When discussing Harry Potter, we generally mention the wizards and compare them based on their abilities, intelligence, and courage. The muggles from the story rarely garner any praise as they are simply ordinary people like you and me. We never to stop to think about their intelligence and how they fit into the grand scheme of things.

We have identified the ten brightest muggles who were in the Harry Potter series based on their jobs and actions in certain situations. There were not many muggles in the series, but those who were showed their true colors. Keep reading to learn about 10 muggle characters in Harry Potter ranked by intelligence!

Frank Bryce

We all loved the sweet old war veteran who cared for the Riddle’s house, but he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the bunch. Yes, he found a stable job making a decent wage, but he was framed for the murder of the Riddle family by Tom Riddle, Jr. himself.

Frank should have left town after the incident when the police released him due to lack of evidence. Instead, he decided to stay and continue his work under the new owner of the residence. Voldemort eventually came back to the house and killed him for overhearing his plot to kill Harry Potter, but if Frank had left years ago he might well have survived.

 Marjorie Dursley

This muggle was the older sister of Vernon Dursley and she spent her life breeding bulldogs. She appeared to be very wealthy from the expensive gifts she gave to Dudley, so she must have made a decent living off of her business.

We would have put her higher on the list due to her success as an entrepreneur, but she dropped this low because of her inability to see the truth about Harry. Marjorie believed every single lie she was told about Harry by Vernon and Petunia, instead of seeing him for what he was. She even verbally abused Harry to the point that he unintentionally used magic.

 Dudley Dursley

Dudley Dursley was fairly dimwitted compared to the rest of the family, but he understood the power that Harry held. He was mentally weaker which is why he picked on Harry and other neighborhood kids. That said, he grew used to strange occurrences happening over the years as he accepted magic was real.

Dudley showed how he could change and mature as a person after the dementor attack when he was the only family member to say his goodbyes to Harry. He was not the brightest when it came to his studies, but he did understand that wizards did, how to survive as the leader of the gang on the streets, and how to appreciate his heroic cousin.

 Petunia Dursley

Petunia Dursley was not very kind to Harry, but she did agree to take him in after his parents had died. She was quite intelligent as she had the capacity to understand what Lily told her about the wizarding world. However, she kept that part of her hidden due to her jealousy of her sister.

This is evident years later when she tells Vernon about the dementors, which she must have learned about during her childhood. All she wanted was to be normal, and we ranked her so low despite her intelligence due to how she treated Harry and incorrectly raised Dudley.

Mr. Creevey

Mr. Creevey was the muggle father of Colin Creevey, and even though we only hear of him in the story, we can already tell he has quite a bit of smarts. This father held a stable job as a milkman and only learned of magic after his boys received letters to Hogwarts in the mail.

He could have denied it or fought it, but instead, he let his sons head off to the magical school. It was obvious he showed his love and support as Colin Creevey constantly sent pictures home to his father.

 Tom Riddle Sr.

Tom Riddle Sr. was the father who abandoned Tom Marvolo Riddle in an orphanage. He grew up wealthy and managed to hold onto this wealth throughout his life. He married a witch after he was presumably drugged with a love potion, but his intelligence comes to light when he decides to leave her.

It is unknown why she stopped drugging him with the potion, and luckily Tom Riddle Sr. was smart enough to see that his involvement in the wizarding world was not meant to be. It might have set Voldemort on a different path, as he did eventually kill his father, but due to his snobbish nature, we bet it would only have made him worse.

 Mrs. Cole

Mrs. Cole was the matron of the 0rphanage where Tom Marvolo Riddle grew up. She was intelligent enough to help Tom’s mother give birth and immediately recognized that Tom was not like the other children.

She knew there was more to him than meets the eye, and she knew she was right when Dumbledore came through the orphanage doors to take him away to a new school. It came as a relief when he told her that Tom would be away for most of the year because she had a great enough intellect to realize that Tom would go on to do some horrible things.

Mr. Mason

Mr. Mason was a construction tycoon who had the intelligence to build a huge business. He knew that clients were supposed to butter him up, but he always looked deeper than the surface. When he visited the Dursley’s home he was thrown when the pudding crashed onto Mrs. Mason, but he knew something isn’t right when the owl flew into their home. It’s obvious Mr. Mason understood this was one family he wanted nothing to do with.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is the only elected official in Britain who is made aware of the existence of magic. They are visited by the Minister of Magic on the day of their appointment. It is obvious whoever holds this position has to be intelligent as they have the knowledge of their new post and an unimaginable other world pushed on them in the same day.

This Prime Minister, in particular, can manage and prioritize a lot as he deals with the escape of the prisoners from Azkaban, as well as the return of the Dark Lord. It is his job to convey to the public that there is a danger without saying what it is, and he does it well.

 Mr. and Mrs. Granger

It is no secret why Hermoine does so well at Hogwarts, as both of her parents are dentists. They both managed to pass their programs, but their knowledge of science doesn’t hold them back from accepting there is a world of wizards out there.

They continue to show support for Hermoine despite the otherworldly path she decides to walk. These two were even so brave as to enter the wizarding world with their daughter to help her buy supplies, and their acceptance combined with the intellect required for their careers is what puts them at the very top of our list.