You don’t need to look further than the Harry Potter series to find well-rounded characters who display all the qualities of what makes one human, and the protagonists were injected with the best features you can think of. Among these characters was Hermione Granger, a witch who far exceeded anyone’s expectations.

Hermione’s characterization didn’t end with how smart she was, as her character development saw her grow fully into her bravery and selfless spirit. During the course of the series, we had definite moments where she displayed these qualities the best, and here are 10 such things she did in the Harry Potter series.

Let Herself Be Taken By The Devil’s Snare

Some might argue that Hermione was aware of the Devil’s Snare’s characteristics when she let it happen, but we’d like to see you be so brave at the age of 11 to take a leap of faith and have living vines devour you.

When she and her friends were stuck in the Devil’s Snare, Hermione took a shot at avoiding a struggle since that would “kill faster” and willingly went down to test out her theory of survival. She could’ve had Harry try out her notion, but Hermione was open to sacrificing herself if it meant her friends would learn what to do next.

Get Petrified To Give Harry And Ron The Clue To The Chamber Of Secrets

Once Hermione realized that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was a basilisk, she headed off to the library to uncover its physiology, where she learned that the snake had been traveling using the pipes in the walls.

By this point, she could’ve waited things out and warned her friends when it was safe, but Hermione stepped in danger’s way and braved a journey in the castle with the snake on the prowl that very moment. She ended up petrified, but she did save Penelope Clearwater’s life and still managed to pass on the information to Harry and Ron, who ended up saving Hogwarts.

Report The Firebolt For Harry’s Safety At The Cost Of Their Friendship

In the novel version of Prisoner of Azkaban, the Firebolt had been delivered to Harry anonymously, but his delight was cut short when Hermione reported it to McGonagall who confiscated it. She knew Harry and Ron would stop talking to her if she went through with it, but Hermione still reported the Firebolt for Harry’s safety.

And it did cost her their friendship, as Hermione then spent weeks all by herself as Harry and Ron were too mad to speak to her. Still, she stuck to her guns because she had Harry’s safety at heart even if it meant being friendless.

Put Herself Before Sirius To Die For Harry

Sirius turned out to be a good guy, so Hermione was never in any real threat, but she had no clue of this when she made her bold claim. Here, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were cornered by Sirius in the Shrieking Shack, with the belief that he was there to kill Harry.

She could’ve stepped aside, which nobody would’ve held against her for being a 14-year-old girl against a man convicted of murdering dozens of people, but Hermione instead stepped in between Sirius to defend Harry. She even went so far as to boldly claim that Sirius would have to kill her and Ron first if he wanted to get his hands on Harry.

Forgive Ron For Hurting Her Multiple Times Even Though He Didn’t Apologize

There are many instances where Ron and Hermione should’ve broken up, and even before they became a couple Ron was guilty of doing wrong by her. However, Hermione didn’t hold these things against Ron and became his friend again even though he didn’t really deserve it.

The most striking example is of the time when Ron stopped talking to her in their sixth-year, with Ron also mocking Hermione many times along with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patel. Hermione was deeply hurt by his actions, but selflessly overlooked what he did after Ron was poisoned, even staying by his side when others had left.

Risk Never Seeing Her Parents Again For Their Safety

Yes, she had selfish intentions in that she was protecting her parents, but it’s a whole different scenario when one goes so far in protecting their loved ones that they might never even see them anymore. Hermione did just that when she wiped her parents’ memories.

This effectively meant they forgot everything about her, and even went across the world to Australia, meaning Hermione really might not have had any means to contact them after that. Still, not only did she go through with it, Hermione didn’t even mope around this tragedy like Ron and Harry would’ve if something like this had happened to them.

Accompany Harry To The Department Of Mysteries Despite Opposing The Idea

Only Hermione realized something was very off about Harry’s vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius in the Department of Mysteries, but this trepidation was stomped on by Harry who was concerned for Sirius’ life.

In the end, Hermione turned out to be right when it was revealed it was a trap set by Voldemort, yet she had still accompanied Harry to the Department of Mysteries in what should’ve been certain death. Even after she landed in the hospital after an attack by the Death Eaters almost killing her, Hermione didn’t hold it against Harry and was glad to put her life up for him again.

Stay With Harry Even When She Was In Love With Ron

Ron eventually had enough of the group’s constant dead-ends with their plan of destroying the Horcruxes and had a friendship-shattering fight with Harry. When he wanted to leave with Hermione, she chose to stay with Harry as she knew he would’ve been left all alone with the Death Eaters out to get him.

What made this so selfless was the fact that Hermione was head over heels in love with Ron by that point, meaning she was putting away a potential future away with him in favor of honoring her promise to Harry. This decision also got her almost devoured by Nagini not too long later, but Hermione still persevered.

Be The Only One To Speak For House-Elves

Thankfully JK Rowling hasn’t changed this aspect of Hermione over the years, as her unconditional sympathy for house-elves was what really defined her characterization. It got her many jeers and taunts from the other wizards, even from her friends, yet Hermione stuck to her beliefs.

Hermione could’ve had any position she wanted in the Ministry too, but she specifically chose to fight for laws that brought justice to other magical creatures. Nobody asked her to do any of this, it was all Hermione’s choice to fight for the voiceless.

Refuse To Break Under Torture By Bellatrix

Neville lost his parents to the madness caused by Bellatrix and her famed Cruciatus curse, and Hermione not only endured a similar torture, she refused to break as well. We’re well aware of Bellatrix’s abilities being one of the very best in wizarding history, so taking in abuse of this magnitude was something unprecedented.

Bellatrix also inflicted physical pain into Hermione using her knife, and the latter still kept quiet over Harry’s secret to protect him from Voldemort. There’s no doubt that not only was this Hermione’s greatest feat, it might just be the most selfless act by any character in the Harry Potter series.