did whatever he wanted. Yet with Hagrid, he allowed his expulsion and then gave a teenage boy a shack and a lifetime job of hard labor.

Hagrid Seemed To Drink At Work

Perhaps, given everything that we’ve just said about Hagrid’s history, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the man turned to a bit of drink. In some ways, this could even be another example of something Dumbledore has done - driving him to drink and then not pushing him to get a little help, as any true friend should. However, at the same time, Hagrid is hardly being a good friend either. Dumbledore is keeping him employed, and yet he is drinking, fairly constantly, often in front of students, and seemingly while working, too.

Dumbledore Lied To Hagrid About Harry…

Admittedly, Dumbledore is not a character who has a great track record when it comes to telling the truth, but he’s definitely lied to Hagrid more than most people (except Harry, of course). His lies may have started earlier than this, but his first big lie of the series was all the way back when Hagrid dropped him off at the Dursley’s.

At this moment, while Dumbledore claimed to McGonagall and Hagrid that he wanted him to be raised with family and away from fame, he already knew that it was in order to protect him from Voldemort (with the spell created by having Harry ’live’ there). Eventually, this was revealed, but it should have come up at the start.


Much, much worse than that lie, though, were all the other lies that Dumbledore told Hagrid over the years. He lied about Snape (or at least, kept his secrets about being a Death Eater and about Lily), and lied to Hagrid about why they were protecting Harry in the first place. Again, Dumbledore lied to everyone about keeping Harry alive just to ‘die at the proper time’, but is that really what a friend would have done?

Hagrid Couldn’t Keep Dumbledore’s Secrets

Then again, Hagrid wasn’t exactly a great friend when it came to keeping Dumbledore’s secrets, so maybe he had his reasons for the dishonestly. In fact, Hagrid kept telling literal children some of the most important and serious secrets of Hogwarts and the wizarding world (sometimes while drunk…). Not to mention that he would reveal Dumbledore’s secrets to Harry, but seemed to keep Harry’s secrets and after-curfew visits to his huts from his ‘friend’ the headmaster. He even helped Harry cheat, and kept that from Dumbledore too!

Dumbledore Didn’t Come To Aragog’s Funeral

Aragog’s death and funeral were unexpected, and Aragog wasn’t exactly a sweet and lovely pet that Hagrid had lost, but it’s’ still telling that Dumbledore didn’t make an appearance when Hagrid was grieving. Presumably, if they were truly friends, Dumbledore would have gone down to comfort his friend, say a few words, raise a glass, etc.

However, Dumbledore - despite near-telepathic awareness of everything going on at the school - didn’t show up to give solace to his friend on such a loss. He did save Buckbeak, of course, but that was basically just because he was useful in saving Sirius, not for Hagrid’s sake at all.

Hagrid Used His Job To Illegally Breed Magical Creatures

Perhaps this makes him more of a bad employee than a bad friend (and certainly a bad teacher!), but if a friend went out of their way to get you a job, wouldn’t you at least avoid doing anything wildly illegal while on the clock? Not Hagrid, who decided that his new posting as the Care of Magical Creatures professor would be a great time to cross-breed illegally and come up with the Blast-Ended Skrewt.

Dumbledore Let Him Get Taken To Azkaban

From everything known about the Harry Potter universe, it’s clear that Azkaban is a truly horrible place to be - somewhere that would drive a witch or wizard mad (unless you are Sirius Black, of course). Dumbledore manages to avoid it himself, by zooming away on Fawkes, but he allows Hagrid to be taken when the Chamber of Secrets was re-opened. Again, Dumbledore knew that Hagrid never opened the chamber in the first place, and at this point had all kinds of sway in the wizarding world, and yet he still didn’t prevent this.

Dumbledore Continually Put Him In Danger

Once again, Hagrid is not the only person who gets this treatment from Dumbledore, but it’s clear that he is not exactly concerned about making sure that his ‘friend’ is safe. Instead, he is constantly putting Hagrid in dangerous situations - often enough to get him killed. It could be argued that Hagrid takes these ‘assignments’ on of his own free will, but in many ways, this just seems like an abused power dynamic. Hagrid, an orphan, has looked to Dumbledore for protection and care since he was in school. Dumbledore clearly has power over him, as a father-figure and an employer, leaving Hagrid (who may well be an alcoholic) in a truly vulnerable position, which Dumbledore happily exploits.

They Never Seem To Socialize

More than anything, it’s clear that these two aren’t really friends because, well, they never really spend any time together. They both live at Hogwarts, and yet the two are rarely, if ever, seen together when not in a professional capacity. Why is it that on one of Harry’s many friendly trips to Hagrid’s hut, Dumbledore is never there hanging out with a cup of tea? When Hagrid is having a drink at the Three Broomsticks with other faculty members, why isn’t Dumbledore around? Hagrid seems to socialize with almost everyone else, but rarely, if ever, with Dumbledore. It seems like this isn’t a friendship, but the Headmaster using Hagrid for his own ends - just like he does with Harry.